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Patrick Dundee posted an update 6 years ago · updated 6 years ago
Hi Guys,
How do I access my “SWS Home Study Course”
I can’t find it.
Thank you.
Rafael De Morais posted an update 6 years ago · updated 6 years ago
I am new in the SWS course, but I don’t know why I can’t find where I submit my exercise to my coaching. Can someone help me with that doubt, because I am sure that a coach will help me a lot with my improvement mainly in the beginning of the course.
Hi Rafael: You signed up for the Simple Writing System Home Study course, which doesn’t include coaching. If you have questions you can post them here and we will help you.
If you want information on the coaching program, please open a support ticket at https://marketingrebelsupport.com/ and Anne will help you with that.
NATHAN SLAUGHTER posted an update 6 years ago · updated 6 years ago
Hi, Copywriting Community.
I’m here on a mission. First of all I signed up for this course, because after cranking out a few copy projects I’ve realized that I want smoother copy. I want to write copy that draws readers in just like John’s copy has always drawn me in.
And I need to get a handle on the business side. I’m just now to a point…Read more
RobertB posted an update 6 years ago · updated 6 years ago
Hi guys. I’m back !
2 main reasons …apart from loving you both:
1. Transitioning my bricks and mortar Sound, Light and EMFrequency Therapy Clinic to an Online Sound Frequency Clinic.
2. Building an Eco Geodesic Dome Retreat called EcoMountain Dome on a mountaintop in the Sacred Valley of Peru.
3. Getting married on the mountaintop June 1…Read more
Semaj Richardson posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago · updated 6 years ago
Hey guys, I wanted to ask for an honest critique on an email I’m planning to send to an entrepreneur in the “learn Spanish online” space.
I’m creating a complimentary product that in no way competes with his company; in fact, as you will see in the email – his company can help my audience achieve their result faster. My goal is to be able to do a…Read more
Hi Semaj: I think your email is pretty good. There is a lot I would cut out because it really isn’t necessary to make your case. I created a video to show you specifically what I would do: https://www.screencast.com/t/4ziVVv1Y
Obviously these are just suggestions, and you have to do it the way you think is best, but this is something to think…Read more
Hey Virginia, your advice helped me tremendously! I went ahead and made every single revision that you suggested to me – thanks a lot! I’m ready to send this email off today because of this critique of yours.
Thanks for posting this Semaj. Your request offer, even in the beginning, was well thought out. It was a learning lesson for me as to what I need to cut out in my emails. Thank you Virginia for the excellent critique. Looking forward to putting something on here for feedback.
Good luck with it, Semaj. You will probably have to follow up with him because it is very hard to get a response just from an email.
Update: He did respond, and we did set up the interview for next week Friday! Thanks so much Virginia – I believe your feedback on what elements I should include in my subject line should helped me get him to open the email (I definitely mentioned that I used his product in the subject line)
Thanks Will, I try to go deep on what the other person might be thinking/experiencing when I’m putting together an offer
Great news, Semaj. Let us know how it turns out!
Will do!
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