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  • Hi all! Here’s how I decided to join the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club:

    I was just sort of fishing through old emails in hotmail, an account I don’t really use anymore and found a link to this article: http://www.john-carlton.com/2016/02/it-aint-complicated/

    It kind of met me where I’m at. I have produced some software and it is getting g…Read more

    • If you have windows and can try it out (there is a free version) maybe you can let me know what you think.

      The concept is fairly simple and I’m considering improving it to make it non windows dependant (mac/linux etc…)

      Also, just for free website traffic sake, I made a trimmed down online version:…Read more

    • Haven’t run ads on facebook (sort of burnt on ppcs) And having a hard time figure out where to put the offer (above the fold). I’m not very competent at split testing and honestly don’t have the traffic to evaluate it yet.

      Thanks for the feedback looking forward to more.

    • Hi Jesse: A few questions…

      1. Who is your market?
      2. When I googled “thesaurus”, everything on the first page was free. Who else is selling a paid thesaurus/dictionary similar to yours? How do you know that people are willing to pay for this?
      3. Where do the people in your market hang out? The way to get free opt-ins is to get involved…Read more

    • I would also look into Facebook ads. Much less expensive and more effective for what you are doing than adwords at this time . We have a lot of information on how to do facebook ads on the site.

      Also, what is your offer to JV partners? What do they do and how are they compensated? How have you tried to find them so far?

      • Thanks for the feedback and insights. All points are very valid and appreciated.

        I’ve invested a lot… though I could probably do some facebook ads…I will look into it again today.

        I should do the split testing…I actually have a script in place I just have to figure it out as I have an addon for wordpress called thrivethemes that might…Read more

        • slightly messy anyways. wow I really should clean up my copywriting notes and sketches

          • 1. Who is your market?
            Anyone who writes anything. (from poetry competitions, school students, copywriters, songwriters, bloggers, SEOs, freelancers etc…

            2. When I googled “thesaurus”, everything on the first page was free. Who else is selling a paid thesaurus/dictionary similar to yours? How do you know that people are willing to pay for thi…Read more

      • I edited the site per your specifications. I think it is better but await your comments. Thanks

        • It looks better. In order to figure out how to market it, the first thing to do is look at your competitors. What are they doing? I asked you who your competitors are and what competing products are out there but you didn’t answer that. Market research is the first thing you should be doing. If your competition uses JV partners, who are they?…Read more

    • Hi Jesse: If you want to see if anyone wants to JV, start another thread and put out a request. It would get lost in this thread. Don’t ask any other questions. in that post. Just say that you are looking for JVx. Have a very short intro to the software, give a link to the sales and opt in pages and tell them if they are interested to send you a PM.

  • Hi. I’m looking for JV partners for my futuristic writing software Brainstorm Pro. It covers all writing types, believe it or not.
    You can see the homepage squeeze here:
    And the sales letter here:

    I do have a script to redirect with a code if needed to dif landing…Read more

  • I\’m looking for an information product platform and Google has produced mediocre results for that search phrase.

    Ideally I\’d like something that can hold Video, Audio, and pdf, where can I find these services and are there any recommendations?

  • If possible, please could anyone point me in the direction, of example websites/CMS graphically designed by Pete Hudson. I am researching evergreen sites (looking for ideas and initiate) as a core framework/CMS linking to a number of sales pages, before embarking on creating a CMS myself… As a quick background, I am a business transformation s…Read more

    • Hi Pete, Thank you for the speedy response. I will take a look at your suggestions. The plan is find a simple theme, and outsource the production of Wordpress to a three party (graphic agency) using my own server environment (have total control). I have watched your video clip, and will follow your advice. Being an typical engineer, I will spend…Read more

    • Hi Pete, Brendan’s suggestion is 1000% inspiration I was looking for… I just don’t want a standard website. I need something that will wake people up… beers on me for this direction. Warmly, Ian

    • Sure have plan, and going to make it happen… Once I have thought through the basic outlined sales system infrastructure, I will send over the wireframe. Thank you for your advice, as it’s greatly appreciated…

  • Just a couple of quick questions to the insiders club. After watching James Scramko action seminar, and success of outsourcing. Please could James or somebody else recommend server space/support service company to host WordPress, and applications in the future. I want to take control of my own hosting environment, based on Christian Hills…Read more

    • Hi Ian – I haven’t outsourced design / development of a website in a long time, so I don’t have a company to recommend. Most of our current clients either have staff in-house, or are using tools like OptimizePress, Click Funnels, or Lead Pages to get what I call “good enough” websites up quickly.

      If the site takes off and more is needed, then…Read more

      • Hi Stan,
        Thank you for your quick response. I agree with your advice, as I was looking for shortcuts. And coming to the realisation that kissing frogs is a fact of being self employed. I will Take a look at Pete’s recommendation, otherwise will get searching and try. Again thank you for your advice. Warmest regards, Ian

    • Hi Pete, thank you for getting back to me. Okay, will check out your recommendation, otherwise it’s back to kissing a volume of frogs. It’s becoming a speciality… I will back to your with those wireframes, as they are drawn on paper right now. Warmly Ian

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