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  • I am trying to get an understanding of when to use a story and when to just sale the product.

    In the “96,485 Chiropractor” ad, It appears that he quickly told who he was and what the offer was. Almost like the targeted audience didn’t know anything about the consultant.

    The “What Women Wish you Knew About Sex” ad didn’t seem to introduce a…Read more

    • There’s no hard and fast rule for this. If you have a great story, with a great hook that allows you to easily segue into the pitch, then you use it. If the story doesn’t have a great hook, and the segue into selling is more convoluted, then you try another tactic.

      When the offer is so compelling that it does most of the selling, then you lead…Read more

  • I have a few questions:
    1. Is there a time where you should not use the superscript and just go to the headline or is it by gut-feeling? I noticed that some of the swiped letter don’t have one.

    2. Is there a science behind the bold, underline and italicized words in copy. I am writing but I really don’t know when to do what or the reason. I…Read more

    • Hi Clinton.

      1. No strict rule on super-script. I’ve always used it as a “third headline”, usually highlighting one of the lesser benefits OR using something like “And now, it can be yours…”. The sub-head is the “second headline”, rounding out what you get across in a more pithy way in the main head.

      Consider how you’d approach the…Read more

  • Hi, I am a bit confused about the purpose of the subscript at the top and the bottom of the main headline. I am not sure when to use it or why?

    • Hi Clinton: The superscript is used to call out to your avatar. You need to address his main pain point(s) to let him know that you are speaking to him and that you understand his needs. The purpose of the superscript is to get your best prospects to continue on to the headline.

      The subscript is used to expand on the headline. To continue to…Read more

      • Thanks, this is great information. I will look for the hot seat tomorrow. I am trying not to make the mistake of just copying everything I see without knowing why I am doing it.

      • Good reply, Virginia. The step, really, of each step (and each detail) of copy is to get the reader (or listener) to the next word (or breath).

        Very good way to look at constructing copy.

  • Hi Everyone,
    My name is Nate. I wanted to introduce myself.

    I am a 20 year old college student (Penn State Harrisburg). I bought this system to the learn the sales and marketing skills they fail to teach me in school.

    Quit Frankly, I think this investment will be worth every dime!

    So here is the situation. I am a broke, I hate sitting in…Read more

    • Hi Nathan:
      You didn’t ask for advice, but I will offer some anyway…can’t resist.

      I would start by getting a sales position. You would get training and the chance to get into the trenches and learn while you are earning. Especially important since you have nothing saved up.

      In order to get business owners to listen to you, you would have to…Read more

      • Hi Virgina,

        Thank you for commenting I really apperciate you reaching out. (I introduced myself because the program mentioned it somewhere “Simple Writing System”)

        I do find it awesome that the advise you described is exactly what I have done.

        I started sales at 18. After working 2 years selling drugs … worked at a pharmacy 🙂

        I started…Read more

  • Greetings all. I need some very specific help. I just finished viewing Part 1 of The Kickass Copywriting Crash Course and at 11 minutes and 41 seconds into it, Mr. Carlton states “we all know that place that’s pumping them out like crazy.” He was referring to mediocre copywriters.
    I’m a super newbie to this gig and I do not want to waste…Read more

    • Hey Pete…
      I kinda get what you’re getting at however… How would I know IF the program is good or not. Since I don’t have a reference point. If you have a direct answer to my question, you can email it yo me at dak@gmail.com.
      And you are correct…
      I do not want to waste my time and energy.
      I just don’t want to be blind sided. -Cheers.

    • Hi Dan: I have watched that video several times over the past few years and don’t remember hearing him say that. Regardless, you are taking the SWS now, and I would suggest that you concentrate on that. It will give you all the info you need to jump start your career.
      To answer your question, I don’t know what course he is referring to. The sem…Read more

      • Hi Virginia…
        Thanks for your response. I’m just tired of being scammed. Ha ha ha… Welcome to the real world right… It’s just part of the process. Anyway… It’s onward and upward from here.

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