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Vicki Rowe posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago · updated 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone, I’m Vicki in New Zealand. I have been involved with Marketing (mainly in admin/co-ordination roles) for most of my life but my very new job where I was employed as Sales Support as now morphed and my awesome, weirdo, but amazing at Marketing boss now wants me write all new copy for the hunting apparel that we sell along with all our…Read more
Eric Panter posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago · updated 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi John,
You mention taking a speed-reading course before your library binge back when you were getting started.
Do you remember the name of the course? I’d love to find out if it’s still available.
It was the Evelyn Woods course. Not sure if it’s still out there, but it was the main go-to program at one time. JFK’s entire administration took it.
I don’t speed read anymore, however. I do devour some books using the general tactic, which focuses on examining a book logically, by reading the table of contents, the introduction and forwa…Read more
Grace Tinsen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago · updated 7 years, 2 months ago
I’m finding myself stuck in 2018 (already!) I’ve had some success with newspaper ads (my own product) which can produce front end sales and some residual with continuity sales. I’m stuck trying to figure out how to develop the passive income side of the business. Affiliate mkt? Use my e-book somehow? Figure out how to do a lifestyle…Read more
Hi Grace: Welcome to the Club and to the Simple Writing System Home Study course.
To give you any meaningful suggestions, we would need some more information. What is your current business? What interests and skills do you have? You say your current market is seniors, but most of the seniors I know (and, living in Florida and being what…Read more
Happy New Year and thank you Virginia! I have a memory supplement business. The average customer is likely 72-80. I run newspaper ads, have an 800 number and a call center. It converts pretty well, and I suspect my lack of gathering emails is the call center: they only get paid to sell and not gather other information so I tangle with them…Read more
Hi Grace: A lifestyle blog would be a good idea as long as you have a passion for it. It seems like there are a couple of ways to go…either specialize in one of the areas you mention or just have a “what am I thinking today” type of blog with more personality. It would probably be easier to monetize more of a targeted blog.
One thing I would…Read more
Venoo Morgan posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago · updated 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi I’m Venoo from Jamaica, happy to be a part of this group and looking forward to going all the way. This is an extremely new territory for me so I’m extremely nervous and excited at the same time. I’m currently studying affiliate marketing as a new career and I definitely want to be a tremendous value to the tribe I will be building.
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 7 years, 2 months ago
Make your writing error-free (spelling and grammar) with Grammarly
Sometimes it seems that it is a “macho” thing to do…to not care about the grammar and spelling when someone (not you, I’m sure) writes a blog […]
Recent Member Lessons
Increase your efficiency with Video Speed Controller
You probably have a lot of videos waiting for your attention, but who has time to watch them? This tool may help. It speeds up the video so you can save time and don't have to jump around trying to find the info you need. We created a demo video which is very...
Get your questions answered with Survey Monkey
Survey Monkey provides a free, easy way to create quizzes, surveys, questionnaires, etc that you can use to get the information you need to grow your business. We created a short video to introduce it and show how to create a simple survey. Click on the image to watch...
Alternative to Google Keyword Planner
If you want to do a quick keyword search, this site has a tool that might be of interest. TheHoth.com has a free keyword search utility that returns Google results without you having to log into (or even have) an AdWords account. We created a short video to introduce...
Instagram: Your new homepage?
If your (or your client's) target market includes the under-30 crowd you have to be looking at how to integrate Instagram into your marketing. More and more consumers are going mobile, and are looking for "real" information when they want to purchase. They are no...
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Hi Vicki: Welcome to the Club. They just started a new Simple Writing System Coaching program, which would be an enormous help to you. It looks like they are still enrolling people, but I don’t know how long it will last. In the coaching program you get a live coach to help you with the exercises. You can look at it here:…Read more