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Larry E. posted an update 9 years ago · updated 9 years ago
Copywriting Hotseat – Just Sell the Darn Thing
was very good!
When John starts out talking about MLM ( the second one we’ve seen here in about a month) don’t let that scare you off as he quickly instructs the group we are talking strictly about the copy and not about the product!
I know that’s what stopped me from rapidly changing the c…Read more -
Ben posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago · updated 9 years ago
Hi everyone!
I’m Ben from Belgium. I’m 27 years old and trying to get off the ground as an entrepreneur. I just lost my job so I’ll really have to get going now!
So my most pressing problem is getting started. I decided to join the MRIC for access to the content and to be able to ask for feedback…
Welcome, Ben! If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here.
Pretending like it’s a game and/or “gun to the head copywriting” idea works too. Extremes work well for me either way. OR… Give yourself stupid simple instructions. Move foot over edge of bed. Roll to the right. Put feet on ground. Do 1 jumping jack. (:
Hello Ben and welcome to the MRIC!,
There is A LOT of great content here. We also have a live, interactive Session of John Carlton’s Simple Writing System roll out every couple of months. I am the Senior SWS Instructor since 2008. I also do Advanced Grad Coaching for “next level” instruction in VSL creation, autoresponders, and complete web-site…Read more
Steven Gibson posted an update 9 years ago · updated 9 years ago
Hi guys,
I want to get really good at writing bullets… and I mean “Boardroom good”.
The materials I’ve been using have been John’s copywriting course, Halbert’s “Let’s do the twist” newsletter, something Clayton Makepeace wrote about bullets, and building a bullet swipefile.
I can see I’m improving. Does anyone have any other sources for…Read more
Hi Steven – Do you have our Simple Writing System DVDs? (SimpleWritingSystem.com). The reason I ask is there is an entire section dedicated to bullets.
It builds on the other aspect of copywriting and shows you exactly how to construct powerful 1-2 Punch Bullets.
Hi stan,
I’ve got the Kick-ass copywriting course, which has a section on bullets.
The Marketing Rebel Team wrote a new post 9 years ago
How to remove a background and combine images with PowerPoint
This is for “the rest of us” who don’t use Photoshop and are too busy with other stuff to learn it. A lot of marketers use Powerpoint for […]
Larry E. posted an update 9 years ago · updated 9 years ago
Hi Virginia!
Any idea when 2nd post on podcasts will be?
Larry E
Recent Member Lessons
DaFont: Free Handwriting Fonts
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How to Create Graphics with Free/Low Cost Software
There are times when everyone wishes that they could create some simple graphics. Maybe you just didn't have the time to learn, or maybe you have been told that you have to spend hundreds of dollars on Photo Shop in order to do a good job. That is just not true....
Intro to Short Keys (typing shortcut)
ShortKeys is a utility that lets you set up short keys and link them to often-typed phrases (name, address, FAQ response, etc). Then you can just type in the short key and it will automatically type the longer phrase. I have created a short demo video. Click on the...
Introduction to Cool Timer
This is a free utility that puts a timer on your desktop. It is useful to keep you focused on the current project for a specified period of time. It also includes an alarm clock and a stopwatch. I have created a short demo video. 2024 update: The download link uses...
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Just got back from vacation and can’t wait to watch it.