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Brian Leist posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago · updated 5 years, 3 months ago
Hello there…I am new here…My name is Brian
Pedro Martins posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago · updated 5 years, 3 months ago
Hey everyone! I am new to the club and just wanted to say hi and let you know that I am proud and happy to be here.
Larry LaFata posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago · updated 5 years, 3 months ago
Hey just joined MRIC, hellova happy, you should did this years a go, John & Stan!!
John Carlton is the Eric Clapton, the Jimmy Page, the Jimmy Hendrix of Marketing,
and have been following him for years. Should be able to afford him by 2027. -
Sean Ring posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago · updated 5 years, 4 months ago
Just wanted to write a YUGE thank you to MRIC, Stan, and John. Today, I finished the Freelance Copywriter Course. Eye-opening, to say the least. Working to implement everything I read. Thanks again!
Great news, Sean! Let us know how you are getting on.
Hi Virginia! Thanks for asking. I’ve built my website, seanring.com, updated my LinkedIn profile, and rejigged my Facebook business page. I’ve got a load of financial qualifications from over 20 years in banking, but getting into financial copywriting seems to be difficult. Any advice would be welcome, as would a critique of my website and…Read more
Hi Sean: Sorry… I responded to the wrong post when I suggested the hot seat. It should have gone here.
No worries, Virginia! I got the message anyway. Thanks for your help!
Arnold Flores posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago · updated 5 years, 4 months ago
Hey Virginia!
I would love to see some input and critique of this sales spec “mock” letter that I will be tested on next week! I would love to have your thoughts on all of it. Let me know what you think. this sales letter will be printed so no picture or links will be posted in the letter. Here is the link –…Read more
Hi, Arnold
Well… if there are no links you have to change the call to action (click here).
Beyond that… I would re-work the pre-head. “Marvelous Book Announces Most Guaranteed Peak Confidence Principles… ” is not very good English, and won’t really grab the reader. Who wants to read another book? You want some kind of teaser or…Read more
Thank you, Virginia!
This is the exactly what I need to succeed! Much appreciated and I am getting to use your suggestions right away!
Recent Member Lessons
How to use the Gutenberg editor
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Create redirects with Pretty Links
Pretty links is a free WordPress plugin which creates custom redirect links using your own URL, instead of a standard redirect URL such as bit.ly This gives you a cleaner, more professional look. Also, the analytics are available right in your dashboard. We created a...
Easily create HTML snippets to add to your posts
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An on-demand accountability partner?
I came across an interesting site the other day and thought I'd pass it along. A big problem for many who work alone is maintaining focus. There are so many distractions that it is sometimes hard to keep your mind on your work. And no boss to remind you to...
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Welcome, Brian!