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GregC posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
I have a sales letter on my home page, which I haven’t signed because I’m (rightly) afraid that someone will use my signature for some nefarious purpose. However a signature would add personalisation and authenticity. Any ideas on how to get around this problem? Sign without using my legal signature eg “Greg Carter” in handwriting? But even if I…Read more
AlvineD03 posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
I would like to really get suscribers in my website and facebook page.
Hi Alvine: What is your niche?
hair styling
What, specifically do you sell and to whom do you sell it?
I sell ”the how to make wigs, braids…and also the marketing side of hair industry” i sell to woman between 27-42.Especially migrants. They either want to make their own wigs, or want to make money doing hair. So this is my niche.
I think your best bets for free traffic would be Youtube (videos showing the wigs people can make with a link to an opt-in form that offers some type of instructional video), pinterest (pictures of women modelling the wigs with links to your site) and posts on Facebook.
I would concentrate on growing your email list rather than getting Facebook…Read more
Thank you soo much. I didn’t really know how to align myself with my purpose. Although you haven’t mention anything about showing people how to get more clients. And the fact that i am focusing on migrants should i?
Thanks a lot-
Showing people how to get clients is different from selling instruction on how to make wigs. It looks like you are selling the info on how to make wigs and then teaching some of those customers how to start a business.
If that is the case, I think the best place to start is with email to your email list. You can have a conversation there. You…Read more
Jenco posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
I want to make my tutorial videos so irresistible and so magnetic that the viewer clicks right over to my website and buys my full e-course. 🙂
Scott Dennison posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
I’m looking for JC style power in the case studies I publish – are there any examples here in the club of an ideally structured case study? I specifically want to get better at using them as proof elements and for converting prospects to the next step.
Hi Scott: I don’t remember any time where John used a case study. He uses testimonials all the time, and testimonials are similar to case studies but are in the first person and usually shorter.
This is my take on it, based on what you are learning in the SWS:
As with a testimonial, someone used his product and has great results. The case…Read more
Lee Chapman posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago · updated 7 years, 6 months ago
Hey team! I took the advice you gave me, went through the SWS course and have come up with a brand new landing page for a product I’m about to launch.
I have no idea if it is any good or not and would really appreciate it if any experts could take a very quick look and let me know what your experienced eyes think…
The address is…Read more
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Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 1
Part 1 of the email marketing course created by John Carlton & Stan Dahl, where we share the lessons we've learned over the years that have brought in millions of dollars in sales. This lesson focuses on copywriting. The "Read" and "Acton On" part of email...
Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 2
Part 2 of the email marketing course created by John Carlton & Stan Dahl, where we share all the lessons we've learned over the years that have brought in millions of dollars in sales. This lesson covers the stuff you've got to know if you want your emails to have...
Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 3 – Q&A
Below are questions submitted before the course "How to Get Your Emails Delivered, Read and Acted Upon" was created and after the original release. John Carlton and I reviewed all of the questions submitted before and after the webinar. Our responses follow the...
Your browser may be leaving you vulnerable to attack…please read this
A while ago we received an email from Amazon stating that someone had recently tried to access one or more MRIC videos that are hosted on S3 using a browser that is configured to use  SSLv3. To give you some perspective on this…SSLv3 was introduced in 1996. It was...
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Hi Greg: I am not a lawyer (and never played one on TV) so this is strictly personal opinion. I would use a handwriting font to create a signature. One that is nothing like your actual signature. Then no one would know what you real signature is and couldn’t copy it.