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Marc Klaesius posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Hello Everyone,
I have just finished an ebook on ways to overcome producers block (which is basically the same as writers block for music producers). I’m not sure about the title. My idea is:
“33 WAYS TO ELIMINATE PRODUCERS BLOCK so you can create more and better music in less time with less struggle”Your honest feedback is highly appreciated.
Thanks! -
Alix Penning posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi there,
I’m a copywriter from Silicon Valley. I recently got laid off (along with the rest of the in-house creative team) and realized that this was the perfect time to throw myself as hard as possible into learning.
So I’m here on an SWS home study scholarship, and I’m going to try to wring as much as I can out of it.
Any tips on…Read more
Stephan Erdmann posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Hey there, I have a question I’ve been mulling over for ages and would appreciate any feedback on: I started around 6 years ago as a complete newbie with a website and brand called tooshytodate.com helping shy, quiet or introverted guys get more confident with women. Despite being a rookie it was growing nicely with decent income from program…Read more
Hi Stephen: I love that domain name (tooshytodate.com)! If you had a successful site, why did you switch?
It seems to me like the shy guy would have more pain (therefore would be more motivated), which may be why that one was successful. Also, I think you could use the content from authenticgame for the shy men. It seems like that is the…Read more
thanks a lot for taking the time to write to me Virginia. good to hear your thoughts. S. 🙂
james watt posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Hello. i am going through the SWS home study course and I need a little clarification.
What are prospect objections?
Are they questions or problems that they are trying resolve?Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi James: Objections are reasons (excuses) why your prospect wouldn’t buy your product (or opt in or whatever you want him to do).
Examples: Too expensive, I don’t have time for this, There are other, better options, Maybe you can do this, but I can’t, it’s too much trouble (work), etc.
Thanks you very much. That has cleared things up.
(I was heading down a wrong path there for a minute)
Julia Wasson posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Hello! I’m about to leap out of my day job in a couple months and join the freelance world (again). In my past freelance gig, I was an education writer/editor. Now I’m looking at marketing as a part-time endeavor while I work with my husband on a franchise to produce a couple of neighborhood magazines (N2 Publishing). Can’t help but being a bit…Read more
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Hi Marc: You are using a lot of weak words here. More, better, less are poor choices for words in a headline. Some things to think about.,, What do they want to get out of this? Do they want to create as much as possible or maybe get one or two pieces done quickly and get on with their lives? What is your big promise? Can they cut their…Read more
Virginia, thank you so much for your quick and detailed reply! The rough ideas you came up with already feel a lot more convincing than my title. I’ll go in that direction and I’m going to spend my afternoon writing out 30-40 possible headlines, like you suggested.
Just one more question. I assume out of the 30-40 there are going to be about 5…Read more
Hello Virginia, hello Pete, hello community,
ugh…writing out 40 headlines actually took me longer than an afternoon. I had to step back several times and clear my mind. In between I kept studying the 100 headlines from the Jay Abraham link.
Here are my top 5 from the 40 in no particular order. (Virginia, I liked your initial idea so much, I had…Read more
Oh..and sorry, that I haven’t been able to strip it down a little more. I’m just a little overwhelmed.
Hi Marc: I like #3 the best, but would cut the sub-title down further. Something like “33 proven tactics to create your best song in half the time” or “33 proven tactics to finish your best song in half the time.” I think that “get your best song finished” is a bit wordy.
We have a hot seat where John critiques a headline. I will find it and…Read more
Thank you so much, Virginia! Your advice and feedback got me a big step in the right direction. And I learned quite a bit along the way:-)
Okay, so you like #3 the best. The one that’s more in your face than the others. I wasn’t sure about that. If the word “kill” is to drastic. But yes, isn’t a headline or book title supposed to stand out? Got…Read more
Thanks Pete, you are totally right. Why not ask for feeback again. Sometimes the solution is so simple, that I overlook it.
And thanks for the book recommendation. I have ordered the book.
Have a nice weekend!
Pete – thanks for the recommendation of The War of Art. I’m reading it right now and find it very inspiring. It gives a different perspective on creative work and creative blocks.
In the process of ordering the book I also stumbled upon other books, that more closely related to music creation. Maybe their perspective is a bit narrower. But…Read more