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  • I just got started !! I wanna land my first high paying client in the web copy niche (sales pages, content, emails, website conversion…)

    What I can offer to my clients is having the experience of an own business and knowing what’s like to create copy that lands clients. Also, I am trained and certified by some of the TOP marketing / business…Read more

    • Hi Tomass: Welcome to the Club!

      I don’t see any question here but would suggest you pick up John’s Freelance Course (link in the right column). It is very inexpensive and could save you a lot of time and effort by showing you a proven path to landing copy clients.

    • John’s Freelance course will make quick work out of your troubles, my man. It’s the secret insider’s guide that skips your suffering and shortcuts the path.

      You’ll fall madly in love with it, dude.

    • Thank you Jimmy! Thanks Virginia.

      @Jimmy: Did you start out as a freelancer with John’s Course?

    • @ Virignia: If I get the freelance course, will I get instant digital access too?

      Cause I live in Germany and that’s quite a route for the package to be delivered. What is also your experience, how long does it take for a package to arrive to Germany / Europe?

    • ahh ok MP3 as far as I can tell, too… okay!

    • Hey Tomass,

      My story is a little unusual — I first wrote for Agora Financial, then I picked up some outside work.

      That’s where the Freelance course came in handy.

      There was a lot of stuff I didn’t know…

      …and the course answered a lot of questions I didn’t know I had.

      Does that make sense?

    • Yes Jimmy, it does!

  • Hey guys, I’m working away. Signed up with UpWork, but realized it would be smart that the first piece of copy I write is a letter promoting my services and what I’ve got to offer. Doing the leg work for that.

    One thing I run into occasionally is I’ll get stuck in my head with daydreams of sitting in the hotel bar, cracking up with John, Stan…Read more

    • Hi Mike: Great to hear you are taking action.

      Personal opinion: A certain amount of “daydreaming” could be helpful to put your subconscious mind to work helping you achieve your goals. Not so much that it interferes with your progress, though.

      After 2 hours of working I think your mind is telling you it needs a break…

    • Thanks, Virginia. Yep, I have to keep attention on the ‘take a break’ part. Agreed, the daydreaming is fun and useful, until it gets in the way.

      Also, let me know if comments like these are appropriate for this forum. It could be the intention here is more so “Hey, I have this marketing problem, any suggestions?”

      Mike W

    • Hi Mike: You can post anything you want, as long as it is positive and helpful (not negative, slanderous, racist, deceitful, hurtful to anyone else…you get my drift). Whatever is on your mind…

  • Hey everyone. I am running some Google Ads for my stainless steel coffee mugs. The click-thru rats is ok. However, I’m not getting any sales. So, I would your thoughts on the landing page found here: https://titangearonline.com/stainless-steel-coffee-mugs-02/

    • Hi Ryan:

      What is your targeting for the ads? What do the ads say?

      Make sure that the text in the ad is directly related to the copy at the top of your landing page or you will lose people. This would also hurt your relevance in the eyes of Google which will make your ads more expensive.

      Unless your price is in the ad I would not put it at the…Read more

    • 1. Thank you for your feedback!
      2. I’m trying to get some numbers before I attend John’s mastermind in February.
      3. How can I share my ads?
      4. I added the price in the offer itself based on something I interpreted from John’s Kickass Copywriting secrets course. I’m totally open to testing it, of course. I completely agree with your arg…Read more

    • Hi Ryan

      Yes, you should test everything.

      Good to hear that you are going to the Mastermind. You will get some great feedback and action steps to help you improve your results.

      If you want to share your ads you can print them out on a PDF and upload them. We have info on how to upload PDFs to the Clubhouse here:…Read more

  • Are”Kick ass Marketing Secrets of A Marketing Rebel”
    Program available on MP3? Or just a mailed cd and materials?

    • Hi Arnold:

      Sorry I didn’t see this sooner. Kickass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel is available online as MP3. It is listed under the “Premuim Services” tab in the Main Menu. It looks like you already have access, so just go there and you will see the recordings.

    • Thank You Virginia! It saved me lots of time to dive into it! Look forward to it!

  • Hey y’all,

    My name’s Mike. I’ve been signed up with the Rebel Club for a few weeks, but have been pouring over my Kick-ass Secrets & Freelance course materials (I’ve been dissecting JC’s “nickel” letter piece by piece like a cadaver in med school.)

    Finally got to the point of saying “Good enough!, What would I need to do to be writing copy…Read more

    • Hey Mike, welcome to heaven and hell!

      You’re in the right place. It seems like the greatest freelancers come from a life well lived.

      What’s your first big step, man?


    • Hey Jimmy!

      A good (and daunting) question… What to do NEXT.

      A) I’ve got a list I had bought from a broker of about 150 local businesses, hiding on my hard drive. I dug this up.

      B) Checked for copy writing gigs on Craigslist.

      Brazen prostitution:

      Lead Page 4

      Also, a gig of someone wanting a resume written.

      I’m actually…Read more

    • Hey Jimmy!

      A good (and daunting) question… What to do NEXT.

      A) I’ve got a list I bought from a broker of about 150 local businesses, hiding on my hard drive. I dug this up.

      B) I did a search on Craigslist for local copy writing gigs.

      Brazen prostitution:

      Found a website called CashForWriters dot whatever.

      Also a gig for writing a…Read more

    • Whoops, I see how the reply thing works now.

    • Hey Mike, great to have you on board!

      Another pretty good place to start is with Upwork. You won’t want to build a copywriting career around it – if that’s even possible -, but if you’re looking to build a portfolio while making some $ (I’ve been on it for about a year and despite it’s rep, as a copywriter you can make decent to very good $…Read more

    • Hi Spencer, thanks man!

      That looks pretty decent. I’m going to sign up and get started.

      Solid tip…thanks!


    • Sure thing Mike!

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