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  • I’d love to get quick feedback on my sales page:


    Looking at it myself, it seems long and wordy.
    Too much technical terms/how-to, not enough why/pleasure/pain points.

    My target market is computer nerds aged ~18-35.

    What do you guys think?
    Any tips on how I can make it work…Read more

    • Hi Mike

      The first thing I would respectfully suggest is that you invest in the Simple Writing System. The live coaching is not available right now but the DVD’s are the next best thing, You will learn a lot and in the weight loss niche will make your investment back very quickly (Note: I do not earn anything if you purchase the SWS. I took it…Read more

    • About your target market. If you were an overweight computer nerd you could target computer nerds that want to lose weight but your copy should bond with them in some way. Maybe through your story, if applicable. I don’t know if the overweight computer nerd market is large enough, but maybe it is.

      If so, you may want to package your product s…Read more

    • If your financial situation doesn’t allow for the SWS then the Kickass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel (included in SWS) is the next best thing. That gives you a good grounding in what makes a great sales piece and also gives you a template to use in building a sales letter. It only costs $99 (I think I paid more when I bought it…Read more

    • Hi Mike, you have a lot going on with your page. So much that it’s difficult to even be constructive.

      Let me try to dig in a bit.

      First your customers are not 18 years old. They are 35 to 55.

      You may want to call them out with ‘eyebrow copy’

      e.g. ATTENTION: 35+ Men who are struggling with fat loss

      Your copy is very ‘I-centric’. No one…Read more

  • My mom always told me that I’m supposed to give before I ask so hopefully this gives you a laugh . . .

  • When you’re writing copy and designing your business in general, how do you separate the prospects from the ‘suspects’?

    To be more specific.
    In the last coaching program I did, I had a bunch of people complain about all kinds of stuff.

    But then I had this client step up and say how he lost 60lbs on the program and had a great experience.…Read more

    • If you haven’t already, hire a personal assistant / customer support person / No Job Too Big / No Job Too Small person.

      Have them handle as many details you can afford to have them handle that don’t make you money. They can range from doing your shopping & errands to doing basic research.

      One of their jobs is to make sure you do not see any…Read more

      • Hey Stan,
        Thanks so much for your reply.

        I’m really a “Do-it-yourself-maniac” (which is now a huge liability).

        I literally started my business with just $20 (for hosting/domain name) and taught everything myself (business/marketing/design/programming/coaching/etc..). And turned that into almost 200k in profit/yr business.

        Things haven’t been so…Read more

        • If you’re making $200K a year in profit and your cash flow is tight, you should seriously consider joining our Platinum Mastermind Group. Because there’s more than one thing you’re not doing all that well. And you’d learn from a room full of people who have gotten themselves through the “do it themselves” phase into running businesses.

          Info on…Read more

          • It probably was around $180k in profit (since my only expense was advertising). That was when I did 1 on 1 coaching, but since I stopped that my income took a massive hit and I’ve been working really hard to bring it up.

            I will def be looking in masterminds soon…

            What’s your thoughts on in-person PA vs virtual PA? Is there a big difference?

            • Unless you have a physical office, are the type of person that has to see his employees every day, or want someone to run errands, I think that a virtual assistant is just as good. With Skype/email/dropbox/basecamp and all the other virtual services, it is not necessary to have a local assistant.

              Even if you had someone local, unless you rent an…Read more

    • You made another point worth repeating –

      The majority is ALWAYS silent.

      They get on with their lives after handing over their money.

      They don’t consume most of your product or use to its full potential. (I have a microwave oven with about a dozen buttons. I press the Reheat Plate button 1-2 times a week. For all I know, pressing the other…Read more

      • Since I started as a one on one coach, I always focused so much on each person (a strength finder test placed “Personalization” as one of my top 3 strengths).

        So making this shift away from individualization to looking at trends/themes has been a challenge…

        To take it further though, how do you know…
        “What your business is good at?”

        Do you…Read more

        • Refund rates tell you a lot.

          So can a well constructed survey. But you won’t get most people to fill it out and many will try to be nice if they like you but didn’t much like the program / product.

          If I was facing this, I’d pick up the phone and call at least 2 customers every day. Ask them what make the most impact. See if you can find areas…Read more

  • Hey guys. I’m new here and I need some guidance in creating coaching/back end programs.

    My funnel is $80 product > $400 group coaching. Currently I have 400 people in group coaching.

    I’d like to create another level of group coaching but I’m thinking if I’m opening it prematurely. Is it safe to assume that 10% of those in my $400 group…Read more

    • Yes.

      You can of course make in 1% or 20%, depending on the offer.

      It’s usually save to assume 10-20% of buyers will take you up on a premium offer. If you get less than that, unless it’s a big ticket offer, you should keep reworking the offer.

      • Hi Stan. I’m finalizing the program/offer of my high-level group coaching. It’s a 6-months program. Once a week live webinar. With once a month one-on-one 30-minute skype call. It’s a $1,250 fee. Monthly payments.

        In your experience, what can I be added to make the offer even more irresistible? Again, the target market has been into my group…Read more

  • Are there online buyers lists available that you can promote to just as you can with the SRDS mail lists? Can you buy/rent email lists of responsive buyers that just bought a similar product, at a similar price, etc.? Other than doing a JV deal with a list owner? Thanks.

    • Renting or buying an email list is usually a bad idea. People don’t respond to email unless they know you. These days they get so much that most of it goes in the trash (as most of your email probably does). You can do what is called a “solo ad” where you pay a list owner to mail your copy to his list. In that case the recipients know him and…Read more

    • The lists that you buy/rent are also pretty untargeted. They are used a lot for biz-op stuff and CPA offers

      • I asked the question wrong… I am more interested in an online method of market research that replicates what could be done with the SRDS where you can see the market, product, sales, price, etc. with precision. Thanks

        • And I just see that you clarified your question…

          Many industries have databases like this. Many require you to first submit all your data and then pay a healthy fee for access to the industry data.

          If you’re selling a digital product, you can get a lot of accurate data by market by diving into the back end of ClickBank.

          If you check Google…Read more

    • Have you looked into email co-registration? It’s a lot like solo ads.

      It’s email people who have (hopefully) opted-in to receive offers like yours.

      If you go down either of these paths, i suggest you don’t use any URLs or email servers you want to use long-term. You will get more spam complaints and sent to more bad addresses this way and your…Read more

    • Hi Vincent: Depending on your product/market you might want to check out Facebook. They have a tool called “audience insights” which gives you a ton of demographic and buying behavior information on people in specific markets. I introduce auDience insights in the video here:…Read more

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