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Larry E. posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago · updated 9 years, 4 months ago
Waited for a week and today I had the opportunity to watch KICKASS CRASH COURSE NUMBER 4 and it was friggin phenomenal!I look forward to this series each week as much as any weekly HBO show I ever watched!!!! THANKYOU!
Samuel Markewich posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago · updated 9 years, 4 months ago
This is related to selling copy, specifically a book. Can anyone please tell me how to sell a book simultaneously from your website and on Amazon so that you can actually capture the buyers’ email on your mailing list? Amazon doesn’t enable collecting that from people who buy on their site. Thanks for any clear answer on this! I sure can’t get an…Read more
Hi Samuel, put a link to an opt in page with teaser copy on your second page. Something like “Get My Report On How To Get X In X Time”
Hi Samuel: The way I’ve seen people do it is to put an opt-in box on your site and a link to the book sales page and tell people that if they buy the book they have to go back to that page and enter their name, email and receipt number and you will send them a bonus. Then you can either verify the receipt or just send them the bonus. There is…Read more
If you self-publish on CreateSpace, you can also put the link and QR code in your book, so people can go to your site and opt in.
If you did that, though, I would put something like “limited time offer” so if people buy the book and then try to go to your site after you’ve ended the offer (if you do decide to end it) you wouldn’t look bad by having a broken link in the book.
Check out the way Perry Marshall does it on his site. It’s not specifically what you’re looking for, but it’s very smart.
I recently bought his Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords from his site and was very impressed by what he had going.
I probably would’ve bought much more from him if I wasn’t keeping my dollars handy for the Simple Writing System
John Orban posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago · updated 9 years, 4 months ago
Let me state first off that, IMHO, John Carlton is as close to God as you’re gonna get. As soon as I heard the first words tumble out of his mouth on some podcast (can’t remember which one), I knew my search for a copywriting mentor was over. When I read ads now that promise $40,000 a week from Facebook advertising I run them through the “Carlton…Read more
There’s somebody in every market for every product that will tell you why you have to cut your price to stand a chance against the Big Boys or The Locals or The Fivvers or who and whatever the competition might be.
The history of selling everything is that if you make the case for the product, target people who are likely to have a need and are…Read more
The flip side of cheap is that cheap often falls apart. Early on I lost 13 new clients because a fiverr type gave me a logo that was a 100% rip off of a major corporation’s logo I was unfamiliar with. I loved it and immediately sent it to my clients as an example of how great a logo could look and, as they should have, they all left immediately…Read more
Daniel Cugliari posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 4 months ago
I was sleuthing around the Simple Writing System sales page and got curious about why the headline looked the way it does.
Noticed it’s a ‘cufon’ element
Spiked my curiosity…
Is this…
a) None of my business?
b) So your headline doesn’t appear in the googles?
c) So your headline maintains the exact typeface, paragraphs and styling that you…Read more-
Sweet! Yeah I thought there might not be a big reason for it – just got curious about the whole ‘cufon’ thing.
Thanks for the response Pete! -
Pete pretty much nailed it. SimpleWritingSystem.com is running OptimizePress 1. Outdated technology, but it does the job needed to be done on that site. My assumption that was OP’s attempt to make the site responsive. As you said, we don’t want that headline to be optimized for search engines. Body copy and SEO elements are more important.…Read more
Michael Smith posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 4 months ago
Since everyone has been helping me so much with my Recruiting InMails, I wanted to share some LinkedIn tools that have worked really well for me with the Clubhouse.. I feel like if I can improve on my copywriting skills I could really improve my results (which is why I joined this site)
5 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Sales/Recruiting
1. Setup your…Read more
4. Now that you are connected to them, they have basically given you permission to advertise to them, whenever you post a linkedin update it will show in their newsfeed. I think of LinkedIn Updates kind of like mini ads that consist of a picture and up to 600 characters. Hopefully as I get better at copywriting I will get better at these.
5. I…Read more
These are awesome tips! Thanks.
Thanks, Michael. You might want to check out the Simple Writing System. They will be starting a live coaching course very soon and it will really help you sharpen your writing skills and think like a copywriter. You will receive an email when the class is open.
I am definitely interested in that.
I bought the Kickass Copywriting Secrets but I feel like I need a course in the basics before being able to effectively use a lot of those tips.
Hi Michael: The reply from Susan Martin was actually from me. She is my evil twin :). With the live coaching the SWS costs $1997. If you purchase the DVD’s in advance the cost is $1197. If you have already purchased KACS from Marketing Rebel you get an additional $100 discount
Thanks Virginia 🙂
I see the SWS costs $800, how much is the online class version?
Thanks, Michael.
Hey Mike,
Great tips. Love LI and always into connecting with folks who are into it. Will send you a connection request. Great to get on the phone and chat sometime soon too. Let me know if I can help you out in any way. Always like to do what I can.
BTW, just tried to send you a connection request. You’ve got it set so that it can’t be done without proving to LI that we know you. May want to reset that. In the meantime, please go ahead and send me a connection request on LI. Peace.
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I’m glad you like it, Larry. There are only 4 more. Just fair warning 🙂
Oh, wow! I will savor each and everyone! Great stuff!!!!