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Rashad Lashley posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago · updated 6 years, 6 months ago
Hey everyone, I am in desperate need of some help and feedback on my website. I wrote all the copy and I am aware it needs some serious help. I would like a parent and or an athlete to stop by and stay awhile based on the copy and then send an email or call me for at least more info. If anyone has time take a visit over to…Read more
David Hamilton posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago · updated 6 years, 7 months ago
Hi there
I’m David Hamilton, from Scotland originally but emigrated here just outside Buffalo, NY, US back around 2016. Just joined up today and look forward to connecting and learning from the marketing rebels.
The main reason I joined the marketing rebels club is because right now I want to become a better entrepreneur and marketer. Know its…Read more
Hi Pete, thank you for the welcome.
I was wondering if there are any specific strategies for identifying and researching more about a target market / ideal customer? -
Hi David: There is a detailed section on market research which is part of the Simple Writing System. They offer it as a home study, which is less expensive than the coaching. I took the coaching a few years ago and can tell you that it is definitely worth the money.
You can also go through the Simple Writing System Express course, which is…Read more
Hi Virginia
Thank you very much for the help and advice, I really appreciate it. Will check out those different resources and if I have any questions will be sure to ask.
Have a gerat day,
David -
Hi Virginia
You mentioned above the Simple Writing System Express course. Where on the site can I access that course, I tried a search but was unable to find anything.
Thank you for the facebook audience insights, its very helpful and is certainly something I can make use of.
cheers, David
Hi David: Just click on the banner in the right column that says “Simple Writing System”. Or go here: https://simplewritingsystem.com/. Click on “Click here to sign up now” and you will be sent the Express Course.
Hi Virginia, thanks for the help. I was looking in the wrong place, thought it was on site here. Look forward to checking it out. Have a great weekend.
Isak posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago · updated 6 years, 7 months ago
I’m going through the Simple Writing System home study course, looking to switch careers to freelance copywriting.
One thing that boggles me, is if it’s possible to safeguard against errors before the copy is put to the test?
I’m sure I will make tons of errors – that’s only normal when learning something – but when I learned to cook, I could…Read more-
Hi Isak: I don’t think there is any way to do that unless you wanted to drive traffic to it yourself and see what results you get before submitting it to the client. After you get some experience you will get a better feel for what works and what doesn’t, but there really is no to tell until it is actually tested live.
There are many variables…Read more
Actually, if you are cooking something and you don’t like it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good dish. It just means that you don’t like it. You may like something else and find that the rest of the world hates it.
Yep, Pete has the memory correct. This is where having a broad network of pals, colleagues and clients can help: When you find people who are reliable in giving an opinion (most are not), you use that as a resource.
It’s not always in the way they think, either. Gary and I had a copywriting colleague who was amazing at identifying a great ad we’d…Read more
Thank you all for the sage advice. Makes me a lot more confident going forward, knowing the rebels have my back =)
Joseph Hader posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago · updated 6 years, 7 months ago
Hi, My name is Joseph Hader. I’m a video producer working in-house at a company in Austin TX. We’re a start-up and focused on aggressive growth.
I’m here to get a solid foundation so that everything I produce works towards increasing our revenue most effectively. My main goal is to shine a light of clarity into the nebulous creation process,…Read more
Hi Joseph: Welcome to the Club. I see you are a SWS HS student. The SWS will give you the tools to understand your audience better, which will help you create videos that really speak to them. If you have any questions as you complete the lessons you can post them here and we can help you.
What does your company do? Just curious, you don’t…Read more
Hi Virginia! I’m working with two companies right now. 1 – Aceable, which is a company that helps people complete certifications / licensing using an app. For example getting your drivers license and now getting your real estate license! 2 – I’m starting a company that’s beard care products, but is marketed towards the partners of bearded men.
How to trim a video with Windows Photos
Probably one of the last places you would expect to find a video editor is in an image app. But, you can open a video in Windows Photos and do […]
Recent Member Lessons
How to trim a video with Windows Photos
Probably one of the last places you would expect to find a video editor is in an image app. But, you can open a video in Windows Photos and do some editing. If you just want to clip a piece of a video without having to re-render it in Camtasia, you don't really have...
How to manage website files with Filezilla
Filezilla is an easy-to-use (and free) FTP app. If you need to upload/download files and don't want to use CPanel to do it, this is a great alternative. We created a very short video to introduce it to you: Click on the image to watch the video: If you have any...
Make your WP sidebar sticky
One way you can make sure visitors to your site see what you want them to see is to keep exposing it to them as they scroll down the page. There is a WP plugin called Q2W3 Fixed Widget (interesting name, eh?) that will make your sidebar sticky, so it follows the...
Introduction to the GDPR
If you do business in the European Union, you have to be familiar with the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This article is designed to give an overview of the Regulation. It does not give legal advice to any one person or company. If you have any...
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And that website would be….?
I’m on it. Thanks Pete.
Hello Stan, the website is totaldominancefootball.com