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JonathanC posted an update 9 years ago · updated 9 years ago
Growing my freelance marketing business and working on two funnels to bring in leads. First one then the other: 1.) Recording studios that need to book more studio time. 2.) For artists who need an artist bio written + a marketing angle for their band and Using ClickFunnels and Facebook ads for the landing page and traffic.
Any words of advice?…Read more
Steve Light posted an update 9 years ago · updated 9 years ago
Hi guys,
I’m really enjoying the Simple Writing System, I’m currently on Point #3 on creating a USP.There’s a guy in the audience who is in a similar line of work to me, he designs websites for accountants specifically.
I was thinking about niching down to new businesses only, so they can start off on the right foot and get great clients from…Read more
I love formulating questions as I’m getting some ideas already 🙂
Perhaps I could send a survey to a small section of new business owners to find out what their biggest problems are.
Another thought on this…
Something that stood out, that people pay don’t pay a cent for prevention but will pay anything for a cure.
In a way, is helping a new business preventing them from screwing up?
Could I go and help business who have a gun to their head or they’ll have to close?
Here are some things to consider when trying to figure out who to help:
1. Who knows already that they need help? This is what John calls finding a parade and getting in front of it rather than trying to create your own parade.
2. Who can afford your help? New business owners and those about to go out of business may need your help…Read more
Thank you Virginia, some really useful advice here!
Yes, that makes a lot of sense.
Who knows that they already need help?
Good question…
I’m thinking, how could I target those who know they need help?
Something for me to think about…Who are the people that are hungry for the kind of help I offer and have lots of cash to solve their problems?
Thank you Virginia. Increasing I’m thinking I ought to change up my niche focus for the reasons you mentioned. There’s likely money here but not BIG money.
Steve – In any niche, I’d recommend you identify 5-20 people or businesses you can reach out to who would be the perfect client.
Then build the absolute minimum funnel you’ll need to capture then. Minimal website to present what you do and capture contact info.
Then decide what your first offer will be.
Then work on a phone or face-to-face…Read more
Rob Bucher posted an update 9 years ago · updated 9 years ago
I am interested in creating my own informational products and wanted to know if anyone had any shortcuts to product creation.
Hi Rob,
Do you know what format the informational products will take – e.g. ebooks, videos…
For the most part they would be ebooks, with the probability of video or audio as an upsell.
One trick I heard years ago was that, to write a 100 page ebook,
#1: Identify the 10 most important points you’ll make. Each one will be a chapter. (Average of 10 pages each.)
#2: For each chapter, identify the most important points you want to make. Each one is a page.
#3: For each page, pick the 10 most important points. Each one will be a…Read more
Another piece of advice (probably from Ted Nicholas): write the salesletter before you write the book.
Then write the book the salesletter describes.
Thank you so much Steven, I appreciate your insight.
1. Interview experts in your niche. then you can go to fiverr and get the interview transcribed and you would have an audio and a PDF for each.
2. Purchase good quality PLR and re-write it. Don’t use it as is. You can also record it and, again, you would have a PDF and audio.
3. Interview yourself. If you hate to write or don’t want to…Read more
Grateful for all this incredible information. I will definitely put this to use in the near future.
Hey Rob,
The secret is to create your marketing first.
Then create the product that delivers the promises you’ve made.
Working the other means your ads and marketing will never be as good because you’re shoe-horning them to fit the product instead of the other way around.
Steve Light posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago · updated 9 years ago
Hey John, Stan and The Rebels,
#My question, in short: How do I get my first copywriting client in the door, without any prior testimonials?
I have been a self employed web designer since 2007. To be totally honest with you, I haven’t been a very good one as I would always be rushing my work to get the next buck in.
I took a break more or less…Read more
Hi Steve,
What did you do to get clients when you were doing web design work?
I could give you other tips, but it’s usually best for people to start from somewhere they are comfortable and/or have a degree of success and grow from there.
Great question Stan, thank you.
Firstly, I did a free website for an acquaintance and it grew from there.
That’s why it’s good to voice these thoughts, as John said in one of his talks with Kevin Halbert, that lone entrepreneurs can have a bit of incorrect thinking as things aren’t voiced.
Appreciate your reply.
Hi Steve: You should check out John’s Freelance Course. It also comes with “Kickass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel”. You can see it here: http://marketingrebel.com/freelance-course/ . I am not an affiliate and don’t earn anything for promoting it. I purchased both products myself, and highly recommend them. Since you have SWS you probabl…Read more
Hey Virgina, Thank you for your reply. I will go all in and purchase the freelance course. Appreciate the recommendation.
How have you been getting on with your copywriting Virginia?
Hi Steve: I didn’t pursue a copywriting career. I am doing some stuff for myself and serve as editor in chief (4 years later and we still don’t have a real good title) of Marketing Rebel Club.
I just bought the Freelance course! 🙂
I am lucky enough to know an expert in a niche and asked him about creating a product. Luckily enough, he just hired me to write the sales letter for a product he plans on launching in a couple of months.
One down I guess, with many to go.
Thank you Pete for your encouraging reply.
It’s definitely something I’ve considered, and it was more of a mental block than anything else. What I mean by that is, because I have such a low opinion of my previous work, I assume that clients wouldn’t want further support from me.
I don’t know until I ask. So I’ve messaged one client…Read more
Chuck D posted an update 9 years ago · updated 9 years ago
Hi everyone! I’m Chuck from South Florida. Glad to be here. Been writing copy for the past 8 years. Following John for most of them. I’ve had the pleasure of working with clients like Agora and Strategic Profits (Rich Schefren) so I’ve had some success. But I’m looking to take my copy to a whole ‘nother level. (That and I really want to direct…)
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Hi Jonathan – This is kind of a vague question, but I’ll try to give you some pointers –
Do you know how to write copy? Have you been through the Simple Writing System or some other training program? Or do you have a track record that demonstrates you know how to structure a message so it sells?
Do the people in these niches have the money to…Read more