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Seb Mars posted an update 5 years ago · updated 4 years, 12 months ago
Hi Everyone,
My name is Sebastien Mars and I’m a veteran artistic director for some major brands. I’m here to learn direct response copywriting to start my own business. I have developed a revolutionary e-business software and want to launch the platform the right way. I learned about direct response copywriting through quora where a user…Read more
Kevin Haines posted an update 5 years ago · updated 5 years ago
Hey Everyone,
I’m new to the clubhouse and am excited to be here! I own an electrical contracting business in Fresno, Ca. We mostly Install Solar but have been doing a lot of Batteries and Generac lately (due to PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs).
We are just getting started with direct response ads on facebook and mailers. There are a lot…Read more
Hi Kevin: The first thing I suggest you do is to go through the (free) Simple Writing System Express course. You can sign up at http://www.SimpleWritingSystem.com.
I would also suggest you request a hot seat with John and Stan. They can give you some advice on your copy.
Hope this helps.
I would also go through the Member’s Guide. There is a link in the right column under Membership Details (“Complete Guide”)
Debra Cope posted an update 5 years ago · updated 5 years ago
So glad I can ask strategy questions here.
He’s my question: since I’m creating a new product, how do I come up with such fantastic claims are you are looking for in the USP?
Your copy examples for golf, guitar, sex etc are really great, fun to read and compelling. I can speak based on past experience, but nothing so “sexy” as the…Read more
Forgot to add: My target market is SaaS (software as a service) companies because 1) these are the clients I’ve enjoyed working with the most, 2) SaaS companies are particularly dependent on client retention thru subscriptions. It lends itself very well to my topic. 3) it’s a viable market.
I’m just a newbie, but I’ll chime in anywho.
It’s a new product – so how can it have any track record or amazing tales yet?
What I would do is go back to some of the customers who liked you the best, and offer them a super-bargain price on the new product as beta-testers. Give ’em the product, coach them in using it, refine the product as…Read more
Good suggestion, thanks.
Hi Debra: Since you are in the SWS coaching program you can ask Colin, and he will help you develop your USP. It looks like you have gone through the first 2 steps. The USP is step 3. Just watch the lesson video and post in the classroom.
Mark Zschiegner posted an update 5 years ago
@virginia-drew Thanks for the comments. Yes I am in. You are correct – Colin so far has pushed me to be better. Opened my mind to not just accepting what is on the forefront and to push for bigger insight. Liking this, and believe it’s what I needed! Also, been watching and listening to some of the other videos by John and Stan. Lot’s of great info here!
Mark Zschiegner posted an update 5 years ago · updated 5 years ago
Hey there! Just got in today. Still waiting on my course access; yes I already put in a ticket to get that going.
A little about me: I’ve been online since the 1990’s, have worked in the Bay Area / NYC for startups in the mid ’00’s and I’m wanting to really just make a living by doing copy.
I’ve been doing affiliate/email marketing for the…Read more
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Welcome, Seb! You are in the right place. And welcome to the SWS Home Study course. When you are finished you are invited to request a hot seat and have John and Stan review your copy. In the meantime, if you have any questions, just post them here.