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Larry Yap posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago · updated 8 years, 10 months ago
Hello, new copywriter from Singapore that needs a kick (almost wrote “kiss” there…talk about freudian slips) in the ass. Signed up immediately after reading John’s copy about watching too much TV. Figured its the best way to get going.
I’m working on building funnels because that’s what businesses need. However I need more skills and…Read more
Jesse Gilbert posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago · updated 8 years, 10 months ago
Can This Sly, Tiny Bit of Software Add $100,000 + To Your Income?
Dear MRC members,
I would like you to read over some copy and joining and promoting the writing software Brainstorm Pro to your list. Please contact me via pm with any questions.
You can read it here:
password mrc
http://www.brainstormpro.com/mrc/Jesse Gilbert
“Don’t bunt. Aim…Read more
Hi Jesse,
I was hesitant to even start writing because there is so much going on in your letter.
It seems like you’re spending a LOT of time and energy trying to say, “Writing Great Copy That Sells Is Hard… My Brainstorm Software Makes It Easy!”
It does seem like you are trying to shoe-horn the term ‘Brainstorm’ in like it’s part of the…Read more
thanks. I appreciate the feedback. You have a lot of great points in there. My only question is I’m not sure where it wasn’t clear that it’s not simply a thesaurus. I put a lot of info on the swipes features, which is the main thing that makes Brainstorm Pro powerful…
But don’t worry…The demo is almost ready…and I can put a video up. I like…Read more
I updated the sales letter with demos. Feel free to comment here or privately. Thanks.
Hey Jesse, Congrats on your first sale.
I saw a letter that opened a bit like the way yours could, and I swiped and made it about copy in case it might help.
If the names “Halbert” or “Bencivenga” don’t mean anything to you, go ahead and leave this page.
You see my friend, today I’m reaching out only to the community of people known as ‘Copy…Read more
lol. yeah I can write in that style if needed…In fact I have a very edgy letter that may be too over the top, that only seasoned copywriters could handle. But for now I think just qualifying with copywriters only is enough.
Hi Jesse,
Evan makes some good points. I’ll restate the best one.
Throw this out and start over.
I’m not doing you any favors if I sugar coat this. I’ll make just 3 points you need to fix. Feel free to post again when you’ve addressed those.
Headlines like this only appeal to people who at that moment have a life problem they think money can…Read more
ok thanks. give me a day or two and I will post a video. Right now I have a solid product for copywriters but it is only for PC. I will explain why when I post. It is hard to do a major launch without mac compat, especially for the writer’s market. I think when you see the video you will understand a little better what Brainstorm Pro is all about.
hello everybody,
i just looked at the video from john carlton “how to write a book in 14 days” and i find it very interesting.
Thus i’m a big fan of his blog the rant and love to read it.
And i have a question, cause i have study copywriting for a while and i can see the writing techniques for a direct sale letter (for direct mail or a web site…Read more-
You use the same process as finding hooks for headlines in regular ads. While, yes, the actual copy in a book is usually different than in an ad — because you’re strictly informing, rather than leading the reader through a persuasive sales message — getting a reader INTERESTED in what you’ve written still requires salesmanship.
So you write…Read more
yes, it completely makes sense !!! thanks a lot for your response and the inspiration from your copys.
I really love how you’ve written ” the entrepreneur’s guide to getting your shit together”…
i just have to do it now.
thanks again !!!
rakoff posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago · updated 8 years, 10 months ago
Have any tips to making an online splash / landing page looking “valuable” and hiding it from behind a blatant advertisement & something trying to sell you..?
Mainly without turning a simple splash page into a fake article / blog.
Or is that not much of a concern for you?
Leonard posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago · updated 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi everyone,
I just wrote a new project and a critique before launching could help me. But I’m not sure how to approach this.
I’m not a totally beginner… I studied, of course, John Carlton, but also Eugene Schwartz, John Caples and Clayton Makepeace.
But I’m not also an expert also because this in only my 4th project…
So while I’m sure…Read more
Hi Theodor: You could apply for a hot seat to get John and Stan to critique your letter. There is a link to the right under “Hot Seats and Consulting” that tells you how to apply. This is a service available to all Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club members.
Thank you Virginia, I’ll do that right now.
Cool. If you do apply and don’t receive a response from me within 24 hours send me a PM.
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