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The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 7 years, 3 months ago
A wacky excuse to contact your prospects (or clients)Anyone who uses content to keep in touch with customers and prospects occasionally (or maybe more often) hits a dry period where they can’t think […]
Kileiwangbe Newme posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago · updated 7 years, 3 months ago
Hi, my name is kilei, and i’m new here. Glad to be here.
Dylan Smallman posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago · updated 7 years, 3 months ago
So I am in the simple writing system and have done both lessons 1 and 2 but can’t get my hands on lesson 3 is it coming out soon? Is it available now?
Hi Dylan: I’m glad you are enjoying the SWS Express course. If anyone else wants to get in on this free course just go here (quickly) to sign up: http://simplewritingsystem.com/
The email for lesson 3 hasn’t gone out yet. They are spending a couple of days on each lesson. When lesson 3 is live you will get an email and if you go to Lesson 2…Read more
Hi Dylan: The email for Lesson 3 has gone out. If you didn’t receive it you can just go to lesson 2 and you’ll see the link where they say that Colin has moved on to Lesson 3.
Dylan Smallman posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago · updated 7 years, 3 months ago
I am begining my career as a marketer and want to master copywriting so that I can become a highly paid powerfully persuasive copywriter. I want to be one of the greats.
Hi Dylan: Welcome to the Club!
You’ve come at a great time because John and Colin Chung (one of John’s successful students and teacher of the Simple Writing System) are running a live Simple Writing System express course. It is free to join and you can learn and get some feedback on your efforts. You have to do it right away, though, because…Read more
August Worden posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago · updated 7 years, 3 months ago
Hey guys (and girls), I am in the fitness industry and wanted to know if any of you have any killer ways to generate new leads? Thanks!
Hi August: What are you selling? Do you own a gym, market fitness products? Also, what are you doing now? What is working and what isn’t working? Let us know a bit about where you are now so you don’t get suggestions that are not relevant or that you are already using. Thanks.
Hi Virginia. I do not own a gym and actually do not have a desire to. Currently I work as a personal trainer and the gym owner lets me be in charge of my own clientele (in charge of attracting and maintaining everyone I train; he gives me a long leash) But I also do remote coaching via online. Typically I rely on referals but lately have been…Read more
One thing you can do, especially for online clients, is to do some youtube videos. Write down 10 questions that your clients ask and create one video to answer each with a call to action at the end. If your coaching is not inexpensive you might want to have some type of lead magnet to get people to give you their email addresses, and you can…Read more
Maybe you could do some type of promotion in conjunction with the gym. Maybe a free group session where you can teach people the basics of getting into shape/losing weight, since the New Year is coming up. You could show them how having a personal trainer helps them keep going and actually reach their goals.
I am just throwing this out. I…Read more
This is all great stuff Virginia. Thank you!
Hi August: One more suggestion. I kind of hesitate to suggest it because most people would just dismiss the possibility, but if you are in a smaller market you could develop a 2-3 minute spot on a timely topic and pitch it to a local TV station for a spot on the morning news. I did this a few years ago and was able to get on about 9 stations.…Read more
Recent Member Lessons
Another reason to make your website mobile-friendly
Unless you have been under a rock the past few years, you know that more and more people are using mobile devices to surf the internet. Google is continuing to cater more and more to their needs, and last week announced that they would be instituting "mobile-first...
Easy client scheduling with Calendly
Calendly is an easy, free solution for enabling clients or prospects to schedule time to speak with you. No more back and forth emails. They just go to your schedule and book a time. We created a video to show you how to get started and how to set up a basic...
A source of unlimited content ideas?
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What the heck is a blockchain?
What blockchains are and why we need them Anyone who is familiar with Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies is familiar with the term "blockchain". It is the system that assures that your bitcoin is secure from hackers, and is essential to the entire cryptocurrency...
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Hi Kilei: Welcome to the Club!