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The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 6 years, 11 months ago
A source of unlimited content ideas?
If you have a blog, you are constantly searching for new content ideas. This also applies if you do any other type of content marketing. […]
Natanael Ciba posted an update 7 years ago · updated 6 years, 11 months ago
Hello Guys, Im Sergio and I own a restaurant in sunny Laguna Beach CA. Where would you guys suggest i first start applying copywriting to my business. Website, Menu, Window Signs, Email Marketing?? Thank you
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 6 years, 11 months ago
What the heck is a blockchain?What blockchains are and why we need them Anyone who is familiar with Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies is familiar with the term […]
Christian McNally posted an update 6 years, 12 months ago · updated 6 years, 12 months ago
Hey what’s up guys, I’m Christian and I’m an aspiring freelancer copy writer. I just got my first (possibly) paying gig writing a sales letter for a subscription box service in Canada. My main goal is to improve my copywriting.
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 7 years ago
As entrepreneurs, we tend to get way too little sleep.
Which makes it harder to get things done.
Which means we have to work longer hours and don’t get enough sleep.
Which means…
I think you get the idea.. […]
Recent Member Lessons
How to match a font
There are thousands of different fonts out there. If you see one you like on a website, sales letter, or even a PDF or Word doc, it is almost impossible to even narrow down the choices to determine what it might be. One site that I have found to be a great first step...
Make your writing error-free (spelling and grammar) with Grammarly
Sometimes it seems that it is a "macho" thing to do...to not care about the grammar and spelling when someone (not you, I'm sure) writes a blog post, email....even a paperback book. The attitude is that if the reader takes affront...well... it is the reader's problem,...
Don’t do this on Facebook…
For several years now, Facebook has been a great source of free traffic for websites. Of course, marketers have taken full...and in some cases, excessive...advantage of this. There has been more and more abuse in recent years, especially by websites that are in...
A wacky excuse to contact your prospects (or clients)
Anyone who uses content to keep in touch with customers and prospects occasionally (or maybe more often) hits a dry period where they can't think of new and interesting content to use engage their audience. Here is an idea that, with a little imagination, could be the...
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Hi Sergio: I would start using it everywhere. Whenever you write something, try to use good copywriting principles. You can check out the Simple Writing System express course. It is free and is an intro to the Simple Writing System.
You can also have John and Stan review your website or marketing plan. Just click on the link to the right…Read more
Thank you Guys,
I actually have a lot of foot traffic each day.
Ive been messing around with different copy for our sidewalk sign, and Gosh Darn it, IT WORKS!!
It is a chalkboard sign, so i can try something new everyday.
I would love to do the Window Sign next (Pete’s Suggestion), but It’s permanent, so I need to make sure it’s decent.
I…Read more