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Larry E. posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for heads up on Kickass Copywriting
Crash Course Part 3! EXCELLENT!!!
Hey, John makes mention of the “9 minute ad”
And ” the best damn ad you’ll write in 9 minutes”
But I’ve looked everywhere on MRIC, John-Carlton.com,
Rant blog etc and can’t find it!
Can you please point me there!
Thanks much!
Larry E -
Daniel Cugliari posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Are we here for validation or are we here for feedback? (I.e. Listen to their f*****g advice…)
A trait I’ve noticed in myself:
> I post something.
> I get feedback.
> If I *like* the feedback (if it feeds my ego) I tell the person giving it to me all the ways “I thought of that first”. If I don’t like it (If it threatens me) I feel a compulsion…Read more-
Dual edged sword, a lot of advice is plain wrong and doesn’t work. I know this from testing out bad advice, and finding they are completely black and white wrong.
So you face a dilemma, be open minded and implement some good advice some bad advice, or be closed minded and be much slower to innovate.
There are industry best practices which work…Read more
The ‘dilemma’ that you mention…. in my opinion, is where our ego gets in the way.
Let me explain:
If I’m given bad advice (and I KNOW it’s bad), I’m free to ignore the advice with no further comment. BUT there’s a screaming child in the back of my skull that wants to make sure *everyone else knows that I’m no fool*.
More often, however, no…Read more-
(This was a BIG problem in the music community back when I was at college studying music.
Kids would come into masterclasses cocky and ready-to-impress, thinking they’re the next John Scofield or Bill Evans. They ask a bunch of questions to the MASTER on stage and then proceed to either
1.) Argue with the answer because they didn’t like it;
2.)…Read more
Michael Smith posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
I am new to the site and wanted to see if you all could help me improve my email that I send to potential candidates on LinkedIn.
I need to make it less salesy because if you assume too much I find that candidates wont respond.
The link below is a successful post that I wrote that I had a lot of success with, but when I send the below…Read more
The link to the post I mentioned is here:
Well first if you can contact these people on a regular basis
#1 You should be doing a multi-shot campaign instead of a single blow & go
#2 Since you can do a multi-shot campaign you should build a relationship first with free information and bribes
#3 Get them on the phone with an offer of a freebie rather than a sales pitch (Example: 5 Ways…Read more
Yeah I try to share at least one helpful article a day for 2-5 year public accountants..
I have been using the app “Buffer” where you can queue up her social media shares ahead of time and I think that has helped drive more viewers to my profile each day..
I like your idea of adding something helpful to my Inmails, maybe with each InMail I could…Read more
Hi Michael: I was a CPA and worked for a Big 8 (at the time…now Big 4) accounting firm (KPMG) for 8 years. Your email brings back a lot of memories for me.
First delete this: “I don’t pretend to know the situation at your current job and I will completely understand if you’re not interested in exploring new opportunities at this time. But…Read more
Q: How do you define “success” for your post? I am not that familiar with LinkedIn analytics. Do they tell you how many see it? How is it distributed?
It had 5,000 views, 100+ likes, and 10+ positive comments.
But ultimately I judged success on the Post by the fact that it resulted in 10+ Big4 candidates responding to it via email and int…Read more
I would suggest you apply for a hot seat and have John and Stan critique your email.
One other thing…when I read “we operate just like a startup” I get the image of long hours and low pay. You might want to rephrase that..maybe we have an entrepreneurial spirit or something like that, both because of the image I mentioned above and because you really aren’t a startup…50 years old and one of the largest regional firms.
In the Bay Area a startup culture means a place where you can make an impact without unnecessary bureaucracy, tenure requirements, etc.
It is more of a meritocracy.
The #1 reason people respond to my Posts are startup culture, the 700% growth in the last 10 years, and work-life balance.
I am confident on my selling points, but I am really…Read more
Below is an example email that I had around a 60% response rate with as an agency recruiter, which was very high..
The difference now is instead of having 100 different companies to pitch the candidate, now I just have 1.
Interested in hearing about new job opportunities?
Hi ,
I’m a recruiter at a boutique search firm that specializes…Read more
Hey Mike,
I have ZERO affinity with ths market, so I can only comment on what I’ve learned.
That being said, here’s my .02…First and foremost, your headline:
When you say “six reasons why you should consider”
I know that if I open this email, you are going to try to convince me of something…
I am about to be SOLD.
Nobody wants to be…Read more-
Nick, I agree with a lot of your points..
Do you think the headline should not be related to the message?
I have seen a lot of advice where they say just comment on things you see in their linkedin profile to kind of trick them into opening it..
For instance if they list fishing is a hobby, that you then use their name in the Subject Line and…Read more
Hey Mike,
Before I answer this question, please do me one favor, and answer two questions HONESTLY:
1) What is your favorite hobby
2) What exactly is your jobPlease just play along, and I will hopefully show you exactly what I mean.
My favorite hobby is Tennis and I am an internal recruiter for a public accounting firm.
(For background Public Accounting currently has a huge talent shortage at the 3-7 year range because so many are choosing to leave public and become a backoffice accountant at startup tech companies (in the Bay Area)
You don’t EVER want to “bait and switch” someone with a healdine, only to drop them into a sales pitch (unless your goal is to get them pissed, and leaving your pitch- LOL).
Just think how you’d react if you saw a headline that really got your attention about tennis, only to crack open a pitch… how fast would you click away?
If…Read more
Nick, I love this part you wrote below, I needed to hear this:
“Now, when I asked you what you do, the REAL question is “What do you sell”, but I find when I ask clients what they sell, it’s a little more confusing, and ultimately the answers come out the same anyway.
When you write copy, you are NOT a “recruiter for an account…Read more
Marc Klaesius posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Hello all.
I’m currently working hard on my first product (a drum sample pack for the music production niche), which I plan to release in november.
One of the tools I’ll need is (obviously) a shopping cart. A lot of people in my industry are using shopify, but I think feature wise it’s a bit weak.
Do you have any recommendations/experience with…Read more-
Marc – The solution that gets you from $0 / year to $100,00+ / year will almost certainly fail you at that point. You’ll know better what feature you need and what’s worth paying for.
I suggest you give yourself just a few days to pick one, and then keep moving forward. None are perfect. All will start putting money in your bank.
Shopify seems…Read more
Stan, thanks a lot for the extensive feedback. One solution that looked perfect to me is Zaxaa. But as I could hardly find any info I got very sceptical. Even some users on their testimonials site seem to have moved on to another platform.
Click Funnels looks like a good option and as Russel Brunson is in the wider Dan Kennedy circle, I would…Read more
Thanks Pete. WooCommerce looks like an interesting option, as with the add ons it can grow with my needs. The only thing I’m a bit sceptical about is, that many third party add ons might affect the stability.
On the other hand the audio world is full of third party plugins and they integrate absolutely seamless. -
If you’re at all “technical” you can give Digital Access Pass a try.
It has TONS of features, but there is a pretty steep learning curve.
I have it (had it for years) and I still get caught up sometimes.
I can tell you, though, that they have some of the BEST customer service I have EVER seen.
On their site,…Read more-
Thanks for the recommendation, Nick. Looks like another very interesting option. Very impressive from the first…well…impression. I didn’t have the time for a closer look though.
It’s currently in my top 3.And again, this is a very good example of HOW good testimonials work. Because I observe my trust being raised immediately by their tons of…Read more
Jared Warner posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Hello all. I’m fairly new to the group but not new to marketing.
I’m working on a little project now that I would love to have your feedback on.
Take a look at the link provided. This will also (most likely) be a direct mail letter as well as driving traffic from an industry magazine ad to this page.
I welcome your…Read more
Hi Jared: You need to start with a headline that will grab your prospect’s attention. If nothing else, you can use your first bullet (Receive Qualified Leads in 7 Days…not great but much better than you have). You can’t start a sales pitch with a long story. You will lose your reader very quickly. All they care about is whether you know…Read more
The long story portion was actually written in collaboration with Perry Marshall on a Mastermind call. He’s had a little bit of success with long story’s, that is if they relate to the reader, which this does.
I guess if you’re outside of this industry non of it will hit home, that’s not the response I’ve received from people in the industry.
My only response to this would be to try to look on any advice with open ears.
My guess is that the people who gave positive responses to your letter, were people who know you. You “showed” them the letter and asked for their advice.
You already had a relationship with them.
Am I correct or way off?
Advice like this can be good, but…Read more -
Jared: When I think of Perry Marshall I think of Adwords. In order to be an adwords expert he also has to know how to create an effective landing page, too. Please look at one of Perry Marshall’s landing pages. Go here: https://1023.marketingrebelclub.com/perry-marshall-adwords-psych-out-smackdown-2/ and click on the banner at the top of the…Read more
What drives me NUTS about these types of videos is that as soon as you post them, Google changes something (or FB) and the video is obsolete. Yeah, I get the concept, but it’s as if Google (and FB) want to keep you in the dark as much as possible. That’s the reason I won’t buy ANY “Definitive Guide to ___” as long as Google or FB is in the blank…Read more
For the most part, the things that Perry Marshall teaches don’t change. His books stay relevant for several years because he doesn’t teach how to try to game the system. He teaches basic concepts (quality of landing page, effective ad creation, campaign building) that are just as relevant now as they were 5 years ago. It is the same with Teran…Read more
The Scuttlebutt session where John and Dan Kennedy talk about people “liking” your copy is posted. You should listen to the whole thing but the specific spot is about a third of the way through.
Awesome…thanks for posting that, Virginia.
If you want to start writing copy for a living I would definitely suggest you jump on the next session of Simple Writing System. (for the record, I don’t gain financially by recommending it. I took it several years ago and think that it would help you immensely). They plan to start a new session soon.
How long before SWS closes?-
Hi Nick: They haven’t opened it yet. After that there should be at least a week or so. You will receive at least one email when they open the registration and that will give the deadline.
So what they’re opening is the coached version, correct?
If I go online, I can buy the system, and they send the package (difference being that you go through it “on your own”).
And the DIY version is always available, only the coaching will be limited.
Is that correct?-
Yes, that’s correct. Also, if you buy the DVDs alone and then decide to take the coaching you get a discount equal to the amount you paid for the DVDs.
Thanks, Virginia.
So…if we go the DIY route first, the coached version is always on the tabelfor us (it never “closes registration”)?
And I think you mentioned a didscount if we already owned the freelance course…does that apply to the DIY version as well?-
No, if you go the DIY route you would still have to wait for a coaching program to open up. The discount will always be available but the live coaching is only given once in a while.
The Freelance course is not included in this offer. so you wouldn’t get a discount for having purchased that.
I believe that you would get a discount if you had…Read more
Oh, OK…
But the freelance course includes the kick ass course already as well.
No worries…I was just confused bwtween the two at first.-
Hi Nick: If you have the KACS and received it from Marketing Rebel…regardless of whether you purchased it separately or received it as a bonus you still can get the $100 discount. Just submit a ticket and Anne will get you a refund. I guess they just have to be able to confirm that you either purchased KACS or purchased a product that had…Read more
Hey Virginia,
Just curious… I purchased the SWS course some time ago… still have all the dvds and workbooks, but wanted to know when the next “live coaching” program is starting? Also, what is the charge for a former SWS student?
Hi Aaron: The live coaching will be starting soon. They are going to be offering a class with Mark Landstrom as the instructor. You should get an email (or 10) about it once they make it available, which should be sometime next week.
The charge for re-taking the course is $1,197.
Thanks, I’ll keep a lookout for the email(s).
Hi Jared: You can get John and Stan to do a more in-depth review by requesting and being approved for a hot seat. The link to apply is in the right column under “Hot Seats and Consulting”.
I’m no expert, but to me, the headline is very lackluster. How about something like:
Mark up your Current Flooring Inventory, RIGHT NOW, so I can help you SELL it ALL!!!
And then you want to address them, for DM, by their first name if possible, not “Flooring Store Owners”. Waaay too generic.
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Hi Virginia!
If you know where I can find this please, by all means, let me know!
Thank you!
Larry E
I don’t have it, so I’m checking with Stan and John. They haven’t gotten back to me which probably means they don’t know where it is, but if I can find it I’ll let you know.
Thanks so much!!!!