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    I think most folks would agree that the Financial Markets B2B and B2C are two entirely different niches! Each with their own distinctive products, services and clientele base!
    Where the B2C will concentrate on letters, web copy, VSL to potential investors and newsletter buyers and such While B2B will be more…Read more

    • Does the thought of concentrating on one niche excite you more than the other? Are you more comfortable in one than the other? Assuming you believe that either is profitable enough, those are the questions you should be asking yourself. Try doing some daydeaming…picture yourself already in one of the niches and see if you are excited about…Read more

      • Actually they both seem exciting, but in very different ways! While B2B you will be hitting a lot more singles on a regular basis that cumulatively will add up as runs scored ( pardon my baseball analogy tis the season ha ha) while with B2C you are consistently trying to knock it out of the park!
        I think for someone already established with a…Read more

    • Where has your 20 years been spent? Were your clients businesses or individuals. I am not sure about this but it seems the barriers to entry may be greater for B2B because more networking and boots on the ground may be necessary (it seems to me that “who you know” may be more important for B2C and unless you have a deep rolodex it may be more…Read more

  • Hello folks. I redesigned my website a couple of years ago and was wondering if I need an update or invest in SEO and other traffic driving initiatives as the leads have trickled to a drip. Here’s the website. http://www.copywriting-results.com

    • Hi Farhad: I am going to be blunt here, and hope you aren’t put off. I just want to help.

      Who are you targeting? You site looks very corporate and cold, and your headline has no sizzle. At one point you say “hire copywriting-results.com”. They are not hiring your site, they are hiring you. It looks like just a lead gen site which is going…Read more

      • Thanks Virginia. Appreciate your response. The reason I decided to use copywriting-results instead of my name is because it gives me the flexibility to expand to an agency model. A personal brand is limiting. Also when I decide to eventually sell the site it will have value. I recently heard a podcast by James Schramko of Superfast business who…Read more

        • Hi Farhad: I don’t think that using your name in the company name is limiting. If you look here: http://www.top50adagencies.com/ you will see that the majority of ad agencies have their founders’ names in their company name.

          I’m sure that people hiring Olgilvy and Mather know that neither Mr. Ogilvy nor Mr. Mather will be working on their acc…Read more

        • Copywriting is a very competitive market.

          Nobody in this market makes a living because good clients type “copywriter” into Google, find their nice website, and hand over a big retainer check.

          The website gives people who already want to enter the funnel a way to step in. You’ll have to do outreach marketing to generate those kinds of…Read more

    • Hi Farhad: You might want to apply for a hot seat to have Stan and John critique your site. there is a link to the instructions in the right column.

  • Hello everyone! This is my first post on MRIC since joining last week! Trolling a bit to checkout what everyone’s doing as I’m still in the learning stages! Studied John’s Copywriting and Freelancing courses and working online on SWS! Trying to learn the right word to write,right? Anyone else going on Rebecca Matter’s AWAI call tonight? Just…Read more

  • Just wanted to follow up and say that based on feedback I’ve received here and from others I’ve decided to focus on writing for the music niche. Info products, courses, software, direct mail for manufacturers, instruments, possibly PR, really anything related.

    I think that niche is big enough for me to have options. Plus it’s easier for me to…Read more

  • Hi All,
    I recently launched my freelance website, and I’m looking for feedback and suggestions for improvement.
    For example, layout, content, calls to action, ease of navigation, etc.
    I plan to add a blog for copywriting/marketing with email sign-up form, and a blog for health and fitness topics with a separate email sign-up form.
    Any and all…Read more

    • Hi Christopher: Great Domain Name!

      Congratulations on getting a site up. You have a good basic structure and now can polish it a bit.

      A couple of observations: In your header you call yourself a direct response copywriter. True, but most Fitness/Health Professionals probably have no idea what a direct response copywriter is. I would make…Read more

    • Obviously, though, if you aren’t comfortable talking to prospects with no preparation, it is not a great idea to answer the phone.

      • Hi Virginia,
        Thanks for those awesome suggestions, I’ll be making those changes toot sweet.
        I know what you mean about being a little thin in the About page, I’m struggling a bit with that one. I’ll definitely flesh it out more, just not sure how yet.
        And thanks for that great tip about getting a Google voice number.
        My main reason for saying…Read more

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