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Evan Chacker posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago · updated 8 years, 11 months ago
Anyone here have a site in the fitness niche?
Teemu Kinnunen posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago · updated 8 years, 11 months ago
Hello Rebels!
I am delighted to be in this group.
I’ve been doing online marketing for companies in Finland since 2010. I make about 8000 euros per month doing stuff like adwords, facebook ads and conversion optimization. I have about 10 written testimonials from past clients and generally people are happy with the results they are getting from…Read more
Maybe I just have to learn how to say “NO”, get some rest, have some vacation and get organised. Impossible 🙂
Hi Teemu. Welcome!
I suspect you’re making the mistake most service providers make on that first call.
You’re giving away the playbook for free.
Structure that first call so that you’re asking them a lot of questions.
Get them to tell them what their goals or objectives are.
Then ask them what they think they need to do, or want to do, or…Read more
Rob Bucher posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago · updated 8 years, 11 months ago
So…i went out and purchased several private label products after discussing with Virginia how to create my own product. The sole reason was to write copy for a product and try to sell it.
I wanted to take action…regardless if it succeeds or fails.
The copy took about one day to write and several days to edit.
I don’t think the copy really…Read more
Hi Rob,
Before getting into your copy and website, I’m going to take this opportunity to cover some basics I get asked ever few months.
I’m obviously not accusing you of anything. Just asking questions I’d ask anyone who came to me for this sort of help.
It is not legal (or ethical) to make up stuff in an ad.
Can you produce the people, or…Read more
Thanks for the insight Stan, greatly appreciated. And I believe I should remove the testimonials since they were the ones enclosed with the product.
But I see many other marketers do the same thing in their copy…
Take Travis Sago and the Magic of Making Up, the entire sales copy is a made up story and he used a pen name also…I also know…Read more
Rob, Good for you that you focused on getting one product and ad out there. Every journey begins with the first step. And that’s usually one of the hardest steps you’ll take.
Yes, many people make up everything in their ads. Once we jump into the pool and call ourselves “marketers”, we need to accept we are swimming with the sharks and the…Read more
Stan, thank you for the professional wisdom, I will take it to heart.
I will always strive to be ethical…Karma seems to come back and deliver wicked revenge when you purposely wrong someone.
Regarding this product…I imagine it really wont sell many copies based on the preventative nature of the ebook and my rookie writing talents.
From what…Read more
Mike Collins posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago · updated 8 years, 12 months ago
Hey I’m Mike, just joined, glad to be here. I do marketing consulting and have had some success with my clients (generated about $100k in extra profit for them so far). I’m also working on some other projects. My biggest problem with my business right now is just getting my basic sales funnel up and running. I have ideas that I’m implementing now.…Read more
Monique Rembert posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago · updated 8 years, 12 months ago
Ok. I have another questions. I’ve written a couple of blog posts. I’ve promoted them on my Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter since that is where my target market likes to be. How else do I promote my blog and get my name out there?
Hi Monique: You could record your blog posts as videos and post them on Youtube. Also, look into instagram. I don’t know what your niche is but Periscope might be of interest, as well.
You could find some other blogs in your niche and ask to contribute to them, with a link to your blog. You could also try submitting to ezinearticles.com. I…Read more
We have a post on how to convert articles to video here: https://1023.marketingrebelclub.com/lessons/convert-articles-to-video/. You don’t need a camera and don’t have to appear on the video.
Another thing you could do, depending on your niche, is to start a podcast. You can record some audios to start and then interview some other experts in your niche. One good thing about interviewing other people is that they will promote it, as well. We are currently doing a series of posts that will get you started in podcasting.
Thank you so much for your guidance! I can’t wait to get started on some of these.
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Hi Pete, I’m working on a new offer and was looking to find a fitness site where I can have them post about my new offer with a link to the offer, then I drive traffic to their site for the 3rd party endorsement.
Hi Evan,
We’ve had several client in our Platinum Mastermind Group in many different aspects of the fitness market.
So there’s a good chance I have some experience if you have some specific questions.
Hi Stan,
I’m looking to pre-frame the sales page I’m working on…
And don’t want random JVs because they all use the same click-bait “Is XXX a scam?” and ruin your business’s rep in the process.
So I wanted to find someone who could put up an article saying how great we are…
Seems that packs a stronger wallop than me just saying how great…Read more