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  • Hi everyone!

    Anyone have some tips for figuring out my target market with Facebook ads? The niche is internet marketing/making money online with coaching and it’s a high ticket product I’m promoting as an affiliate.

    Not sure where to start when narrowing down a target audience, building a customer avatar. Maybe someone who’s in this niche can…Read more

    • Hi Vlad: To get info on your target market on Facebook, the best thing to use is Facebiook Audience Insights. If you are logged in to Facebook, go here: https://www.facebook.com/ads/audience-insights/

      We have a video that shows how to use it. The discussion of FB insights starts at about the 19 minute mark. The video is…Read more

    • Hey, Vlad. Here is my strategy for FB PPC. I target 1 specific niche for each campaign. The mistake most marketers do is target multiple interests at once. 1 interest per ad. Make sense?

  • Could I get some feedback on lesson 4. I came up w/ 5 features, as a Realtor targeting renters, asked the “so what?” question every time I wrote a benefit and here is the one feature and one benefit boiled down to an essence ( I hope).

    Feature: Help you purchase a home:
    Benefit: Helps bring financial security by growing an asset and…Read more

    • Hi hupomeno:

      It looks like you understand features and benefits. They could be refined somewhat. Here are a few suggestions. I pasted yours in and then gave you a suggestion of my own:

      Feature: Help you purchase a home:
      Benefit: Helps bring financial security by growing an asset and building wealth

      My suggestion:
      Feature: I am your…Read more

      • Thank you Virginia! I still feel these can be tweaked ore. And, I do need to go deeper on some of these and find the emotional hot button! As I save all my work, I will re-review but still move on. Thank you.

    • We’re running a Simple Writing System Coaching Program. You’ll get all the personal feedback you can handle over there. — http://simplewritingsystem.com/

    • Since you are a Home Study student, you should have received an email about a discount.

      • Thank you. Unfortunately, the hurricane got to me. I finally can get back to work and study.
        I am continuing the home study for now and then plan on the Freelance course if that will be the next step. Perhaps I can next time to razor sharpen some of the new skills after the course. Thank you for all y’all do!

  • How is this for a usp:
    We help radio talk show hosts make money from their
    shows, without any additional work, by offering their guests
    a way to have an unfair advantage in the marketplace by
    repurposing the mp3 recording o f the interview to get more publicity, attention,new clients and more sales, even if they were so nervous
    when the interview…Read more

    • That is very convoluted. Are you selling the program to radio talk show hosts? Why would a talk show host care if a guest can make money by repurposing his mp3? Go back to the original formula.

      • We help radio talk show hosts make money from their programs with a proven product suite, even if they have have attempted this and have never made a single dollar themsleves

  • Hello everyone, I’m new & wanted to introduce myself to the community so I wrote an Intro. I figure this will give you a good idea of my current writing skills(or lack thereof) & also force me outta my comfort zone.

    Selling mortgages was my first “official job” out of High School. I worked all summer on roofs to save the cash to take the test…Read more

    • Hi Mark: Welcome to the club. If you post links to the FAQ and About Us as well as tell us about your sales funnel, someone can probably give you some suggestions.

      Also, since you have a business going, I would suggest you apply for a hot seat (https://1023.marketingrebelclub.com/john-carltons-corner/marketing-hot-seats/hot-seat-apply-here/ or…Read more

      • Hi Virginia, thank you for the welcome!

        I watched your Google Keyword planner last night. Great Info!

        Should I apply for the hot seat even though I have very little of my own copy written? My funnels & landing pages have pre-written crappy copy on them.

        I’m working my way through the material this week and completed the first 2 steps.…Read more

        • Hi Mark: If you want them to review your system for getting leads then you could do it now, without the copy.

          Or you can wait until the copy is finished and submit that. I
          How are you getting leads now?

          One thing you have to remember is that you only get one chance for the hot seat so you are probably best off waiting until your copy is finished.

        • We have had several hot seats where John and Stan review a business model without looking at copy.

  • Hi. it’s Joel Helfer. Below is the link to my revised sales letter for my new membership site. Would appreciate feedback. Thanks in advance.

    Read more

    • Hi Joel: Just got in from my bike ride so I am full of suggestions! Most of them have to do with marketing rather than copy, but I will start with one piece of copy advice.

      First, I didn’t watch the videos. If something is said in the video, it should also be in the copy because a lot of people won’t watch the videos.

      I would put yourself…Read more

      • Hi Virgina Drew. Thanks very much for taking the time and energy to offer all these fine suggestions – re writing as we speak!

    • Hi Joel – I think you can :

      (1) Tighten this up

      You don’t have to name the sources of your numbers. You can put those in smaller print at the bottom of the screen. Were it me, I’d skip it. You’re the expert. There are that many radio shows because YOU say so. Yes, you should be able to back it up, but you don’t have to take up valuable ad…Read more

    • Hi Joel: As an SWS Grad you have access to the former SWS classrooms. One of the teachers, Robert Gibson, who was my SWS teacher, always posts his advice as to how to take the 17 steps and create your sales letter. If you go to the 2015 classroom “Sales Beasts” you will see it. It is called “ONE LAST GIFT -Putting your Sales Letter Together by…Read more

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