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IvanP88 posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago · updated 8 years, 3 months ago
Hello from Sydney, Australia! I recently bought both the Simple Writing System and Freelance Course. I am just starting my freelance career as a copywriter (still a complete rookie and fresh out of uni). Which course do you guys recommend to start first?
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 8 years, 3 months ago
The SWS is John Carlton’s premier course on salesmanship and copywriting. To learn more about how the program works — including the small on-line classrooms and individual coaching — please visit […]
hupomeno posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago · updated 8 years, 3 months ago
Good morning,
I will be wrapping up the SWS course soon. As I have some leads on doing some copy for a few businesses’ (hair salon, fitness studio) web site and assisting in their funnel / products, I was wondering if the Freelance Course is the next logical step. Is there duplication between SWS and Freelance? If so, how much? I don’t mind as…Read more -
Jamie Cassata posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago · updated 8 years, 3 months ago
Here I am at the Clubhouse on a Friday night. Either a sign of serious ambition or serious desperation. You be the judge.
Anyway, I have a question about the market for freelance copywriting. I’m transitioning from basic “marketing” copy mostly for marketing and communications directors at universities … to direct response advertising for…Read more
Hi Jamie. I’m assuming you’re still more-or-less a rookie. At this stage of a writing career, especially moving away from one niche and looking for a new one, it’s best not to limit your options.
Get more experience under your belt as you explore various new markets for copywriting services. Your start up client sounds perfect, unless they’re…Read more
One other thought: If you have faith in the startup, you could always work for whatever they can afford now, and get a piece of the action as they grow. A royalty or percentage of the gross. Many writers work this way. However, if you need the cash, working for fees may make better sense.
You have multiple options on getting paid. I explain it…Read more
Thanks for your advice, John. I bought the Freelance Course a few months ago and have plowed through it at least 4 times now, absorbing it like a sponge. In the lifetime of an aspiring direct response copywriter, there are 2 periods: pre-“Freelance Course” and post-“Freelance Course.”
While I’ve looked to many, including you of course, for the…Read more
Hi Jamie: John mentions the Freelance course, which is a great reference for anyone who wants to build a freelance business. We used to have a link in the right column for it, but until it is put back in, you can check out the freelance course here: http://marketingrebel.com/freelance-course/ . I purchased it myself a few years ago and highly…Read more
Thanks, Virginia. Yeah, it’s phenomenal.
Mark Cruz posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago · updated 8 years, 3 months ago
Hi guys, I would love some feedback on my Features/Benefits.
This has been the hardest exercise for me so far…(understatement of the year!)USP: We help borrowers get approved for their home loan faster than they dreamed possible, at a fraction of what the other lenders are charging, even if they thought that owning their own home was a f…Read more
Mark, I just tried to refi my home to lower my payment. When we purchased this home in 2006, the best rate we were able to get was 6.25% and our mortgage was promptly purchased by Sovereign Bank who was able to ReFi us for 4.5% actual rate in 2011. I called our rep from 2011 and tried to refi again. She tried to get an awesome rate for us, 3.25…Read more
John, I appreciate the feedback more than you know! This section was torturous for me because it’s so close to me that it’s sometimes hard to see. It’s great to see it from a fresh perspective. (I’ve already driven friends & family insane with all this!)
Your story is waaay more common than it should be. (It’s kinda my point with transpare…Read more-
No problem. I really like the Mortgage HACK alot but maybe because I have been in IT since ’89. I think you are trying to sell EZ, Simple, Quick Fast but I think you are trying to make it cheap, too. Are you trying to compete with Lending Tree or Quicken Loans? Lending Tree has 2 iOS apps but I could not find one for Quicken Loans. Rocket…Read more
I think you, (unlike anyone else here), are putting the cart waaaay before the horse. Not to tinkle on your parade, but…
Are you currently a mortgage broker or agent? I am assuming
since you will be marketing on the web, you will be marketing to all 50 states? Are you licensed in each and every state? I know a mortgage broker
normally gets a…Read more-
Hey John,
John Carlton’s Simple Writing System (SWS) takes you through 17 steps that start with Market research & a very detailed buyer persona that he calls “Your Avatar”.
Thankfully, lots of the questions you’re bringing up have been addressed by the previous steps.
If you haven’t looked at the course yet, I would HIGHLY recommend it. Fantast…Read more
Hi Mark
These look pretty good to me. One thing that I noticed is that under ” Founders have each over 20 years of experience.” what you are listing are worded more as features than benefits. For example “We’ve handled every type of situation, worked with most banks & have access to “Insider Information” to close your loan effortlessly.” That…Read more
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The Freelance Course

Start with the Simple Writing System. The Freelance Course shows you how to get started in your career but assumes you already have the skills that you would learn in the SWS.
Okay! Will do that. Thanks.