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Stan Dahl posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago · updated 8 years, 2 months ago
Happy New Year everyone!
I’ve been traveling for most of the past 6 weeks and haven’t been checking in here much. Fortunately Virginia’s been taking good care of everyone.
I’ll be spending as much time as needed in The Clubhouse this week so that everyone who posts a question gets a specific action / goal in place that will skyrocket their…Read more
Kelsey Henderson posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago · updated 8 years, 2 months ago
How much testing of a page should be done before making adjustments?
Idan Romsky posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago · updated 8 years, 2 months ago
hey john, and everybody…
im looking for good sales laters/campaigns in the weight loss niche, it can help me for some ideas to my new diet product.thanks.
sorry about my english, i working on that 🙂-
Hi Idan: I don’t think John has any weight loss letters. It is not difficult to find good ones, though. Just google “weight loss” and see what your competitors are doing. You should know what the big ones are if you are in that niche. It is a very difficult niche to enter, though. Lots of well-funded sharks that will say anything to make a…Read more
If you are just starting in the niche, you have to start off by finding out what the questions and pain points people have. Go to blogs, forums, yahoo answers, facebook groups and pages, etc. and get involved until you understand what they want.
thanks virginia!
im not just started.
im one of the biggest in this industry in israel, i have 44,000 woman in my list…but im looking to improve my conversion rate with a new product.
usually my conversion rate is 1% (high price products), i want to raise it to 2%.
OK. I misunderstood. One thing you can do is when you get the copy finished you can apply for a hot seat and John and Stan will review it for you and help you take it to the next level. I would also suggest that you take the Simple Writing System. It will teach you the exact steps that John uses when he writes his copy. It is definitely…Read more
Hi Idan – As you know, weight loss is an incredibly competitive niche. This means that ads that rank at the top of any paid traffic source for more than a very short time are almost certainly generating a profit.
First sale might not be profitable. First sale is often done at a loss once they’ve proven the lifetime value of the average customer…Read more
Daisy posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago · updated 8 years, 2 months ago
Hi, everyone. I’m excited to be here. I have a few websites and have done well with ads, CPMs, and affiliate products, but I’ve begun branching out into products related to my primary niche. (Survival/Prepping) I have a list of about 8k people on my blog and 9k on my site where I sell prepping courses. The first two rounds of selling a prepping…Read more
Hi Daisy: I would suggest that you apply for a hot seat. John and Stan can look over your current model and suggest ways to move forward. For engagement, if you are having success with Ben Settle’s plan, why change it?
For new products, have you looked to other people’s products for affiliate income?
Have you reached out to other sellers in the prepper niche to become affiliates of yours? You can set the product up on Clickbank or JVzoo fairly easily and they will take care of the payments.
Daisy, Do you have an Invite A Friend bonus or offer?
Survival / prep people have friends who are into that, too.
Is there something you can offer paying customers as bonus if they email an offer to their friends who might be interested?
hupomeno posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago · updated 8 years, 2 months ago
So, I am on Lesson 18 and writing a first draft for our fitness studio. My wife is the face of the biz as she is a personal trainer. We are using her story. I noticed the story (#9) is first person and the USP can be either (I or We). Beginning the meat of the copy (#8, salesmanship) do I transition to just “We” since I am selling the biz and…Read more
I haven’t really thought about that, but you could introduce the “we” in her story (…So, I created (name of company) to help (whatever). Then start with “we” meaning the company). Or she could just stay with “I”. Did you check out other fitness gurus (there are quite a few) to see what they do?
Also, I’d suggest that after you have your copy…Read more
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Kelsey –
You’ll get good enough results if you plug your data into these 2 sites:
If you want to have some idea how / why statistical significance works, you can read this:
That’s…Read more