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Larry E. posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago · updated 9 years, 2 months ago
Greetings All!
“Copywriter Looking to Move to the Next Level”
with Jason from UK , and is was very insightful behind the scenes stuff!Just several questions and perhaps Virginia or Stan you can get back to me please;
1. What is Harland and Jim (cameraman/copywriter)last name I’m trying to find stuff they’ve…Read more -
DrexelScott posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago · updated 9 years, 2 months ago
Hey everyone! I don’t know if I’m mistaken, but I believe that somewhere on this site is an option for us to post our own copy and get the chance to have it ripped apart–in the most pleasant and useful way possible–by John and/or his team. My questions are:
A. Is that correct, and
B. If so, what part of the website can I access that option…Read more -
John Orban posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago · updated 9 years, 2 months ago
Had a thought walking the dog today and listening to the SWS video on Simple Basics (Lesson 12). It’s when John talks about Doc O’Leary. I began to wonder…what was it that took golf out of the hands of the “country club elite” and put it into the hands of the “public links everyman”? And I’m wondering if there isn’t a lesson for entrepreneurs in…Read more
Daniel Cugliari posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago · updated 9 years, 2 months ago
Stumbled on this while trying to find out if Frank Kern was a decent guitarist.
Bit of props to John Carlton in there 😉
He’s damn good. I played with him just one time, at Ed Dale’s house in Melbourne. Fun.
Eben Pagan is highly skilled as a guitarist, too. As is Richard Miller (who has filmed most of the top marketers’ events, including the Action Seminar), and about half the copywriters I know.
Not sure what the connection is, but I suspect it’s the challenge…Read more
Hah – I dig the grungy hammond interludes in SWS (hammond was my main gig for 4 or 5 years – you a Joey Defrancesco fan? https://youtu.be/YaZbejCykig).
One interesting thing I’ve noticed from coming from the jazz/improv world is that the structure of the way jazz is taught is eerily similar to the way copywriting is taught.
Chewing my way…Read more
I went through a huge B-3 phase, following Joey and Jimmy Smith (along with appreciating Steve Winwood better)… and spent several years doodling around on the digital Hammond you see in the videos.
I got good enough to sit in with bar bands, and loved it. But as my hands gnarl up with age, I can’t play much anymore. Fortunately, I can still…Read more
Oh damn man, that must be rough. The times I’ve tried to play with jammed up wrists were torture. Can’t imagine not being able to play keys though… (maybe you just haven’t found the right bottle of 3-easy-payments)
That’s a cool mix you had – organ and guitar. I find a lot of guitarists don’t make the transition easily.
(Those Yamahas ain’t…Read more
Jose Ayala posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago · updated 9 years, 2 months ago
In the SWS john, Garf mentioned how you should always make your copy super simple.
Dumb it down for the reader.
Would you say we should pretend we are writing to a 8 year old?
Like the way we would hype a kid up…-
Only if your research tells you your audience responds best to an 8 year old level.
Back when I was writing for the financial newsletter market (one of the most profitable in the biz), we used college-level language along with everyday slang, and it worked.
“Simple” doesn’t necessarily mean “dumbed-down”. It just means stripped to its core…Read more
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Hi Larry
I can answer the first question:
Harlan is Harlan Kilstein and Jim is Jim Curley. Harlan has a ton of videos on youtube. He does a lot with NLP and hypnosis and copywriting. He also has some good videos on how to swipe copy. Right now he does a lot with Facebook Marketing and what he calls supersites (websites that are in popular…Read more
Thanks so very much that was kind of you to get back to me so fast during the busy hectic holiday madness!
Wishing you, your family and everyone at MRIC
( John, Stan,Anne and all) the Happiest of Holidays and the Merriest of Christmases!
Larry E