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Alexey Peshekhonov posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago
Hello here from Russia. I’m a computer genius but implementing others’ projects is pretty boring. I have one client for 14.5 years already and that’s enough to pay my bills. Now I want to wake up. Also John’s blog posts are always painful blows so I’ve joined to have more of that fun. I’ve already started with “Kick Ass Copywriting” videos, and…Read more
Rob Ashford posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago
Hi everyone, I’m new and excited to get busy. I purchased John’s ‘freelance copywriting course’ late last year and knew this was the right move to make.
Rob Ashford posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago
Jim Clair posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago · updated 9 years, 6 months ago
Just joined the insider’s club… also in the Mastermind… STOKED to be here. Looking to be autonomous up and running on my own and free of client work here within a year. I’m here to get the kick in the ass and the insight needed.
I am launching my own product which is in the dating niche… and I am the head email writer/backend manager for…Read more
Samuel Markewich posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago · updated 9 years, 6 months ago
Just joined up. Happy to be here. Into learning so that this stuff is in my blood and second nature. I am a money and business success coach, after all. Love meeting others, so happy to be here and get to know you.
Recent Member Lessons
Another reason to make your website mobile-friendly
Unless you have been under a rock the past few years, you know that more and more people are using mobile devices to surf the internet. Google is continuing to cater more and more to their needs, and last week announced that they would be instituting "mobile-first...
Easy client scheduling with Calendly
Calendly is an easy, free solution for enabling clients or prospects to schedule time to speak with you. No more back and forth emails. They just go to your schedule and book a time. We created a video to show you how to get started and how to set up a basic...
A source of unlimited content ideas?
If you have a blog, you are constantly searching for new content ideas. This also applies if you do any other type of content marketing. Youtube, Facebook, articles, etc. I stumbled on a site the other day which I think is really cool, and it can give you a ton of...
What the heck is a blockchain?
What blockchains are and why we need them Anyone who is familiar with Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies is familiar with the term "blockchain". It is the system that assures that your bitcoin is secure from hackers, and is essential to the entire cryptocurrency...
Premium Programs

Platinum Mastermind

The Simple Writing System
Enter The Clubhouse

Kick-Ass Copywriting
Carlton Swipe Files

The Freelance Course

Welcome to the Club, Jim!
Thanks Virginia!
As Jim said, he’s recently joined the mastermind group Carlton & I host.
I met Jim about a year ago. Several people I respect told me very good things about Jim’s work. If/when he comments on something, I recommend you consider what he has to say.
Thanks Stan! Stoked to be here to further instill the skills it takes!
Hey, Jim. Feel like I’ve known you for years now, after the recent Hot Seats. Good to have you aboard.
Hey John, stoked to be here to get kicked in the butt some more since it’s paying off big time. And stoked to contribute as well!