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Greetings from Mexico. Really excited to learn from the best! Cheers!
JACKSON LIEW posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago · updated 4 years, 10 months ago
Hi, it’s a pleasure to be with you all. I know for a while that marketing rebel insider club is an invaluable place for copywriters, marketers and even business owners to be in. You all are awesome. That’s why I’m here to master copywriting and use it for my networking business.
Всем привет!
Я из России. Очень счастлива попасть в этот клуб. Чувствую, застряну надолго) -
Jennifer posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago
Brandyn Shoemaker posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago · updated 4 years, 10 months ago
Hey everyone, excited to be here. I’ve had my eyes on the Kick-Ass Copywriting course for a while, and I couldn’t say no to $20. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone here. Just a quick question…I’m still pretty old school and like to hold books in my hand, highlight with an actual highlighter, etc. Is it okay to make a copy of the…Read more
Recent Member Lessons
How to use the Gutenberg editor
WordPress is completely changing the default editor with the release of WP 5.0. They are going from the current TinyMCE editor to a block-based one, similar to Divi and other similar page builders. It is quite a bit different from the current editor, but is not...
Create redirects with Pretty Links
Pretty links is a free WordPress plugin which creates custom redirect links using your own URL, instead of a standard redirect URL such as bit.ly This gives you a cleaner, more professional look. Also, the analytics are available right in your dashboard. We created a...
Easily create HTML snippets to add to your posts
One thing we use a lot on the Marketing Rebel site are HTML snippets. This allows us to add blubs to each post and manage them from one location. When we want to make a change we can make one change instead of 100 or more. The plugin we are using to create these...
An on-demand accountability partner?
I came across an interesting site the other day and thought I'd pass it along. A big problem for many who work alone is maintaining focus. There are so many distractions that it is sometimes hard to keep your mind on your work. And no boss to remind you to...
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Kick-Ass Copywriting
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Welcome, Gerardo!