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Wesley Atkins posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago · updated 8 years, 7 months ago
Loving the SWS, but have a quick question: Is there anywhere I can post some copy, so can I get feedback on a headline?
Ted Carolus posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago · updated 8 years, 7 months ago
I am new to copywriting and am looking forward to learning as much as possible. I am especially interested in copy for online marketing.
Hi Ted: Welcome to the Club! If i were you I would start in “John Carlton’s corner”. There are some swipe file letters and live event hot seats (including one we just published today) which are only available for a few weeks.
On the blog (click on blog in the upper menu) there are a lot of clips from the SWS and hot seats which are…Read more
Leonard posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago · updated 8 years, 7 months ago
Hi everyone,
I want to create a survey for my house list, to learn more about why they buy – problems, desired benefits, objections. Do you know a book /material that explains how to frame the questions?
Hi Leonard: Why don’t you just ask them? They are on your list, so they must be used to getting emails from you. You would speak to them in the same way you always do.
After you create the survey you could post it here and we would look at it for you.
Thanks Virginia, I’ll do that.
This looks awesome. Thanks Pete!
I’m watching his presentation right now and I plan to read the book after. Thanks again.
Karen Alison posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago · updated 8 years, 8 months ago
How do you know if you’re giving away too much great information on your website? Or, can you repurpose some of the same info into product? (I’ve heard of people making their blog posts into ebooks and selling them.)
Thanks, Pete.
I’m especially thinking of pages like this:
http://www.no-ibs.com/blog/how-to-have-good-gut-flora-and-why-you-desperately-need-it.html -
Not tracking. Do you have a suggestion for best tracking method?
Joel Helfer posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago · updated 8 years, 8 months ago
Producing a core concept for a training program – Concept is… Its more economical and faster to be a celebrity radio guest than a podcast host. And you can leverage the 3rd party endorsement of the talk show host and his audience to build your reputation and brand. Is that concept strong enough or can it be improved.
Hi Joel: I have a question and a few thoughts.
Question: What is your product? Is it instruction on how to get booked on radio shows?
Thoughts: Most people are not really concerned with easy and economical. That is pretty much limited to the “get rich quick” crowd, which I assume is not your audience. Most business owners are more…Read more
Thanks Virginia for your comments. My goal is to start a training program for people who want to be guests on a radio show. And then leverage the interviews by repurposing them. You might be right that ease and economy are not great benefits, but there are so many podcasts, radio shows etc that it is more difficult to find guests and stand out…Read more
I’ve never tried to get on a radio show, so don’t know how easy it is. I’ve pitched my own spot to TV producers, and it is not something a busy executive would want to do him/herself.
You might want to combine easy, economical and effective into cost-effective.
I’m not sure that I would compare being a radio guest to being a podcast host for…Read more
Thanks Virginia for the comments. Much apreicated!
Revised core concept; Biz Owners/Professionals/ Speakers/Authors, etc…Get cost effective publicity for your business, product or service by developing skills as a great radio interview guest. Go from invisible to visible in your industry, deliver a high quality message and leverage the audiences of existing national or local radio shows without…Read more
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You can post it here. When you are finished with the course you can apply for a hot seat and have Stan and John critique your letter.