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  • I’m requesting feedback on one of my 30 headlines (and subheadlines). Thank you!

    Why Are Chronic Pain Sufferers Leaving Behind Drugs, Injections And The Prospect Of Surgery And Flocking To This 30 Year Experienced Milwaukee Area M.D.

    It’s because he has an amazing new “space-age” technology FDA-cleared after research at Harvard Unive…Read more

    • Not bad, Chris. Did you do the research on the competition — both the mainstream options and the alternative options people have in your area — and come up with this headline because you feel strongly that it’s nailing the sweet spot of need in your audience?

      Not sure about the word “embarrassing”. Might be okay. Seems a bit of a disconnect –…Read more

      • I did extensive research and I’m comfortable with the message.

        I did want a power word but I agree embarrassing may not fit the bill.
        We’ll be running the ad after Jan. 1. I’ll let you know how it went. Thank you again!

  • We are launching a new Robotic Laser therapy in our clinic. I would appreciate feedback on 2 headlines we are contemplating for a full page newspaper ad.

    1. Why an astonishing robotic laser discovery is your answer to finally experiencing relief of pain in your knee, shoulder or back.

    2. How to finally end pain in your shoulder, knee or…Read more

    • Hi Chris: I would have to say that neither is very exciting. People who are in some type of pain and are actively looking for a solution are bombarded with all types of advertising for any number of natural cures…herbs, vitamins, hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure, etc.

      You have to stand out somehow or you are just another “me, too”. I’m not…Read more

      • Hi Virginia: Thank you for replying quickly. I did watch the hot seat with Kip but didn’t get any copywriting tips. I was thinking that “Robotic Laser” would help us stand out (since it is unique). The words “fast and easy” worked great in our weight loss copy and they do apply here as well. I’m looking for the “National Enquirer” type of headline.

        • Yeah, sometimes it’s good to have something unique to talk about, and sometimes it’s just confusing to people. In this instance, where people don’t really understand the science behind pain management and “curing” problems, they’re generally just overwhelmed. They put themselves into the hands of a medical practitioner they either trust (if they…Read more

        • A “National Enquirer” headline would read something like”The Doctors Said it Was Impossible…How a Crippled 86-Year-Old Man Was Able to Throw Away His Wheelchair and run the NYC Marathon Without Drugs or Surgery!”

          Kind of extreme but you should try to get a story as extreme as possible.

          Check out some of John’s Headlines:

          The Amazing…Read more

          • Virginia, thank you for the awesome feedback and the headlines. Back to my “lab”.

          • 2nd attempt at robotic laser headline with subheads. I am thankful for any feedback!!

            Why Are Chronic Pain Sufferers Leaving Behind Drugs, Injections And The Prospect Of Surgery And Flocking To This 30 Year Experienced Milwaukee Area M.D.

            It’s because he has an amazing new “space-age” technology FDA-cleared after research at Harvard Unive…Read more

            • Hi Chris: The top writers don’t write one headline, or 2, or 5. They write 30, 40 or 50 before they pick one to test. You should be doing that, too. Check out your competitors’ headlines (you should be on all their mailing lists). I would grab a copy of John”s Kickass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel (at $99 it is a screaming deal,…Read more

            • We also have several blog posts (which are clips from hotseats, Action Seminar videos, and SWS lessons) that address headlines. In the Complete Guide (link is under Membership Detail in the right column) is a link to a list of blog posts which will save a lot of time searching.

    • I don’t know if you saw it but we recently published a hot seat featuring Kip Lytle, whose father developed a laser called the QLaser. It was a marketing hotseat, so the emphasis was on marketing rather than copywriting, but it would be interesting in that it appears to be a similar product to yours.
      It is here: h…Read more

      • I already have 30 headlines and the Kick ass course and have read read and read and watched many hotseats. I’m simply looking for feedback on a couple headlines that might be good since I can’t post them all. Thank you again!

        • Hi Chris: i would post the new headline as a new thread. It gets lost in a long thread, and people are more likely to look at a new thread.

  • What do you guys think of this this funnel (links at the bottom, it starts with a “bridge” forum post)

    I’ve run my business in the SomethingAwful.com forums for ~7 years (although I’m finally expanding to other traffic sources)

    The term “goons” refers to the regulars of the…Read more

  • Should every sentence in copy be in an active voice?

    I have SWS and the binder is full of John’s ad’s. I can’t seem to deconstruct the sentences to figure out the blueprint.

    • It’s hard to stand behind “every” and “all”.

      It’s a good idea to try to write every sentence with an active / action verb. But there will of course be times where that just does not read correctly.

      • Thanks Stan.
        Hey, I should probably know this already but what are your thoughts on sentence structure and it’s importance in copy?

  • I keep getting an error when I try to make new posts, any idea why?

    • Here is the post I was trying to post, it still doesn’t work when I post it here (I think it has to do with the amount of links):


      • Hi Mike

        I just posted it and then deleted my post. Try clearing your cache and post it again. If it still doesn’t work I can post it for you. It won’t have your name on it, though

        • Hey Virginia,
          I keep getting that error when I try to post more than 2-3 links. Maybe it’s an option in Wordpress or the Membership Site Plugin that limits # of links/comment?

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