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Sean Ring posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago · updated 5 years, 4 months ago
Another quick question, if I may… If I’ve already got Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets, do I need to get the SWS, as well? Thanks!
Arnold Flores posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago · updated 5 years, 4 months ago
Hello everyone!
I have here, a blog post that im testing to new audiences on social media platforms.
Target market: Men, 30 – 40, pain points are low self-esteem and burnout. And would like an option to find a better way without breaking the bank. I will add an optin box for a free 30-day email series that consists of simple, positive…Read more
That looks good to me. The key is to get a compelling image and a responsive audience for your ad. Also, when you put in the opt in box, make sure you have benefits there.
Thank you, Virginia! I missed the notification and forgot to reply! Thank you for the feedback, and will post a sales letter in the next couple of days that I would love to get some feedback on!
Tuananh Pham posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago · updated 5 years, 4 months ago
Hi all,
I’ve finished watching the video in Step 1 (Market Research) of the SWS Home Study Course, and the section talks about the importance of market research, but it’s a little vague on what tools to use for market research (such as Google AdWords) and how to use those tools.
My question is: are there additional resources that cover the…Read more
Hi Tuananh: The video about the Keyword Planner is out of date so I pulled it a few days ago and will be revising it.
I’m not really sure how to answer your question. I don’t think that this is something that will be easy to find online. Your best bet may be to find some prospects and speak with them.
Don’t get hung up on this step. The…Read more
Hi Tuananh,
The easiest way to get started with Marketing Research is to first pretend you are looking for the product and services you provide and type in what you think a likely buyer would type into Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
Do any of the pages that appear provide a similar product or service? If yes, follow-up with them. Get on their list.…Read more
Hello all,
I did more market research for step 1 of the SWS Home Study Course for finding English (language not country) copywriters based in Vietnam
My Results:
i. Is the market large enough?
a. There were many job sites that posted listings for a full-time copywriter position w/ salary; not really what I’m looking for, but there’s def…Read more -
Hi Tuananh:
I think you have done plenty and can move on. You say that there are a lot of offers on upwork, which is where most of these copywriters are probably trying to get work.
One thing you could still do (as Stan mentioned) is to go to some businesses that would be in your target market and speak with them about what their needs would…Read more
I agree with Virginia. Move on to Lesson #2.
You’re going to use the SWS steps for the rest of your life. Think of the first time as a learning experience. Your first pass is not going to be the master work of your life.
The cost of you putting up a one-page website the describes your services and has an email opt-in for folks who want to…Read more
Paul posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago
Hello everyone!
Is there anyone in the membership currently based in Switzerland?
If so please let me know.
Paul -
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 5 years, 5 months ago
How to Use the Google Keyword PlannerGoogle has a good (free) keyword suggestion tool that will also give estimates (from the horse’s mouth, so to speak) of monthly searches for each […]
Recent Member Lessons
Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 1
Part 1 of the email marketing course created by John Carlton & Stan Dahl, where we share the lessons we've learned over the years that have brought in millions of dollars in sales. This lesson focuses on copywriting. The "Read" and "Acton On" part of email...
Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 2
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Getting Email Delivered… Read… and Acted On – Part 3 – Q&A
Below are questions submitted before the course "How to Get Your Emails Delivered, Read and Acted Upon" was created and after the original release. John Carlton and I reviewed all of the questions submitted before and after the webinar. Our responses follow the...
Your browser may be leaving you vulnerable to attack…please read this
A while ago we received an email from Amazon stating that someone had recently tried to access one or more MRIC videos that are hosted on S3 using a browser that is configured to use SSLv3. To give you some perspective on this…SSLv3 was introduced in 1996. It was...
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SWS is different from KACS. SWS is a step-by-step course in writing your own ads.
Virginia, just to be clear: that’s a “no,” then?
That’s a “yes”. They are different trainings.
And just so you know, I purchased both of them (SWS live coaching and KACS), as well as the Freelance Course. They all handle the subject a bit differently
Thank you for clarifying that for me!
Hi Sean: You can get John and Stan to review your website by requesting a hot seat. Just click on the link under Hot Seats and Consulting. You do have a lot of info on your site and they would give you their input as to how they think it should be laid out. Or answer any other questions you may have.
Thanks again for that!