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Abdul Ahmad posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago · updated 8 years, 6 months ago
Hello everyone. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Abdul and I am an affiliate marketer. I am here to increase my knowledge about salesmanship and the psychology of selling.
My biggest challenge was writing good copy and sales letters. But after reading Kick-ass-copywriting-secrets-of-a-marketing-rebel I have learned a lot and would…Read more
JP Sloan posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago · updated 8 years, 6 months ago
Hey Marketing Rebels,
I love writing and am very attracted to the type of lifestyle so many copywriters testify to having.
I know it takes work to get there, but I’m willing to put it in. (I’ve found that when you look back on things the work was actually more fun than the “getting there” anyway.)
I’m currently in Divinity school and frankly I…Read more
Hi JP. Welcome to the Club!
Thanks Virginia!
Pete thanks for your thoughts here. I needed to hear that Sad to say but I hadn’t thought about myself as being so self-absorbed that I forget about the actual goal: help the client make sales.
That’s a much better way to approach things and frees me up to actually do good work.
I’m going to look into both of these resources now. Thanks again…Read more
hupomeno posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago · updated 8 years, 6 months ago
Good evening everyone! Introducing myself here.
Wanting to begin copywriting for others as well as myself as a Realtor. I am on lesson 3 of SWS and enjoying the process so far. I do desire feedback with what I writing in the lesson. Any Coaching to open up soon? What is the best way to get a first client with no experience? Pro bono then…Read more -
Zack Skrip posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago · updated 8 years, 6 months ago
This is just a quick message for Stan –
Just watched SWS Step 8 – Salesmanship mentality. You said you couldn’t think of a single movie where there was a salesman who was the star (who didn’t have to repudiate his salesmanship).
Tommy Boy.
The climax of the film is when he finally becomes the salesman he was meant to be!
Dale Sims posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago · updated 8 years, 6 months ago
I’ve noticed in the past–and more often recently in the workbook–that John avoids using contractions a high percentage of the time in his copy. Any reason?
Hi Dale: Are you talking about the intros to the steps and the exercises, the slides, or the actual sales copy?
The wording you would use in your copy would have to depend on your avatar. How would he/she speak? If he uses slang, use slang. Contractions give the copy a more relaxed tone, so if your avatar is comfortable with that, use them. If it is a more uptight avatar you would probably avoid contractions.
Hi Dale. Virginia is right about matching your language with your Avatar.
I haven’t really noticed doing this with contractions, though. My guess is that our “internal” language (the voice in our head as we write) changes over time. You’re looking at ads I’ve written over a 30-year career, and it’s likely my approach to language has evolved a…Read more
Hi John and Virginia–I’m referring to multiple JC promos–from the workbook and my own swipe files–where “it is”… “who is” … “that is” etc. are used. However, regular contractions are also interspersed in the copy. I just wondered if John was strategically not using contractions because the copy sounded more forceful or certain without…Read more
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Welcome to the Club, Abdul! If you have any questions, just post them here…