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Raj Bapna posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Please suggest a domain name for a new company.
Available: GiveTestimonial.com
Not available:TestimonialPro.com, TestimonialGuy.comI am developing software that uses best questions and practices to get effective testimonials.
DeanGreen posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Hi Guys, I am going to get myself the freelance copywriter course by end of this week.
Anything I should prepare myself before hand?
Furthermore, any action tips that I can do this week fro me to look for clients?
That is my sticking point.
Hi Dean. The Freelance Course should be your priority right now, if finding clients is a sticking point. The fundamental truth is that the biz world is starved for good freelance copywriters who can handle the gig, and once you understand how it all works, you can approach new clients with confidence.
Plus, you’ll have better ideas on how to find…Read more
Thanks John, your words are very encouraging. I’ve read all the good reviews and recommendations for your freelance course.
Take a cold shower every day for a week. Because it doesn’t hurt and won’t kill you. It’s just uncomfortable. And you’ll just have to do uncomfortable things. Even though they’re good for you. Anyway, that’s what I did when I realized my life was going somewhere I didn’t like. Who said that “Every business problem is a personal problem in…Read more
Thanks Jonathan, I get your point. 🙂
hey mate! as a fellow non-native, I’d definitely recommend reading “Elements of Style”, by Strunk & white. It’s very short, John Carlton recommends it all the time, and it includes FUNDAMENTAL things you’ve likely never heard (and almost def. don’t practice). I’d reaf it very slowly, making sure to *get* everything – read a chapter, and then read…Read more
Yes, Elements Of Style is a must for every writer.
Thanks Simon. Yea, I can recall John mentioned it too many times in Psych Insights and in some of the videos here. Thanks again!
That’s so nice, Simon!
Just bought myself the freelance copywriter course! can’t wait!
Jay Holt posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Hello everyone. I just joined and have a question of how to scale up sales and traffic. I have a small internet business in a niche and am having a hard time scaling up. I’m trying to get affiliates and doing PPC on Bing and Ad words. Maybe I need to try to get some JV’s. Here is my website http://www.howicuredmybarrettsesophagus.com…Read more
Hi Jay: To start with…this is not really what you are asking, but here are a couple of quick suggestions re your site.
Your visitors care about themselves, not you. You start out talking about yourself…how you cured it. Not how the reader can cure it. It may sound like a small thing, but it is very important. It could be something as…Read more
Hi Virginia and thanks for your reply:
I agree with you that my visitors care about themselves not me…but I got the advice from my attorney who said that I cannot say I will heal or cure your Barrett’s because I am not a doctor. He said instead just to say that I cured myself which I did as you can see on the pathology reports. I realize tha…Read more
Jay – I am not a lawyer. This is not legal or professional or business advice. I have no idea why any cares what I have to say about anything.
Now that we’ve covered that… Your laywer’s job is to scare the shit out of you. Tell you every way possible everything can go wrong. (I tell me lawyer’s exactly that. I want them to scare the shit out…Read more
Uh Stan, you are hillarious.
Jay, can you expand your market to include Gerd or reflux? The market is exponentially larger there and I suspect that you could probably help them as well.
Hi Kirsten,
Yes good advice I am looking into that. Thanks.
Jay, I have been working with a team of FDA attnys for the last 2 years and you are right to be careful, but essentially all you need to do is be sure that you talk about your product as something that can improve something that is already healthy. You are going to certainly get flagged for using the word cure, even if you say you cured your own,…Read more
Hi Kirsten,
Thanks for the advice but how would I improve something that is already healthy b/c we are talking about people with Barrett’s esophagus- just not sure what you are referring to. If you don’t mind what are you working on with FDA attorneys? What’s your website just curious. Thanks. Jay
Hey Jay, I developed a diagnostic algorythim that can assess some sub clincial factors related to infertility and then generate custom programs to fix those issues. We use chinese herbs to fix the problems. We have to use that language because we cant use language like diagnose and treat infertility…. my website is http://www.conceivable.com it is a…Read more
Thanks for the advice I will try it. Love your site and great idea for sure. Jay
Jay – Throw out the copy (including video) & write it again. Line out every word that doesn’t need to be there. Starting with all of the “do you feel… are you scared…” stuff. You don’t need to tell them the are “Barrett’s Patients & Friends”.
Nobody cares you were scared or frustrated or whatever. If they or a loved one has this, they k…Read more
Thanks Stan.
Hi Jay: I would become a student of alternative health sales copy. Get on the mailing lists of the big mailers…the ones sending out the large magalogs. They all have an army of highly paid lawyers pouring over their copy. Don’t say anything that is not backed up by experience. You could also have testimonials from people who used your…Read more
I just checked and the hot seat is available now. Look under John Carlton’s Corner/Live Hot seats and copy critiques, and it is called “let your testimonials tell your story”. It should have been removed last Sunday but I will leave it up for another week so you can watch it.
Kirsten Karchmer posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Ok lets try this one. http://www.conceivable.com
You are sending people from your landing page to a form they have to fill out which, I assume, goes to your sales page. Are people filling out the form and not buying, or are they clicking through from the landing page to this form and not filling out the form?
Hey Virginia, looks like we had 180 unique page views to landing page, 130 moved to the next page, 20 started sign up and the others bounced. They stayed on the page 1min 32 sec on average. I have no idea what to do…
So people are going to your landing page and most of them are clicking through but not entering their info and clicking through to the sales page? That means they are curious but not yet ready to buy.
The fist thing I’d do is take the price off the opt-in page and only ask for their name and email at first. The more information you make them…Read more
Your original comment got lost in the shuffle. I am pasting it here:
Hey Friends, great advice. I made the landing page warmer and more emotional and it is converting at 37% compared to 14% to the previous one. http://bit.ly/1gV1Dv8. The only problem is that the payment page still isnt converting.. 0% Very sad. I am like the lady on the home…Read more
Marcelo Tolosa posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Hi to everyone!! Glad to join!
Most Pressing Business Challenge? I’m jumping into the copywriting area because i enjoy creating messages that move people into action and to create my own projects.
My question: What’s the daily routine top performers use to improve their copywriting skills?
Reason to join the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club? I…Read more
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