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Martin Morris posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Comments You tube video marketing: the videos very helpful in editing my existing videos to be more informative. The suggestions to improve viewer traffic also informative.
João Eduardo Souza de Campos posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Hey John,
I’ve been reading Kickass Copywriting Secrets of a Market Rebel and I saw a lot of stuff that you don’t teach on simple writing system, like for example, Reason Why Copy, and that “gun to the head” mentality.
Why didn’t you get into these topics?
I can actually say that I found the kickass book more complete than the whole…Read more
I do cover “gun to the head” in the SWS. There’s not a separate section for it, but the concept is in there.
I don’t cover Reason Why copy, because the SWS isn’t about the history of copywriting. What you learn in the SWS includes Reason Why stuff, but I don’t explain it: I just teach you how to create copy that is front-loaded with reasons why.…Read more
Yeah! It does! Thanks!
Christopher Dobie posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi All,
I’ve decided to focus on the health supplements niche as a copywriting and marketing consultant.
I’m pretty new at all this and I struggle with impostor syndrome and a lack of samples/proof/testimonials.
I did get some decently paid work from Healthy Back Institute for a few small projects (a few emails and an advertorial) last year,…Read more
Hi Christopher: One thing you might want to do is opt in to the Simple Writing System Express Course. That will help you develop your client avatar and explore what it is they want and need. The course is free and John is doing the coaching. There are 3 exercises you have to do and he will be giving feedback and comments. This is the first…Read more
JonathanC posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
Oh no! The sales page is “too long!” – I just completed a project for a client, it’s a squeeze page to generate leads for her math tutoring business. The target audience isn’t necessarily looking for a math tutor to begin with, although they’re aware their child has a problem in school. The copy is 7 pages long. It could very well be too long,…Read more
Hi Jon: I think you know the answer to that. The only rule of thumb is that the length of the sales letter is “long enough to make the sale and not one word longer”. How long it needs to be is determined by the product, the quality of the traffic, the offer (an opt in doesn’t need as long a page as a $2500 coaching program).
The only other…Read more
Thanks (: “and not one word longer” I dig that.
Jack posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago · updated 7 years, 10 months ago
My dumb question of the day is: Do the principles in the SWS course apply to B2B copywriting?
Yes. They have had a lot of B2B copywriters go through the SWS. The principles of effective copy apply to any sales situation because, even though you are selling to a company, the actual prospect is an individual with a problem that you are prepared to solve.
Thank you. I thought as much, but needed someone to confirm it for me…
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Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 2
Part 2 of the email marketing course created by John Carlton & Stan Dahl, where we share all the lessons we've learned over the years that have brought in millions of dollars in sales. This lesson covers the stuff you've got to know if you want your emails to have...
Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 3 – Q&A
Below are questions submitted before the course "How to Get Your Emails Delivered, Read and Acted Upon" was created and after the original release. John Carlton and I reviewed all of the questions submitted before and after the webinar. Our responses follow the...
Your browser may be leaving you vulnerable to attack…please read this
A while ago we received an email from Amazon stating that someone had recently tried to access one or more MRIC videos that are hosted on S3 using a browser that is configured to use SSLv3. To give you some perspective on this…SSLv3 was introduced in 1996. It was...
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Thanks Martin. I’m glad they were helpful.