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Idan Romsky posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
hey, i very struggling with a headline for my weight loss sales page,
what do you do when you struggling with a headline?
any ideas? thanks. -
HalC130 posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
I am thinking of sending out a letter for my assisted living business. We have a personal trainer who has done wonders for our residents. Between the trainer and his nutritionist wife, we have someone whose diabetes is practically back to normal, lost 25lbs and is standing up out of his wheelchair. He may go back home soon because he will be too…Read more
Hi Hal:
How much direct response experience does the printer have? Did you ask him for feedback on your letter? Is this something he normally does?It seems a bit strange that the printer would spend so much time giving feedback on your letter.
Unless he has a track record of success in selling via direct mail I would take his advice with a…Read more
John likes to tell the story of when he first started putting his advertisements in Golf magazines. Everyone (including the people at the magazines who were taking his money) told him that there was no way they would work.
HalC130 posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago
For my post right below this one, I’m worried that my printer wants to ‘build my brand’ rather than spur people to action. Also, I put a headline in the letter and he thinks we should just take it out. I’m really confused what to do. Thanks for any help. I’ve attached the letter here.
Microsoft OneDrive – Access files anywhere. Create docs… -
I bow, John! Resisted for years;Couldn\’t resist Stan\’s \’Home Study\’ email today.I\’m convinced; Show me how it\’s done…
Hi Bryan: Great move, and welcome to the Club! The biggest secret to success with the Home Study course is to pretend that there is a coach there waiting for you do complete each lesson. That way you will do each as well as you can and you won’t skip any!
When you have questions, just post them here and I am sure we can help you out….
Thanks Virginia!
Christopher Dobie posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
I\’m excited! I pulled the trigger (with some gentle coaxing from Kevin Rogers over at Copy Chief) and signed up for the SWS coaching with John.
I\’m publicly committing here to surrender to the SWS process, take it step by step and take full advantage of all the grizzled vets 30+ years in the trenches…
Hi Christopher: Congratulations on making that move! I took the SWS a few years ago and can assure you that it is a life-changing course. Times 10 since you have John as your coach…
Good to hear we’re in the right place Virginia.
Christopher Dobie, how long have you been writing copy?
Christopher Jacobie, I’ve been a student of direct response copy for several years now. Working full-time on a totally different field and now looking to take it up a notch and hang out my shingle as a freelancer. Welcome to MRIC. We’re in the right place here
Hi, Christopher. Great move. Welcome to the club!
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Hi Idan: One thing you could do is use a swipe file to get ideas. You should be collecting great headlines as you go, but here is a resource from Jay Abraham: http://www.mastercopywriters.com/greatestheadlines.htm
Thanks for sharing Virginia. Great resource.
Fascinating list of headlines, Virginia! Thanks for sharing.