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  • Hey marketing rebels! I’m looking for a proven way to do an in-depth market research for a new market. I
    Can you please direct me to the best resource about how to do online market research here in our club? Thanks and have a great weekend,

  • Hi everyone, I’m excited to finally be a part of REAL like-minded copywriters and business owners. I heard about the club in Perry Marshall’s interview with John, and was totally blown away that a place like this exists and it doesn’t cost a fortune.
    So I’m Shlomi, an electrical engineer by profession that got fed up with the corporate world and…Read more

    • Hi Shlomi: Congratulations on taking action. If I may give you one piece of advice (realizing that you didn’t ask for any) I would suggest that you pick a niche to start with. It is easier to get clients if you are specializing in their niche. I would also suggest that you look into John’s Freelance Course. There is a link in the right…Read more

    • Thanks foe the warm welcome Drew, I think my best start will be leveraging my engineering experience and start with tech b2b. Thanks for the tips and I’ll definitely look into those

  • Hey guys, first off, I’m very excited to be part of the club.

    I started my journey to become a freelance copywriter back April of 2017. I landed my first full-time client in October of that year. My main problem is I’ve only had one other paying client since and that was a family member. So selling myself over the phone/mail in order to close…Read more

    • Hi George: Welcome to the Club! Once you have one client and start getting some success with that one, you can leverage off that success to get more clients more easily. As you find success with one client your self-confidence will also grow, so you will find it easier to speak to other prospects.

      As far as marketing yourself, as I just told…Read more

  • HI guys i have a wedding videography business and was looking for some marketing tips to intice new customers to get on board and want help with copy writing my gf believes sales copy is only for low end products and that high end buyers would never “fall for it” is their any tips or assitance?

    • Hi Pete, thanks for the reply well i am trying to differentiate myself from the competition so i thought to myself what would be valuable to a client outside of wedding videgraphy and i saw that a lot of people are terrified about the wedding speeches so as of johns recommendation in kick ass copywriting secrets i went to the library got every…Read more

    • Hi Ari: Yes, the real world gets in the way of good copy once in a while. John always says that if the client (which could be your gf in this case) likes a letter it is the kiss of death. So, the fact that she is nervous about sending it out may be a good sign.

      I would suggest, if you have a letter or script for a video that you want to…Read more

  • hi everyone MAY GOD BLESS towards success in this course that we are all in im from Vancouver BC Canada and got to here because of Dan Lok.He is a millionaire living here and mentoring others to be like him as he started out with copywriting first then to other skillsets thats my goal as well to gain and use this knowledge in the future

    • Hi Jagjit: Welcome to the club and to the Simple Writing System coaching program. Colin is a wonderful teacher and I know you will get a lot out of it, as I did when I took it a few years ago.

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How to use Audacity

Audacity is a popular tool for recording audios.  It is also free. It is easy to use once you have it set up, but the set up process may be confusing for some, so we created a video to show how to get it working properly. 2024 update:  I recently installed Audacity on...

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