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Hana Dahmouche posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago · updated 1 year, 6 months ago
Hey everyone I’m Hana 22y woman from France (don’t mind my profile picture I was 16 at that time 😅) I am an affiliate marketer and here to improve my sales and copywriting skills.
I am already well experienced in terms of Facebook ads strategy (been running some stores in the past) but like my piano teacher loves to say : we’re eternal stude…Read more
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 1 year, 7 months ago
John Carlton's Best Ads: The Fifty Bucks LetterSometimes we all like to pretend we’re not motivated by money. That’s fine to believe if you want…but you cannot afford such delusions if you […]
Tomasz posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago · updated 1 year, 7 months ago
I’m looking to enrich my collection of VSL (Video Sales Letter) frameworks and strategies. Does anyone have a recommendation for a particularly well-executed or informative VSL that I could study? I’d be very grateful if you could leave me a link.
Thank you in advance.-
We have one for High-Speed Copywriting here: https://highspeedcopywriting.com/access and for A-List Copywriting Secrets here: https://alistcopysecrets.com/david-deutsch-alist-copywriting-secrets-thank-you/
Hey!! My name is Katie, new here, and excited to be around other copywriters/marketers that kick ass! Would love to connect with all of you and looking forward to learning even more!
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 1 year, 7 months ago
John Carlton's Best Ads: Hyper-Effective Cover Letters #1 — My All-Time Favorite Cover LetterThere are two keys to the following cover letter. First is the personalization in the subhead. That alone is a compelling way to engage the r […]
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How to trim a video with Windows Photos
Probably one of the last places you would expect to find a video editor is in an image app. But, you can open a video in Windows Photos and do some editing. If you just want to clip a piece of a video without having to re-render it in Camtasia, you don't really have...
How to manage website files with Filezilla
Filezilla is an easy-to-use (and free) FTP app. If you need to upload/download files and don't want to use CPanel to do it, this is a great alternative. We created a very short video to introduce it to you: Click on the image to watch the video: If you have any...
Make your WP sidebar sticky
One way you can make sure visitors to your site see what you want them to see is to keep exposing it to them as they scroll down the page. There is a WP plugin called Q2W3 Fixed Widget (interesting name, eh?) that will make your sidebar sticky, so it follows the...
Introduction to the GDPR
If you do business in the European Union, you have to be familiar with the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This article is designed to give an overview of the Regulation. It does not give legal advice to any one person or company. If you have any...
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Welcome, Hana!