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Randal Owens posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago · updated 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I joined MRIC in order to reposition my business and services to attract ideal clients and also repel those who aren’t ie. price shoppers.
Pavel Gonzalez posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago · updated 7 years, 8 months ago
Hey Everyone! I am super excited to be here… At the moment I work as a sales trainer and manager at the Swedish office of Carnegie Investment Bank the leading bank in the Nordic countries and my most pressing issue is that I am trying to carve out my niche as a sales trainer to start my own business… I’ve done some market research but find it…Read more
Hi Pavel: The first thing, you have to do, before you start with a USP, is to carve out your niche, as you say you are doing. Your experience is with an investment bank. What type of sales people do you currently train? That is where you have to start. The people you are talking about don’t have that experience, and it will probably lead you…Read more
Pavel replied:
To answer your question… At the moment I train our telemarketing team…What do you mean… “The people you are talking about don’t have that experience and will probably lead you to going in a different direction than they are”?
Btw, would you advice me to market to my domestic market i Sweden writing my material in Swedish or…Read more
Hi Pavel:
What I meant was that Brian Tracy, et al probably don’t have experience training investment bank employees. Maybe they do, but I am trying to say that this may be one way your experience is unique.
I can’t advise you whether to limit yourself to Sweden, but it may be a good place to start. You can develop a business without having…Read more
Oh, I got you! I appreciate your input. 🙂
I want to continue to train sales people because what I teach is applicable to everyone in sales…not necessarily only telemarketers.
Putting the potential language barrier aside(which I don’t think is a problem), what other things would you suggest I’d consider when choosing whether I should go…Read more
I really can’t advise you on where to offer your services. Go through the SWS Express Course and when you are finished with that you can apply for a hot seat and John and Stan can discuss that with you.
Or maybe there is someone else in the MRIC who would want to comment on that.
Thanks a lot, Pete! I appreciate your input. So I’ve been working on my elevator pitch…
It goes something like:We help salespeople crush their quota faster than any other company even if their last prospect called the cops on them and chased them out of their office…with a gun
We help beginner and struggling salespeople crush their q…Read more-
Hi Pavel: These look good, but I have a suggestion. Decide on a specialty. What type of salespeople do you want to train? For example, if you say that you train financial planners you will be more attractive to financial planning firms than if you said that you train all types of sales people. You will be able to focus on a certain segment of…Read more
LuisG92 posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago · updated 7 years, 8 months ago
Hello Marketing Rebel Club!
I recently join with the purpose of starting a freelance career. I been putting practice into making a good sales letter and I am getting the hang of it.
As a freelance copywriter, what exactly are my services to my clients? And/or is my job to give them my words molded into persuasive close that can bring money to…Read more
Hi Luis
The term “copywriter” can mean different things to different people. What John teaches is known as direct-response copywriting.
The main job of a direct-response copywriter is to make the reader take some type of action…buy, call, sign up to an email list, download a PDF, watch a video, etc. Sometimes you are not trying to get them…Read more
Thanks for the reply Virginia.
As I begin my freelance career, I am seeing many people not demanding sales letter from me, but how to write a killer website.
Some of the feedback I have gotten from potential client are this:
What do I write in the first webpage my customer see?
How do I set up the words in my website so they convert?Many…Read more
Hi Luis: Start a new thread with this question, please. People won’t see it when it is buried in this thread.
Thank you.
Welcome, Luis.
One of the first decisions you need to make is what services you offer. Like any other business.
You can specialize in any of the areas you listed. Including blog posts and other media designed to get the reader to take an action (subscribe, go to other page for more details, pick up phone, etc.)
Or you can take on all clients…Read more
Hey Stan,
I heard the lesson. I got a lot out of it. Thanks!
Is there a software you recommend to develop a funnel?
Lee Chapman posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago · updated 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi all,
Nice to meet you all.
My name is Lee Chapman, I’m a new joiner to the Insider’s Club and incredibly happy to be part of such a great team!
I joined in the hope of gaining some valuable insights into the world of marketing. I know my industry like the back of my hand, so went head first and spent 18 months creating a product, only to…Read more
Hi Lee: I looked over your page and have some comments. It was easier to make a video (actually there are 2).
Please watch them in order:
#1 https://www.screencast.com/t/Ee0Laqaz97yS#2 https://www.screencast.com/t/zhHy0575fe
I would also suggest that you get John and Stan to look at the page by applying for a hot seat. You would have 2…Read more
Hi Lee: I would also test different price points. Someone I know offers a 30-day course (he calls it the breakthrough challenge). It is delivered through a daily email. Sometimes the info is all in the email and sometimes he has a video. He doesn’t give individual coaching calls, just a weekly group call. He charges $997. He is not a “big…Read more
Hi Virginia,
Thank you so much for those videos, I really, really appreciate it! I’ve got so many ideas now on how to move forward and really tighten up my sales pitch. Simple things like removing links and the links coming in from adwords being cold just didn’t occur to me!
I’ve got a couple of keywords that are a close fit to the page as it…Read more
Also… I thought about what you said about the exit popup and decided to do a bit of research. Turns out they won’t work on the landing page if directed by adwords. Another piece of golden info from yourself, I’d have been scratching my head on that one for ages otherwise 🙂
Michael Acord posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago · updated 7 years, 8 months ago
I sell money (home loans). most of my advertising is online so I need to learn how to write great attention grabbing headlines with limited space, create a sales letter that gets people to optin and engage them with content
Hi Michael: How long have you been in this business and what are you doing now in the way of marketing?
Are you a licensed broker or banker (or none of the above)?
Welcome to the Club!
I’ve been in Real Estate for over 25 years and I’ve been licensed as a mortgage originator for just over 2 years. I drive traffic (poorly) via facebook ads to different leadpages.net squeeze pages. There they can optin to get Free Reports, lists of properties and home evaluations. my cost per optin in pretty high – It’s over 10.00 just for…Read more
One thing I would suggest is that you apply for a hot seat. John and Stan can review your landing pages and help you improve them.
To learn copywriting for yourself your best bet is the Simple Writing System. We are starting a coaching session next week. I sent out an email today, but since you just joined you may not have received it. You…Read more
OK, one more thing. There is a podcast I would recommend by Ryan Fletcher. He has an authority model that is a long-term play but is very effective for developing your image in your local community. I am assuming you work out of an office. If not, it might not be for you. I think the name is Agent Marketing Syndicate, but if you search on…Read more
As far as content goes, the best way to start is to write down the 10 questions your customers ask the most and the 10 questions you wish they would ask and answer them.
You can divide it up into articles and create videos (one for each question with a link to your site) and upload them to Youtube.
We have a series of videos on how to create…Read more
I would also check out the Simple Writing System Express course. It is free and you can find it here: http://www.SimpleWritingSystem.com. It teaches the first steps you need to take to understand your prospects and your market and how to approach them in a way that they will listen to you.
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Power Reading — How to read any book efficiently and effectively
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Power Learning Section
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One of the first decisions that an entrepreneur must make is how to structure his business. This can have wide-ranging consequences. Because of this, it is important for anyone starting a business to understand the various business models that are available. It is...
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Hi Randal: It is a big leap forward to realize that not everyone is your client, and that you should concentrate on your ideal client and forget about everyone else.
If you haven’t done so yet, i suggest you go through the Simple Writing System Express course, where John shows how to position yourself to attract your perfect prospect and develop…Read more