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JonathanC posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
I have an opportunity to write squeeze pages for musicians wanting to build their email lists. In the past a big issue I ran into was:
Many of these folks don’t have a big fanbase or glowing reviews from important people to begin with so how can I write to their “ideal customer” to speak their ideal fan’s language? Educated guess?
Also, the lead…Read more -
Marc Klaesius posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
I just joined MRIC and I can’t wait to explore this awesome place:-)But first: I’m currently building an online business in the sample pack (for music production) niche while working full time as a freelance audio engineer.
So the one big challenge is – obviously – building a business from scratch with very limited time and rather small…Read more-
Congratulations Marc on the 900 subscriber! Impressive!
Thanks Bruno!
Impressive surname! You may be bombarded with that question… but are you in any way related…?-
No sir 🙂 but yes people do ask me that!
Haha…sorry for me being the trillionth one:-)
BTW, I like your website from the first impression I got. Keep it up:-)-
😀 that’s OK Marc! It’s an honor to be associated with such a great writer 🙂
And thank you for the positive feedback about my site! It’s a work in progress (as it probably always be)
*HIGH FIVE* I’m also getting my start in the music niche. That’s a nice email list too! Since you’re working now as an audio engineer (even though it’s freelance gigs) that’s still good expert positioning. I just read a story about a teenage copywriter/producer making decent money selling rap beats so… Find a need and keep the product simple is…Read more
Jonathan…great to find another music head so quickly:-)
I just visited your website. You have already raised my interest:-)
BTW, do you know Ben Sword and his Music Marketing Classroom? If not I recommend you check him out and subscribe to his free newsletter.
He’s a really clever marketer and he blew my mind several times.-
Oh..and do you know where you read the story about the the teenage copywriter selling rap beats? Sounds like an inspiring story.
Wow..thanks Pete! My coach (I’m taking one on one business and personal coaching from time to time) told me a quote from another marketer (whose name I forgot). It went something like “There’s a just in case strategy and a just in time strategy.” And that (obviously) the just in time strategy is the one that makes you move forward. That one really…Read more
Alicia Kamm posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
A few copywriting questions:
1. Should I choose a niche to focus on instead of pursuing copywriting prospects from different industries?
2. I volunteer for a non-profit that is trying to sell ad space in an upcoming event bulletin. Is this an opportunity to try out my copywriting skills? the real question here is, how do I start getting my…Read more-
Uh oh…I ordered the Freelance course as well, and am now curious as to your “serious regrets” statement.
Care to elaborate?-
John recommended the Freelance course so yes, I think we are on the right track. I am reading a ton of great stuff about SWS so that’s where the comment came in. Maybe it doesn’t matter about the order of how we use his tools. Not quite sure.
Ahhh, yes.
I am going to focus on the Freelance course first.
As much “training” as I’ve already consumed, I feel that this course is the quickest route to ACTION.
I can always fine tune later.
Halbert said “You don’t have to get it right, just get it going”.
Time to listen to someone who knows.
Halbert was a great fan of movement. You may make more mistakes, but if you keep moving, you solve many of them.
Alicia: You can go after just one niche, but if you desire a freelance career, you should work for as many different markets as possible. The course will explain the process — early on, you just want to get the experience down of…Read more
Great – this makes sense. Thank you.
Hi Alicia: The freelance course helps you get your career started and SWS teaches you John’s step by step method of creating copy. They each fill a specific need, and don’t overlap. You would normally go through SWS first if you are a complete beginner at writing copy, but if you have some knowledge of writing and want some ideas about how to…Read more
Damn. Ok. Thanks.
I did the SWS course independently first, then the Freelance course. A big part is getting good at writing copy first. If you’re focused and dedicated you can make it happen if you keep pinging away at it. After SWS with a mentor I definitely felt much more confident and the lessons STUCK a lot better even though I had been reading all “the right…Read more
Thanks Jonathan! How do you go through SWS with a mentor? That sounds great, and better than doing it independently.
Twice a year (I think) they have SWS with mentors. Otherwise you go through the course solo (like I did) then later when they offered the “full experience” I opted for that.
From time to time they run another class. The last one was in June/July of 2015. If you buy the DVDs you can get a credit when the coaching starts, so you can get the DVDs and then decide if you want the coaching, also. I took SWS in 2010 and can heartily recommend it.
Awesome, thanks!
Hey Alicia! I think, just go ahead and do things. Can’t hold back out of lack of resources. The biggest resource is yourself; because you’re the ONLY one who can take the action (and what the action is is a secondary thing). Advice that takes you 1% in the right direction is, if applied, better than 100% advice that you do nothing with. I think we…Read more
Damn good advice and great outlook! I just listened to the Scuttlebutt session w/ John and Gary while I was cleaning my house and mindset, attitude and enjoying the rookie rollercoaster all bubbled up to the surface. Hope to hear more about your ride in the coming months. Good luck to you, too!
my pleasure. you got a pm 🙂
That’s wonderful. Now how do I retrieve it?
Hi Alicia: The easiest way to retrieve messages is to click on your image. There will be a link that says Messages not too far under your image on the profile page that comes up.
Alicia Kamm posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
How do I access Kick Ass Copywriting Crash Course 1-4? All I see on the page is 5-6 and I don’t see a way to go back into the archives. Thanks!
Hi Alicia: The KACCC has 8 sessions altogether. We are working our way through them but each is only available for a few weeks. Sessions 1 through 4 were posted but have been taken down as the later ones were posted.
Since there are so many new members, who have not yet seen sessions 1 – 4, I will change course and start back at the beginning.…Read more
Nick Chalker posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago · updated 9 years, 5 months ago
Good Day,
I just joined after ordering the Freelance course.
I am a self-proclaimed “student” of copy and marketing, which is another way to say that I devour info on the subject, and that is as far as my comfort level allows me to go.
I have taken the Accelerated Six Figure Copy course, and “studied” the works of the greats (Carlton, Halbert…Read more
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The Freelance Course

Hi Jonathan: The one thing the musician has is himself. Just start a conversation between him and his fans. Maybe some inside stories or something like that so they get to know him better.
For lead bait, one thing you might try is an outtake of some type, or exclusive access to some unpublished music, or a pre-release copy of some new music.…Read more
Thank you @virginia-drew-2 I agree that sounds like a good plan. Ran it by some others and they were all nodding in agreement.
Jonathan, after reading your post I really URGE you to check out Ben Sword. Google for Music Marketing Classroom and subscribe to his newsletter. This guy has so many ideas how you can make money as a musician. And one of the first things he teaches in his auto responder sequence is how you get fans to sign in to your list. One part is giving A…Read more
Thanks @marck , signed up and already like this guy’s style! I had a random gig at Bandpage and learned all about the “selling everything else besides the music” strategy. It was really great and something I hope to incorporate more. . . BUT… It’s funny, starting out my aim hasn’t been going after musicians exactly, but we’ll see where this goes…Read more
Have you already read “Six Figure Musician” from David Hooper? Though it’s not as cutting edge as Ben Swords stuff, it adds even more perspectives on how to monetize music. You can get the ebook version free. You’ll find it when you google “Six Figure Musician”.
Yes let’s see where this journey will take us:-)
Yeah I was re-reading it last week actually! It’s just solid marketing advice for musicians.
BTW still getting details on the rap beats