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Virginia Drew wrote a new post 9 years, 3 months ago
How to Synch Video with Camtasia
From time to time you may have a video that is not synched properly. By “synched” I mean that the audio matches the video. When someone’s mouth m […]
DrexelScott posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago · updated 9 years, 3 months ago
Hey everyone! I just joined the Club and this is my first post here. I sell some digital books and courses, and joined this group so that I can learn to be an A-level copywriter. Really looking forward to getting to the next level and helping others do the same. Cheers!
NickP posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago · updated 9 years, 3 months ago
If I had completely ripped off John’s ‘One Legged Golfer letter’ for selling my book (not saying I have, just ‘if’ – just in case there’s anyone sensitive about these things out there lol) do you think this type of copy will still work in the era where people are a little more jaded about marketing? That letter is amazing and I still want to buy…Read more
You don’t really have to put in any disclaimer. John bills himself as the most ripped off copywriter, and even created a video course called “License to Steal” (not currently available). It would not make sense to copy it word for word anyway.
I think you have the right idea, though. The value in studying great copy is in getting the flow, the…Read more
Hi Virginia, thanks for your thoughts. And I promise it was a tongue in cheek disclaimer. Just modelled the headline/hook … not a word for word copy … I promise I haven’t suddenly become a one-legged copywriter. 🙂
I’ll look up the Kilstein video – thanks for the heads up.
The world is not more jaded today. I know that’s a common misperception… but it’s been a consistent conceit for my entire career (now over 30 years long, spanning generations).
The fundamental selling tactics that work today, worked 50 years ago and 1,000 years ago (okay, I’m working from an assumption there, but it’s pretty sound, given my…Read more
Hi John, thank you. I thought this was true, which is why I picked your ad as the inspiration for mine. I haven’t really ripped off your ad, but have HEAVILY leaned on your headline and hook. It’ still in the draft stage, so it may yet develop into something else.
Can I also take this time to thank you and Stan for the brilliant info you cram…Read more
Jose Ayala posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago · updated 9 years, 3 months ago
I’m listening to Joe polish interview and it really got me thinking about something.
My dad is a house painter he’s been doing it in the Houston area for 32 year’s. As I was listening to Joe talk about taking his carpet cleaning biz from 2100 to 12000 in 6months, these ideas started to enter my mind… write copy for him print them out and…Read more-
Great idea! My suggestion is to just do it. Don’t over think it, just write it and get out there. Good luck!
I’m not sure what you’re looking for here, but some suggestions as to how you can promote your father’s business:
Is he on Angie’s LIst?
You could claim and build out his Google places (or whatever they’re calling it now) listing.Craigslist/Backpage
Does he have a list of previous clients? Houses need to be painted every (fill in the blank)…Read more
Good stuff, Virginia.
To Jose: Yes, Joe’s formula worked like crazy for carpet cleaners, and works just as well for any biz like it, including house painting.
As Virginia alluded, the process is all about credibility, which can trump price — people will pay more for service they feel super confident is worth the money, with results they can…Read more
thanks guys. Good info.
Another thing, Jose, in case you don’t know about it. The Post Office (I assume you are in the US) has a program where you can mail to a specific neighborhood or zip code. I am not sure how tight your area can be but it is less expensive than first class and I don’t think you have to address the flyers.
OK. I see that you said you are in Houston. Might help if I could read!
Since you are talking about Joe, you might want to listen to him talk about the “Consumer Awareness Guides”.
I am sure you can make/modify one to fit the painting business.
I am re-doing one using the SWS principles right now.
I believe Joe and Dean talk about them in “I Love Marketing” Episodes 4 and 99.
Semaj Richardson posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago · updated 9 years, 3 months ago
Hey everyone, I am following the guidelines as they are laid out within the “The Freelance Course”, and according to the book, I would classify myself as being within the shameless whoring stage of my freelance copywriting career. I started hand copying winning sales letters in August (and am still doing so); however, I feel that know is the time…Read more
That sounds great, Semaj. Let us know how you do. I would suggest (if you haven’t done so already) that you purchase at least one of their low-end courses and use that to start a conversation. They may be more willing to listen to a customer than someone who is just off the street.
Also, follow them on Facebook and Twitter. If they are on…Read more
Hey Virginia, I already have the entire Freelance course package (Kickass copywriting included), and I review both of them weekly. I recently purchased one of their programs for which I want to improve the sales copy. I’m working on it and I’ll post my sales letter for it here for revision before I share it with the original business owner who…Read more
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Increase your efficiency with Video Speed Controller
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Get your questions answered with Survey Monkey
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Alternative to Google Keyword Planner
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Instagram: Your new homepage?
If your (or your client's) target market includes the under-30 crowd you have to be looking at how to integrate Instagram into your marketing. More and more consumers are going mobile, and are looking for "real" information when they want to purchase. They are no...
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