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Dane Knighton posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago · updated 5 years, 11 months ago
Hi everyone! New here. Just wondering if any of you guys know where to get good (proven) sucessful ads. I’ve been through John’s but I kinda need more than 4? Also, I’ve been on swiped.co ect but really running out of ads to review/hand copy ect. Thanks in advance!
Marc Bonin posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago · updated 5 years, 11 months ago
Thank you Virginia!
Please view the link below. It’s the first draft of a Full Page Ad located on the back cover of a Business Newspaper.
https://1023.marketingrebelclub.com/buddydrive-5/file/why-corporate-executives-biv-full-page/I look forward to any feedback.
Thank you!
Hi Marc: I have one comment. I think you should make the image much, much smaller. Do magazine ads typically have a large picture at the top? This would give you more space to expand on the points you are making or possibly make some of them into bullets.
Is this for an actual client? If so you might want to request a hot seat so John and…Read more
Hi Virginia,
The PDF below will show a full page back cover ad.
This ad (currently published by prospect) prompted me to reach out to this company because it’s image advertising.To give you a little back ground, I sent them 3 direct mail letters to redo the ad to increase…Read more
Click on the top link in the right column under Hot Seats and Consulting. The instructions are there.
Marc Bonin posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago · updated 5 years, 11 months ago
Hello all,
Can I post the full page ad I wrote for critic on this forum?
Looking forward to your feedback.
Thank you!
Yes, you may post it here.
The best thing is to upload a PDF. There are instructions on how to do that here: https://1023.marketingrebelclub.com/lessons/post-pdfs-in-the-clubhouse/
Unless, of course, it is already posted on a website. Then you can just give us the link.
Hannes Gasteiger posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago · updated 5 years, 11 months ago
I’m literally just getting started running my own tiny ad agency. I don’t even have a product / service yet, but I have the agency. I am pretty sure I want to specialize in Lead Generation for now. Planning to start by building a product the “Kickass Copywriting Secrets”-WAY. Then capture leads and sell it to ’em. I can use all the help I can get…Read more
Sandra Beatty posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago · updated 5 years, 11 months ago
I find I struggle writing the short ads, such as for LinkekdIn or Facebook.
Here is one that I wrote recently – 2 versions of the same ad. The client trains sales leaders/teams and the product is a think tank forum for sales leaders focusing on attracting top sales talent. Any feedback on the copy, and also any tips on writing effective short…Read more
Hi Sandra: Welcome to the Club, and welcome to the Simple Writing System Coaching Program. When you are finished with that you will have a much better idea of how to write both long and short copy.
Re the ads you posted. I have a couple of questions. Where are they going to be used, and what type of traffic is going to be sent to them? Why…Read more
Hi, Virginia 🙂 Nice to meet you and thank you for the welcome.
These ads will be used on LinkedIn and the traffic that will be sent to them are Sales Leaders – VP of Sales, Sales Managers, District Sales Managers, etc. We used hockey in the ad because it’s a Canadian company (hockey fans!) and the client said that when she speaks with her…Read more
Hi Sandra: A couple of suggestions. I am assuming that these people don’t know your client’s company. So you really have to grab them in order to stand out among the chatter.
They probably would see “…attend (event)…” and go “oh, yuck”. If they aren’t already clients and know how much your client can help them, attending an event is…Read more
Thank you, Virginia, this is very helpful. It’s not a high ticket event, but I really like the idea to highlight a numerical value.
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One way is to start subscribing/responding to ads in your niche. They will start sending you advertising, and if you receive one more than once you know it is working. But, swipe.co has 315 ads, which they say are curated. If you have gone through all of them you probably have copied enough ads and it is time to move forward. Don’t use this…Read more
Hi, Dane. That previous response was from me. I was just using another account. Sorry for any confusion.