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The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 6 years, 4 months ago
How to use the Gutenberg editor
WordPress is completely changing the default editor with the release of WP 5.0. They are going from the current TinyMCE editor to a block-based […]
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 6 years, 4 months ago
Create redirects with Pretty Links
Pretty links is a free WordPress plugin which creates custom redirect links using your own URL, instead of a standard redirect URL such as […]
Isreal Hartley posted an update 6 years, 5 months ago · updated 6 years, 4 months ago
What is the thought process to picking an appropriate theme/style advert for a commodity product/service? For example, a local carpet cleaning business (hypothetical).
Let’s assume the market is saturated (sophisticated) and the brand is relatively unknown and has been in operation for five years
I have brainstormed ideas below. Is it a waste o…Read more
Tim Garrett posted an update 6 years, 5 months ago · updated 6 years, 4 months ago
What do Bill Gates, The Ex British Prime Minister and Tony Robbins NOT Know that I DO KNOW. **** Help with my Online Funnel. Thank you ****
I have a fantastic product based on the 3 TRUE thyroid geniuses. It’s an info product, an eBook that is designed to help people recover from hypothyroidism and Lose Weight.
I have a funnel that needs…Read more
Hi Tim:
First question:
The best way to get more click-throughs to your VSL is to go directly there from the ad. Right now you are putting in an extra step which in itself will decrease your results. If you look at other ads (especially AdWords) you will see that almost all of them go directly to a sales page.
Also, when they go to your…Read more
You didn’t mention your ad, but it is very important to make sure the ad copy is directly related to the sales letter.
For example, if your ad says “Don’t let thyroid problems pack on the ponds” Your sales letter should repeat that exact same message. Otherwise people will be confused and won’t be as likely to watch the video.
Note: that…Read more
I would also suggest you take the Simple Writing System Coaching Program. it is still open and Lorrie can help you a lot in either selling more ebooks (if you only sell 50 more you can pay for the course) or in developing a sales letter for additional coaching, where the real money is.
There is a link in the right column.
Hi Virginia,
That’s super. I truly appreciate your help.
As far as i’m aware, its not possible to link directly from Adwords to a VSL, I think its against google adwords policy.
I am going to make some changes based on your advice for certain.
Here’s the ad copy, or most of it:
Thyroid Diet eBook. | [FREE BLOG]Thyroid Weight Loss | –…Read more
It is just a page with a video on it. Most of Google AdWords landing pages have videos on them these days, so I don’t think it is against their policy. If you think it is, then don’t do it. I am not an expert on AdWords. Personally I think you’d be just as well of on Facebook.
I would not start an ad off with “Thyroid Diet eBook”. No one want to buy an ebook. They want to lose weight. I think you would be better off leading with “Revealed: The #1 Tip For Weight Loss If You Have An Under Active Thyroid”. Then go to a landing page that starts off with “Revealed: The #1 Tip For Weight Loss If You Have An Under Active…Read more
Of course, you should be testing everything. Maybe the idea of an ebook is attractive to people. You never know.
Hey, once again, thank you so much. Thanks for your kind help.
Tim -
Hi Tim – I didn’t get to watching your video because I’m sure the page design is stopping most visitors from getting to the video.
Get the video up top.
Make the page look like it’s been created in the past 5 years. You have too much white space, too many different fonts, etc.
We can help you modernize your website (or at least your landing…Read more
Thank you a lot Stan. I’ll Do that. Tim
Hi Tim,
Have you had conversations with some folks who have had hypothyroidism? (The reason that I ask, is because I used to have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, I don’t have it any more because I had a complete thyroidectomy last year…my thyroid was pressing on my windpipe and stopping me from being able to breathe) and while the weight gain was…Read more
If you make claims like: Yes, however, when they are from the right sources, they make your body burn more calories than the calories in the food or drink.
For example:
1 glass of orange juice = 200 calories
Calories burned from this glass of OJ = 220then be sure to supply visible, easily accessible links to the science that supports…Read more
Tommy posted an update 6 years, 5 months ago · updated 6 years, 4 months ago
Super-quick update (from following your guys advice) and another questions.
*Update* I read “go for no” and ordered John’s Freelance course… and now I am 100% pursuing a career as a freelance copywriter, following EVERY piece of advice John is giving (so thanks for that… I’m a raw rooking right now and really loving it!)
*Question* Was this…Read more
First thing, I would not talk about “marketing strategy” to the non-profit. It is a “fund-raising strategy”. Unless they do some other type of marketing. I am assuming that they do 2 things: get the word out about the services they offer and raise money to pay for it. It is possible that “marketing” leaves a bad taste in their mouths. I…Read more
>> I tried to help this group with marketing strategy in the past and it was stupidly hard… the leaders just don’t “get” marketing, so it’s a super low priority for them… and I eventually gave up <<
Unless something has happened that makes you highly confident this situation has been reversed, I strongly suggest you punt on this idea now.
If th…Read more
@virginia thank you for the input. I just wanted to do it to help them and wasn’t going to charge a penny.
So after getting your advice and Stan’s I decided to call this off and just focus on getting good at making moolah. (thank you for directing me to John’s freelancer course by the way… I’m going all-in with it and absolutely loving the process!)
@stand You’re awesome Stan. Thank you for saving me again. I just emailed the organization to call the plan off and I’m now going to only focus on making shit loads of money. Appreciate you brother. It’s nice being able to get advise from a kick-ass marketer like you!
Yeah I agree with @stand on this one. Non-Profits are impossible. They have a completely different mindset that nobody on earth will change. Change has to come from them and that is unlikely.
Thanks for the input Zack! @results-hq
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Okay. Thanks.
Hi I just want to add that you are not the Hero, your customer is. You are the “guide” that can help get them out of their crappy situation. Also you could really flesh this out by telling a “story” that resonnates with your core demo. For example I am having my carpets cleaned next week before my family comes for Thanksgiving, god forbid my moth…Read more
Israel, I’ve got to say, I found this offer of yours quite compelling and not-boring:
• “I’ve got OCD therefore I love cleaning…”
I’ve never ever ever seen something like that arrive in my mail box. And, in my family, we clean our carpets just about anytime a carpet cleaning company mails us. We DON’T care who the company is. To us it’s jus…Read more