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  • I got some advice in here the other day to consider, with my first product, sending prospects straight to my sales page instead of setting up a squeeze page/ auto responder series.

    Now this is probably a dumb question but is there anything stopping me from collecting emails and marketing to people who purchase my first product?

    I mean, they…Read more

    • Hi Russell: What marketers usually do is send people to an opt-in right after they purchase (on the thank you page) asking them to sign up for updates, or maybe offering to give them something extra for free.
      I don’t think them purchasing something from you, technically, is sufficient to allow you to start sending them emails.

    • I am not a lawyer. This is not legal advice. The following is my understanding of existing USA laws and how they are being enforced. The sum total of US laws and FTC statements and regulations on this topic are, IMO, bat shit crazy, contradicting and silly.

      You can send bulk marketing emails to customers. Providing an email during the order is…Read more

  • So I’m zeroing in on a process to produce my first information product (the Hotseats are a huge help), and I am open to any feedback:

    1) Choose market
    2) Create product
    3) Write sales letter
    4) Write initial series of autoresponders
    5) Get website(s)
    6) Drive traffic to landing page (ppc, YouTube, etc)

    Is that order fundamentally sound?

    Any…Read more

    • Maybe this is understood, but you have to choose a product before you create it. Very important to make sure the product is something people will buy before you create it.

      Also, some people suggest writing the sales letter before you create the product, so you know what to put in the product. You will have your big promise and can make sure the…Read more

      • Thanks Virginia, that’s a valuable idea. The sales letter can serve as a creative brainstorm/outline for the product.

    • If you’re going this general route, you want to follow Virgina’s advice and write the sales letter before you create the product.

      That will give you focus on what you need to deliver to help your avatar.

      It will also help you avoid continually adding more stuff to the product, which can make it unfocused to the prospect and take you way more tim…Read more

    • Hi Russell,

      What Stan & Virginia said + choose a niche of your market you will serve (niche down as far as you can).

  • I’m a real estate agent in Southern California doing a startup with a Flat Fee concept instead of high commissions. I see it as the future because the internet has made traditional marketing of properties obsolete. I’ve used direct response marketing in the past for other businesses (mortgage and medical products) and I’m looking to do it again…Read more

    • Hi John: Welcome to the Club!

    • Hi John: This is an interesting topic for me, and I have a couple of questions. Are you a broker? If not, do you have a broker that will go along with this? I assume that you can’t list and sell property as a salesperson, but am not familiar with the law in California.

      Are you a member of the MLS? Are you going to be able to get other agents…Read more

      • Sorry Virginia for the delay. I am not a broker but in California I don’t have be as long as I have a broker of record for my company. I ama member of the MLS and getting another agent or broker to show your property is not a problem, they get their normal commission. Thr flat fee applys to only the listing side. For instance if someone wants to…Read more

        • Hi John: Thanks for getting back to me. Can I assume, then, that your broker doesn’t take a split of your listing commission. Do you pay some type of monthly fee?

          Under this scenario the seller would pay $28,000 altogether…$20,000 for the selling side and $8,000 (rounded off) to you? What if you sold the house yourself? Would you get the $20…Read more

          • Yes Virginia I would discount that also. I might also not even charge them if they committed to buy another home through me. My new direct response mailer will paint the typical agent as being a “con artist” because of the BS they spout to support the high commissions.

          • I thought I replied Virginia but I don’t see it. To answer yes I would discount it probably by 50% or 1%, still working on that. My new mailers are going to paint the dishonest or con job traditional agents and brokers are using. They claim to do all of the work but actually do nothing, anyway I think you get the idea. I’m open for other thougts though.

  • Is mail order still a viable business model?

    I like the simplicity of mail order, it is the copy and the product.

    The technology of doing business online is a little difficult for me to grasp.

    I was thinking of direct mail marketing to a list while I’m getting my chops online.

    Any thoughts?

    • Hi Russell,

      You’ll need to be a little more specific.

      Mail Order defines, at least to me, the delivery mechanism. I’m in the mail order business, since we mail many of our products.

      How the order is placed – online, phone, mail in a order form with a check – is a different question.

      Some markets seems to do well mailing to cold lists. Real…Read more

      • Thanks Stan, I see your point, mistakes are cheaper online.

        I submitted a ticket to the Rebel Team looking to price out services. I’m sure I will learn more and more as I move forward but for now I will need to outsource the technology aspects of the business.

        The Hotseats are helping to clarify the bigger picture, before I joined the group it…Read more

  • Question about how to structure a deal: A bankruptcy attorney is looking for help to generate more leads. Willing to pay upfront to set something up. They are also interested in paying a percentage for each lead, long-term. What is a good way to structure this kind of deal? What are some things I should be thinking about and common pitfalls? He’s…Read more

    • Hi Jonathan: The first thing you have to find out is the lifetime value of a client. It would also be valuable if you could get some idea of their closing percentage for cold leads. This will give you some idea of how much a lead would be worth.

      I can’t tell you how much to charge for a setup fee, but you should be careful not to undercharge.…Read more

      • Thank you @virginia-drew ! He’s changed his tune about paying upfront but there may still be some opportunity in his list he never contacts.

        • I wouldn’t go into a hole on this. Meaning I would not front all the development and advertising costs on a handshake deal that leads will be purchased for a certain price.

          If the attorney has no skin in the game, it’s too easy for him to change his mind.

          You could try to get him to prepay for a certain number of leads over a certain period of…Read more

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