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Giovanni Affinita posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago · updated 8 years, 8 months ago
Hello to everybody.
I am struggling with my new website, but actually my first question is about the definition of my avatar. My customers are multinational companies: how could I define a precise target? -
Jack posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago · updated 8 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I am just doing everything I can to become a full-time direct response copywriter. I want to live my dream of working from home or anywhere there is a good internet connection
Wendy Gardner posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago · updated 8 years, 8 months ago
Business Cards – my current cards are getting low. and current one is missing some vital info, my name… grrr. What suggestions/observations do members have? Thank you
Logo (Glow SKincare)
Feel beautiful everyday with freshly made organic cremes that smoothe, soften and hydrate to restore your natural radiance
www/glow-skincare.comI’ve been…Read more
I like it.
Every day is two words. Freshly-made should be hyphenated.
Restore is good, but I feel like I’ve heard it too many times from other companies. (And have your customers all had natural radiance beforehand or do some of them not even remember that stage of their skin?)
Evoke your natural radiance?-
Good feedback Karen thank you. Always helpful to get ‘fresh’ eyeballs on it.
Use a card stock you can write on. Best thing you can do when you hand someone a card is write something personal on it. That’s about the only thing that makes your card stand out when they get back home.
Can you put an offer on the card? Discount code? Email me personally after you place your first order and I’ll give you 50% off your second…Read more
Aaaah, that’s clever. The personal touch. I’ll carry a pen with my cards. I’ll skip the satin gloss finish and stick with matte.Thanks Stan.
Another thing to do is to follow up immediately with the people you spoke with. Very few people do this, and it will help you stand out even more.
That’s a good point.
Karen Alison posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago · updated 8 years, 8 months ago
I need help with my sales funnel. Is there somewhere on this site I can look?
Hi Karen: The first thing I would suggest is that you ask John for help in the classroom. I see you are on the last step and still have about a week and a half left, so take full advantage of that and get his help as much as you can. Don’t worry about asking a lot of questions. Work on implementing what he suggests. When you’ve gone as far…Read more
Thanks, Virginia. I followed your advice and posted some questions for John in the classroom.
Hey – you’re working on the long weekend? Or do they have you chained to the computer? š
Hi Karen: I just check in when I get a chance. I hate leaving questions for longer than is necessary.
Also, if you have specific questions you can ask them here.
Gary Schweitzer posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago · updated 8 years, 8 months ago
Can you recommend someone who can take a look at my website and show me where all the holes are in my bucket and recommend how I can improve my site to increase conversions.
Hi Pete
I am looking for a thorough site review however if you want to take a quick look I would appreciate it. http://www.sesonlinece.com
I have funnel running outside of this site. -
Thanks for taking a look. Can you recommend someone I can hire to take a deep dive so I can improve this site from the ground up?
Hi Gary: I would suggest that you apply for a hot seat. John and Stan would take 45 min to an hour to review your site and funnel and it would probably help you out a lot.
There is a link in the right column to apply (under hot seats and consulting)
Hi Virginia
Thank you for that suggestion. I will do that.
If you want Stan to recommend someone you should open a support ticket. Let them know what you want and what your budget is. You can click on the link “Hire a copywriter” and tailor those questions to your situation. Anne will pass it along to Stan.
Hope this helps.
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Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 2
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Hi Giovanni: Even though your prospects are multinationals, they all must have some things in common.
What industry are they in? How large are they? Who within the company must you get in front of in order to sell your product/service? Who do you have to go through (gatekeepers, assistants, etc) in order to reach your prospect (the one who…Read more