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Daniel Davis posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
Howdy everyone! I’ve been brainwashed by the Insider Secrets of A Marketing Rebel and decided to join the club. So this is pretty cool to be here now.
This is kind of specific, but I’m working with a client who gets 70% mobile traffic. Will someone buy off of their phone? I’ve never done it personally so I’m not sure. Or, would it be wiser to…Read more
Lee Chapman posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
Hey Marketing Rebels!
You’re all the most knowledgeable marketing people I know, being an utter beginner myself, I’ve been absolutely devouring John’s stuff and have started working on some hooks/headlines to use for a product I’m about to create.
If anyone had 30 seconds to take a look at them to see if I’m on the right track, I’d greatly…Read more-
Hi Lee:
Assuming that this secret was really discovered in the Himalayas, the only one I like is “Amazing secret discovered in the middle of the Himalayas turns all who use it into the happy-go-lucky envy of their friends, eliminating unhappiness, loneliness and stress almost overnight”
Make sure you spell Himalayas correctly, though. The…Read more
Thanks for the valuable input again Virginia, that direction was exactly what I needed!
I’ll get back to it 🙂
Thanks Pete!
Jose Ayala posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
I think I’ve asked this before but I’m having trouble with features…
Can a feature for a membership online course on relationship advice for men be…
“HOW TO…”Can I just list Everything they’ll discover as How to’s?
Then attach the benefits to them? (Obviously that’s what John C says in the video) but I’m not selling a service.
My…Read more
How is the course structured? That is one aspect of the features. Instead of a feature being physical products it would be digital products (Instead of 4 CD’s you may have 4-8 hour videos). Or maybe it would be audios, articles, PDF’s, or whatever else they find when they log into your site.
You can use “how to” in the bullets but you…Read more
Yes! I see now.Thank you.
Elodie posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Just glad I’m finally walking with fellow pilgrims…pretty exciting! Blessings, Elodie
Orlando Salazar posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hey everyone, I took the plunge and decided to join the club. I want to revamp my website http://bathtubdoctor.com So I am looking forward to take on the learning curve and I’m excited.
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Hi Daniel: Welcome to the Club!
Your question implies that selling by email is different than getting someone to buy on their phone. That is not really true. No matter what your funnel, people will access it in whatever manner they want.
It looks like maybe you are asking if you can send someone on a mobile phone right to a sales letter and…Read more
Hey Virgina,
Thanks so much for the in depth reply!
I did, in fact, try to rip off one of JC’s landing pages (did the subhead thing too!). The visitors are staying on the page for as long as 10 min – not buying though.
Ah well, I’ll probably just have to write a better sales page…ha.
I’ll take all your advice to heart and try again,…Read more
So, not really getting any sales on the page I’m working on.
They’re staying on for as long as 10 min. but not buying.
Does anyone know what tends to be the sticking point with cases like these?
As in, when someone spends a lot of time reading your ad, but doesn’t buy.
Is there a common pitfall at this particular point that I should be aware of?
Hi Daniel: If you have a letter you are currently using, I would repeat (don’t worry, I won’t repeat it again after this 🙂 ) my suggestion that you apply for a hot seat. I’m sure Stan and John can give you some great insight.
Hi Pete,
It’s cold traffic from google ads.
I did end up getting 1 sale…but this round I got 140 visits with 0…
A few people just bounce right off the page. But there have been a few who stay for 20 min or up to an hour.
One person even stayed up to 2 hours on the page… so I guess it’s holding their…Read more
Thanks Pete!