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Marco posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
What’s happening Rebels? I joined about a month ago but never had a chance to introduce myself. My name is Marco and I currently run the ads and marketing dept for my small car dealership. Never realized how tough it is to market cars and especially in this a highly competitive market. The big advantage I am seeing is that honestly a bunch of…Read more
James Davis posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hey everyone, James Davis here. I just moved to San Jose CA, from Auburn, Al. My goal managing lead generation campaigns for businesses… (some guy has a hair trigger alarm on his car that’s going off right now, rattling my brain even with headphones in…) anyway, I’ve started with writing an e-book “The Ambitious Entrepreneur- Discover The 7…Read more
Hi James: Welcome to the Club! Looks like you have a very busy life!
Don’t let yourself get bogged down in writing the book. We have several posts on how to get your book written. Under “How do I..?” in the top menu there is a page called “how to write and publish a book” which links to posts that may be of help.
I would suggest that you…Read more
Thanks for the quick reply Virginia – I have a follow up question… I took James Farrens facebook lead generation course (which is where I got the idea to do this in the first place) and he has the exact same recommendation as you in regards to picking a niche… However that wasn’t how he get started – and I’m curious how one goes about picking…Read more
How much experience do you have doing lead generation?
And what method are you planning to use? SEO, facebook, adwords, etc?
What type of lead are you selling? Calls, clients, website opt-ins?
the plan is to advertise the e-book on face book – they click the ad go to the landing page, give their email and are sent the e-book, with three follow up emails offering a free consultation for lead generation. I would get leads for them the exact way I got them to sign up for my consultation.
As far as experience I’m new, but I’ve done a lot…Read more
Hi James. And welcome!
Where I you, I’d want to figure out as fast as possible if I can make money selling leads. That someone who sold me a course said I could would not be reason enough to believe.
I’d put up a very simple website. One page. Hi, I’m James. I find qualified leads for all kinds of businesses and turn them over to you. You…Read more
Sean Slattery posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hey Marketing Rebels! Sean here, Rookie Loan Officer residing in Virginia. I’m currently developing an online-offline sales funnel to attract clients. I’m currently writing a book on getting a killer mortgage deal (yuck!). I intend setting up a landing page where unqualified prospects can download a copy of the book while qualified prospects will…Read more
Are you looking for feedback on your offer or on Ryan?
Ryan Fletcher has an authority model which is a more long-term process. It is not something that RE agents are taught to do, so most don’t do it. They are taught to cold call, knock on doors, etc.
This is completely different. You aren’t trying to sell right off the back. You become…Read more
John Weber posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hello, everyone! I am a real estate Broker with 30 years of grizzled experience. Trying to learn some copy writing to get the new breed of customers to my landing page! Then Close him!
Welcome to the Club, John! I would suggest, if you have not done so already, is to check out the Simple Writing System Express Course. It is free and will help you refine your cuatomer avatar,your offereings, and your USP. It is here: http://www.SimpleWritingSystem.com.
Another suggestion I make to all real estate agents is to check out Ryan…Read more
Barry Phillips posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago · updated 7 years, 7 months ago
Hey everyone! I recently stumbled upon John Carlton and his success as a world famous copy writer. I am in the process of launching a HR Consultancy to small and medium sized businesses, and am trying to disrupt my competitors by employing classic copywriting principles on by website, blog and possibly direct mail. The world of copywriting is…Read more
Hi Barry, Welcome to the Club!
I will give you the same advice I give anyone who wants to get into copywriting (or improve their skills). You can start out with the Simple Writing System Express Course, which is free, so you have no excuse…
You can sign up for it here: http://www.SimpleWritingSystem.com. Or click the link in the right column.
It…Read more
Thanks Virginia
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It seems to me that personality sells cars. Here is a local (Florida) example. Kind of the Crazy Eddie type (anyone from NY knows Crazy Eddie…he had electronics stores and some crazy TV commercials). I don’t know if he is really like this but his commercials are very entertaining and he has a chain of dealerships so I have to believe he is…Read more
Hey Virginia thank you for the reply. I never thought about it like that. Personality definitely sells cars and that’s what I’ve added to a bunch of my copy, like an excited friend talking to another friend who’s on the fence about purchasing a car. Most of the marketing is free so I am not too worried about breaking the bank, it’s the perception…Read more