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  • Hello all, my name’s Ross. Been writing copy for some time. Wondering how I submit work to David for review? And does the review take place on the live calls? Thanks!

    • Hi Ross: Welcome to David’s Inner Circle. I sent you a private message with the link, because that service is only available to Inner Circle members. Also, you will be receiving reminder emails that also contain the link.

      If you don’t receive it, let me know. Thanks

  • New Club Member Alert!!

    It’s great to be here. I’m Nat. Experienced in sales but fairly new to copywriting.

    I love sales but have been living under a rock in regards to the power of copy… until recently! I’m now hooked and am looking to learn everything I can from the best in the biz.

    It’s great to meet you all.

    • Hi Nat! Welcome to the Club. I see you joined David Deutsch’s Inner Circle. You will get a lot of value from that. Make sure to join in the calls and submit your work for him to review. This is a very valuable opportunity to get advice from a world-class copywriter.

      I see you also purchased Kickass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel.…Read more

  • Gos posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago

    just joined!

    it’s great to be here. I joined because I want to be really, really good at marketing and developed the ability to make any business hugely profitable.

    I’m in an urgent situation to make money asap. I need to make 10k in the next week. I have 2 businesses right now that I’m working on, one is the massage therapy business which…Read more

  • Why can I only access two scuttlebutt sessions? Is there a “view more” button or a way to view the full catalogue at once?

  • well, I’M NEW and happy to be here. i mean literally, i’m new to copy writing and will really appreciate if someone or anyone will like to be a compass to guide me around the best things of high interest to focus on and write about. Thanks to all

Recent Member Lessons

Retirement Planning Basics

This is the first in a series of articles that will discuss retirement plan options that are available to the self-employed person or small business owner. In this article I will explain some of the basic principles that underlie intelligent retirement planning. There is no rocket science here, I just want to be sure that everyone starts off on the same page.

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