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  • Hi everyone!
    I have a question about a testimonial I’m using from a past customer who had a horrible experience but we still managed to close his loan.
    Bad things happen ALL the time in my industry. The point of the testimonial is that despite everything going sideways, we always answered his calls, negotiated on his behalf and eventually got the…Read more

    • That sounds like a good testimonial. It shows that you go the extra mile to help your clients.

      A couple of objections your prospects may have are…I can do this myself, or how do I know you won’t just bail if things don’t go smoothly. You could use that testimonial to answer either objection. If you could get a picture of the family it would…Read more

      • Thank you for the input Virginia, I used the testimonial & the clients promised a family picture in front of their home. It’s great to see that you can turn lemons into lemonade (or margaritas)!!

      • Mark, I think the one thing your testimonial is missing is the emotions your customer was feeling. Something like, “FIRST, the )@#*$ IRS REFUSED repeatedly to verify our recent taxes, then the appraiser with stale beer on his breath assessed our home for 1996 instead of 2016.” I think you get the message like the person is trying to do the bes…Read more

        • Thanks for the tip John, I get the message loud & clear!
          I’ll definitely try something along those lines on the next one. The stale beer comment is GOLD!!

          • Mark, Thank you!
            “Why do they call it Ovaltine? The mug is round. The jar is round. They should call it Roundtine. That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!””

    • HA! Just in time for the airing of grievances!!

  • Hello and I’m glad to be here.

    After 15+ years in corporate IT, I’m out in the world on my own. Specialization: big IT, SaaS, Systems & Tools – since I spent much of my time defining the requirements, researching the options, and sitting on the buyer-side of the table.

    Built my own website on Weebly, any opinions on the content there are…Read more

    • Hi Kat,
      I like the layout of your website but why would someone want your bullet points?

      • The home page bullets list of questions is intended to get them to nod & think ‘Yes, I need that. Yes, we do. ‘ while they are reading the list.
        The bullets were there just to break up the text.

        I’m not married to it, got a better idea?

    • Hi Kat, Welcome aboard!

      I’ll make 3 suggestions.

      (1) Your copy is heavy on features and lacking benefits. I suggest you take a look at our Simple Writing System Home Study Course (www.SimpleWritingSystem.com). I think it could help you attract more customers.

      (2) Have you considered offering them something to download before they call?…Read more

      • Thanks!
        1) Got something coming, in the mail.
        2) I have thought of putting a piece out there for that purpose, I think I have something that isn’t far from ready.
        3) It would be pretty easy to provide them with a copy of the requirements gathered in the call and put it into a report. I focus on the ‘what’ they are looking for, not the ‘how’ to get…Read more

  • Current biggest problem(s)?

    1. Finding more clients

    2. Current client is a local concrete contractor who hired an ‘SEO/Website’ guy who has him coming up first for a keyword search I suspect no one is searching for. I have limited SEO skills so I’m setting that one aside for the moment till I have concrete proof.

    I was hired for website…Read more

    • I’m assuming the website/SEO guy has the site’s admin password.

      Can you get an admin account from the Site Owner? (I’d create a new one so there’s less risk of you and SEO Guy stepping on each other.)

      SEO Guy might have other customers. Or the Site Owner might no be in a huge rush for the website work. For example, it could be he’s one of 2-3…Read more

      • The SEO Guy gave me an Analytics sign in, but I didn’t see anything to access the Wordpress site.
        He has his own site and lists his clients as contractors in their states. His site comes up high in the organic search, but not my client’s.

        My client’s goal is to upgrade the type of jobs and clients he is getting. He is looking to get more of the…Read more

    • Hi Kat,
      First of all, congrats on finding your first client!! I think the very first thing you need to do is to binge watch the Kickass Copywriting Crash Course which is my favorite price of FREE. It will guide you to get your own USP which will set you apart in the world. It will help you craft a USP for your client as can you think of…Read more

      • Thanks! Got the courses in the mail on Saturday, will start the binging shortly.
        Client seemed to already know there were issues with response, was happy to help move things along. Understands the type of changes that need to be made to engage they type of clients he wants to attract.

        Thanks much!

        • Hi Kat,
          I am watching them right on the site here on my phone. AND, when I am driving to work, I set the video and PUNCH it. I think you will find that most of his business comes through belly to belly sales, kind of like a good ‘ole boy thing. Has he gotten sales off of the web before? I still think the number 1 you need to do immediately if…Read more

  • Hi Everyone!

    Just got signed up here and can’t wait to dive in!

    I’ve been in the corporate world for 10 years and didn’t even realize how zombie like I had become until I discovered internet marketing a few months back… I’ve have lights kicking on and wheels starte turning in my brain that I didn’t even know had shut down ever since.

    I…Read more

  • Quick clarification for lesson 9 (Story telling). It is my understanding my story must match the product or service in some way, right?
    I know stupid question. But the gist for me is I have such a varied background and trying to nail it in three sentences, (especially how did I get here) is taxing trying to segue into what I do now. I have the…Read more

    • Your story is your chance to bond with your prospect. You show that you are a real person and tell how you got where you are and what led you to create the product or why you decided to provide the service. The 3 sentences is to try to get you to be as succinct as possible, but you can use more than that if you need to.

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