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Martin Morris posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago · updated 7 years, 5 months ago
I live in the Palm Springs/Palm Desert are of California. I am also an hour drive from the Los Angeles area. I want to know some ways to start building copywriting clients. I have worked in construction, martial arts sales, gym cleaning, managed property, retail. I am want to pursue the home and pool cleaning clients. What are some ways, from…Read more
Martin Morris posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
AlvineD03 posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 5 months ago
How to start with info website? what i mean by that is: for example, when you do have a business witch is not an \’\’brick and mortar\’\’ like hairstyling or cooking. From witch side do you start and was is the best wy to start getting traffic?
Thank you.-
Hi Alvin: You are best off starting with a blog. You can post articles you write (or have someone else write) that answer questions your prospects have and that get them interested in your products or coaching. I would suggest doing youtube videos (as I already have suggested) for free traffic. If you have some extra cash you could try…Read more
Thanks a lot. It seem very easy for me to do videos on hairsyling techniques, tips an so on but in my industry, it is not enough, you should also tell people how to deal with clients etc ….But, when it come to info products i just don’t know how to start, how to structure the info itself.
Concerning the mistake that i constanly make while…Read more
Hi Alvine: To start, just transcribe your videos so they are in written form and post to your blog. I think you are making it more difficult than it really is.
The important thing is to just get started.
Pick a topic that your customers want to learn about and just start writing. Or, as I said, transcribe one of your videos and post that to…Read more
Thank you so much.
Camilo Buitrago posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 5 months ago
I bought this course because I wanted to learn copywriting skills. Right now I work as a freelancer giving consulting services using WordPress.
Anyway, I want to start selling products (like training) and want to apply what I have learned so far.
Any ideas on products or training materials I can create and build them in about a month or less? Do…Read more
Hi Camilo: You say that you give consulting services using Wordpress. Does that mean that you use Wordpress in delivering your services or that you consult with businesses about using Wordpress in their businesses?
Give me a bit more about the exact service you provide and who your clients are and I will make some suggestions. Overall, video…Read more
Wow, amazing, thanks for your help.
I offer services using WordPress, from starting a website to making it faster and more secure. I also implement the websites.
I also provide videos when my clients want to update their sites on their own.
One person you may want to check out is Christina Hills. She has been helping people create their own business websites using WP for many years. You can see what she is offering for specific ideas.
What is your website?
One thing you may want to do is interview other non-competing but complementary experts (website security, email…Read more
Thanks for the recommendations. The Christina Hills website gave me some ideas.
Jose Ayala posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
Any tips on selling sales copy to owners of products?
Is that even a thing?
I\’m writing for a online company as an affiliate,at the same time trying to get my website up. I figured it be a WHOLE lot simpler to just sell them copy to put on their already built and running website.
What do you guy\’s think?
Would I run into some peoblems?
Hi Jose: The first thing you need to do is make sure that your copy has no typos or misspellings (“guy’s” should be “guys” and “peoblems” is spelled wrong).
First, everyone who is selling, especially online, needs sales copy. Either they write it themselves or they hire it out to a freelancer. Physical products are no different from digital…Read more
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Hi Martin: It looks like you were in sales for martial arts. Was that your own business or did you have clients in that industry?
What made you pick the home and pool cleaning industry? It doesn’t look like you have experience there. Why not stick with martial arts?
The reason I am asking these questions is that it is easier to start where…Read more
I have been involved with the construction field for past 8 years. I also have worked as house cleaner, property manager, and people that cleaned pools. I have worked in various areas of sales from demonstrations, door to door and telemarketing. I wanted to focus on customer acquisition with the cleaning and pool field. They are the two fields…Read more
Hi Martin:
One of your questions is about how much research to do.
The Simple Writing System Express Course is free and will give you an idea as to the initial research you have to do. You can opt in at http://www.SimpleWritingSystem.com.