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Wendy Gardner posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago · updated 8 years, 9 months ago
Headlines for front page of glow-skincare.com please be brutal. I have my Teflon coating on…. these are the best of the 50 I wrote today:
Is makeup the only way you let other people see you? Are you scared what they’d think if they saw you with bare skin?
IS going without makeup impossible fantasy for you because you hate the way your skin…Read more
Wendy Gardner posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago · updated 8 years, 9 months ago
Progressing on homepage..New picture, heading and subheading…
Hi Wendy: Personally I am not a fan of a huge image at the top of a website. I would put an image in the header and go right to the opt in form. In order to get to your opt in form right now you have to scroll down, which is a bad thing. A lot of people won’t. Also, the image really doesn’t advance any sale or opt in.
You are trying to sell…Read more
Thank you Virginia for this and going through to pick up all the newbie flaws/blemishes I wasn’t aware of. It helps to know where to focus on. My whole office area is covered with paper and action points…
I better get a copy of my Mailchimp list then, as Plan B. Are affiliatelinks where you get paid/a fee? I link mostly my own…Read more -
I’m working through this list.. I think you’ve put the needle on teh trigger point… the page shoul only have one item/one reason and that is email collection. I’ve been crammin iot with too much. I’ve asked my designer for a quote to change the heading/font.. I can write up some ‘devasting mistakes ‘ and like your slow courtship approach, thank…Read more
Gary Schweitzer posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago · updated 8 years, 9 months ago
Where do I find the bonus training on writing ads for Facebook?
Ben posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago · updated 8 years, 9 months ago
Hey, could you help me out with this conversion problem I’m having?
This is the back story of what I’m doing:
I want to sell this sex advice product (Revolutionary Sex) as an affiliate. To do so I interviewed the author for 2 hours on Skype to ask him popular questions men have about sex. I recorded his answers and have 14 educational videos…Read more-
Thank you for your advice Pete. You’re right, it is a lame offer.
I went through Kickass Copywriting Secrets again and started brainstorming to get some more exciting and specific offers/headlines. I’m just getting warmed up but here are some headlines I’ll test (any suggestions are welcome)…
“Who Else Wants To Learn The Secret 3-Step Method…Read more
Karen Alison posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago · updated 8 years, 9 months ago
Since there are a lot of writers in this forum, I’m hoping to get some feedback on this question: I’ve been asked to do some paid writing work – articles, blog posts, etc for an event. What do I charge and what’s the best way to charge – by the hour? By the job?
Most of the writing I’ve done before is for my own websites and ebooks, so I need some…Read more-
Hi Karen. I hope others will chime in here.
My advice is to consider where this job is in your quest of becoming a pro writer. If you haven’t had many jobs yet, then every gig you grab helps you nail down your chops. And starts forming your network of clients, past clients, and referring clients. There is zero downside to taking lots of jobs…Read more
Thanks, John.
Great advice (as always.)-
Actually, after thinking it over, I realize that I probably would not work for free. I live in the country, not far from the biggest city in Canada, but far enough that people here would rather use local talent if possible. But it’s a small pond and people get known. I’ve already done a lot of free writing for the community on local issues – which…Read more
All dogs need a good job. Keeps them off the couch.
Yeah, the “work for free” thing trips up many rookies. I’m not advocating you just go out there with the intention of never getting paid. Rather, the experience is more important than the pay, in the very, very, very early stages of a career. Old-time apprenticeship programs sometimes worked…Read more
Will you say more about when you needed an agent and how that works or is it in one of your publications? Of course I don’t need an agent right now, but I’m curious. (Well, unless my dog could do it, but I suspect she’s far too lazy.)
I’m actually one of the few copywriters who’ve ever had an agent. John Finn represented me, and Gary Halbert, and a few other A Listers like David Deutsch.
But when he passed away, no one stepped into his shoes. He had a great relationship with large mailing houses and direct response businesses, and this positioned him to be the go-between for…Read more
Hi Karen – If you ask Mr. Google, you’ll find companies that claim to have accurate salary data put it in $30K – $60K / year.
That’s for a full-time job. Showing up 48-49 weeks a year, 40 hours a week, sitting at a desk, and spending most of the day researching & writing.
I’ll leave it for you to do that math on what that comes down to per…Read more
Thanks, Stan.
Good advice! -
I got more ‘personal stuff’ done in office time than I do in my self-employed life. Emails, booking appointments. More tea breaks, more lunch hours…plus water cooler chats. Makes me sound like I loafed. Everybody was doing Facebook/emails etc…just when the boss wasn’t hovering. (he had his own office to stay up to date on sports, news, emails etc)
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How’s what you have now (Discover My 60-Second Morning Routine…) doing?
Have you tested that squeeze copy to get opt-in?
Only thing that jumps out at me on this page you might want to tweak before sending a lot of qualified traffic is the testimonials. Can modify those (with permission) or put up others that don’t mention that it’s a product?…Read more
excellent suggestions..ill tweak today. Thank you.
actually I have good news.. 2 new subscrtibers.. and considering my list is around the 38 mark and I have not done any publicity stuff in the past weeks yes that is very good. I’m doing the Ben Settle dailies approach to filter out unsuitables. It’s so much easier to write those than (semi)permanent things like headlines, wow. Thank you for your input.
Tiny sample set, but with 5% conversion you should invest a manageable amount of $$ to drive some traffic. It could be $10-20 / day for just a few days. Don’t stress on the ad, yet. Focus on the number of clicks that convert.
I’d like to try Pinterest… I did try Facebook and wasn’t having any optins from that.
“Aromatherapist Discovers How To Have Naturally Beautiful Skin In 30 Days Or Less By Using Ancient Herbal Remedies That Smell Like Perfume — Works Even If You Have Sensitive Skin… Guaranteed”
Another idea…
That Smell Like Perfume – Without Chemicals ???? Personally, perfume makes me puke (sorry if that’s too blunt.) But for people with chemical sensitivities, the word “perfume” might be a big turn-off. And I’m assuming your stuff is all-natural.
Or how about something like – With a Delightful Fragrance (and No Chemical Scents) ? Or just leave out…Read more
good point.. perfume could be ‘duty free’ thank you
Works even if you have a sensitive skin…that sends an alarm clock to me and does the opposite, now I wonder why do you mention sensitive skin and I get this inner images of a thin skin full of blemishes from your product.
How about asking them if they really know what’s in their make up implying that there can be a lot of harmful things, which…Read more
that’s interesting.. glad you mentioned this..ok back to drawing board. yes, the ingredients are crazy confusing, on skincare and makeup…
I don’t remember taught me this but it goes like…don’t put a thought in the head of a prospect, that was not there from the beginning. Don’t say..”Don’t think of a pink elephant”.
ha ha.. now I’m thinking of pink ellies…