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Arry Nersisian posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago · updated 7 years, 11 months ago
Hey everyone. I’m a new member here and I have a question regarding email marketing.
I’ve been in the cold B2B email industry for a while now, and in here message-brevity is the king… or at least… that’s what ‘gurus’ say. But I was always curious, if a long, fun message for a cold B2B email campaign may haul in a good deal of responses.…Read more
Kurt Ostergaard posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago · updated 7 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I just joined the Insiders Club and I’m doing the SWS Home Study Course.
In January I started a business with an award winning commercial director (3 Super Bowl commercials) in the NYC area. He was tired of working for ad agencies after 15 years and I was tired of working in financial services after Wall Street and insurance work.
I am taking…Read more -
james watt posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago · updated 7 years, 11 months ago
Hello there, I am new to the insiders club and I am going through the SWS home study course.
I am trying to find a demographics tool or websites that can help me narrow down my avatar.
Any help and suggestions will be gratefully recieved.
Hi James: Welcome to the Club.
One thing that is good to use, if you target market is on Facebook, is Facebook’s Audience Insights. I created a video here: https://1023.marketingrebelclub.com/lessons/fb-ads-01-get-likes/ which is about advertising for page likes but if you go to minute 19:20 it explains how to use audience insights for…Read more
Thanks Very much. I will check it out.
What is your market?
Thanks, I have checked it out and it is very helpful.
I am selling a info product teaching people how to trade forex. It’s been a long road so far but I have all my infrastructure in place but my copy is a bit crap.
That’s why i’m here.
Excellent advice from Virginia.
And James, now that you have a clue… it’s your turn to go deeper, on your own. Start with Google — just ask obvious questions about demographics, and follow all leads that pop up. Spend some quality time going down rabbit holes, and within an afternoon, you could become an actual first-level “expert” at finding…Read more
Thanks John.
I was struggling with it yesterday and Virginia suggestion really helped. I will have another crack at it tomorrow.
I’m getting closer each time.
Don’t let this stop you. If you can get a good idea as to who would be interested in this product you can keep moving and narrow down the avatar as you go. You probably already have a good idea as to who your customer would be.
Yes I have narrowed down the age, marital status, job and income, sex. Just need to find out what they like to spend their money on. I’Lloyd keep searching. Thanks for all you help.
Evan Chacker posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago · updated 7 years, 11 months ago
re: Pat Garrard Ads…
Can anyone please point me towards a few Pat Garrard headlines or ads?
I can’t seem to find any.
Thank you.
Hi Evan. I know that Pat Garrard was an “A List” copywriter, who worked with the likes of Boardroom…
… but I never followed him, nor met him. I’ll ask some colleagues, but I’ve never heard of any collection of his ads. He wrote mainly for the large mailers, I think… and unless he personally chose to share those pieces, they would not have…Read more
Thanks for keeping me in the know John!
If you find anything out, let me know… I’m all ears!
All I’ve found is his website. There are, I’m told, samples of his stuff there.
Most of the A List writers do not share much of their stuff, outside of clients.
Here’s that URL: http://pwhgarrard.com/
He’s also on Facebook, if you want to follow him.
Thanks John!
Jonathan Childs posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago · updated 7 years, 11 months ago
Man stuck in Wheelchair because of Auto Accident can walk again ,But I need your advice.
Let me explain.
I am part of Digital Marketer Lab ( Traffic and Conversion Summit ) and I am trying to help get Lab Members to donate to a go fund me campaign for a fellow lab member that could give a man stuck in a wheelchair the ability to walk again.…Read more
Hi Jon: Pete has given you some great suggestions. I have a couple of questions, because I am not involved with Digital Marketer.
Are Molly Pitman, Russ Henneberry, and Lindsay Marder well-known in the community?
How are you going to distribute this video? Do you have permission to post in the community (forum, FB group, whatever they…Read more
The people who”s names i mentioned in the post are well known to any one inside the group.
There is a private face book group for members kind of like this forum which is where the video will be posted. I don”t really need permission it”s automatic because it”s like posting here.
I like the ” As you may know Jeffrey —– a fellow member of…Read more
Virginia every member of DM Lab who donates to this cause is being entered in a lottery and the winner will get a Free Day of Consulting with Ryan and Molly which is a huge deal.
Virginia I used your copy suggestion.
“As you may know, Jeffery __________ (use his full name), a fellow member of Digital Labs, lost his ability…”
You might also want to link to the information about the surgery, if there is a concise description of it somewhere. Also, I would talk about Jeffery in more detail…what he is like, what he is missing because he can’t walk (what does he love to do, especially with his family, that he can’t do now). Bring him to life more so people can get to…Read more
So here is the updated version. I have applied some of the copy suggestions I received.
Hay Fellow Lab Members.
My name is Jon Childs and I have never done a live video and I am terrified right now but i need to tell you a story so if I stumble. I apologize.
As you may know Jeffrey Elias a fellow lab member lost his ability to walk in a auto…Read more
Virginia Jeffrey is a friend of Molly’s and I honestly have never meet him. So I can”t talk about him in more detail it would be dishonest. Everything I have written and am going to say is heart felt.
But you are right it would make the copy more compelling.
You could ask Molly about him. Put on your Sales Detective hat.
Is this promotion time-sensitive? Is there a deadline to raise the money?
I have given my self a deadline to shoot the video by Monday maybe Friday.
Pete thanks for the copy suggestion.
$10 could change his life and the life of his son forever”)
Think about that for a moment. And let it sink in.
For 10 BUCKS… YOU can help a man WALK again.
How amazing is that!?
You have that power, right now. WE as a community have that power. Right now. This very moment.I put that in my script. love it.
tl;dr: Make it about THEM.
People tune into WIIFM (What’s In It For Me). Right?
And this copy is all about you –– And that dude…
It’s got to be about one person –– the guy donating…
Your asking for money BEFORE you’ve earned the right to do so.
See, you can’t ask for the close till you earn it…
And you didn’t earn it y…Read more
Pete thanks for the suggestion. I am thinking about offering to use my Ad Beat subscription to do market research for anyone that gives more than a certain amount of money.
I need to figure out a specific amount that would be less than what someone would pay for Adbeat. I am paying over $250 a month for the service.
Evan Thank You for your suggestions.
1. Make it about them. After reading your suggestion and others I have decided I am going to offer to do market research using Adbeat for anyone who donates a $100 or more to help Jeffrey walk again. Plus DM is putting everyone from the group who donates in a lottery and the winner will get a full day consult…Read more
Evan the above is just a brain dump and is pretty raw but I do hear you.
I love your idea or rewards. It makes it like Kickstarter and gives them a selfish reason to give.
Do you think Ryan or any of those others would donate course access for a BIG donations? of say $500 or $1,000
Also on the risk reversal, does GoFund Me give back the money if the amount is not reached? If so, then let them know it.
I think…Read more
The amount will be reached were more than a third of the way there in less than a month. Thanks to Molly and the amazing Digital Marketer Engage community. That has nothing to do with me all i did was donate a little bit.
What I am working on now is just my way of giving more to a good cause. I have been a writer my whole life if I can…Read more
That’s an amazing mission. Please keep us all posted to his progress (as far as the fundraising and operations success).
My Goal – The Digital Marketer Engage Facebook group has 9,623 members. My goal is for every active member of the Community to know about Molly Pitmans offer and the opportunity we have to help transform Jeffs life and that of his family for a small donation of at least $25.00.
Identity : As you may know Jeffrey Elias a member of the DM…Read more
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Hi Arry: What was the problem? Were they not opened or did you get a good open rate and no response. If the former, it may be because your subject line is in French. That alone would turn me off and make me think “spam”, since I am not French. Have you tried it with an English subject line? Especially for people who don’t recognize your…Read more
Hi Virginia, thanks for the response. The subject line actually drew more than 63% open rate as I was emailing the message to Quebec-based Canadians. I expected a higher open rate but nonetheless… the problem is I didn’t get any positive response whatsoever. In general, when I roll out cold email campaigns for agencies I average on 10% response…Read more
Hi Arry –
A few things caught my eye –
Subject line in French got a 63% open rate, which a great.
But then you switched to English. This is a “thing” in Quebec. I expect it (perhaps below the conscious level) pisses off native French speakers. I’d test the entire email in French. ALWAYS hire a native speaker of the language to do your…Read more
Hi Stan, having a little piece of critique from you… is like for an aspiring boxer to get a mind-awakening punch in the face from Mohamed Ali… memorable! Will put those tips into action right away. Might I also ask, if the streak of humour in the message may have been a game-killer too?
I’d stay away from trying to inject humor into an opening email. Experience seems to show it’s not likely to help them decide to contact you. More likely to hurt than help.