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  • John Carlton's Best Ads: The Blind GolferI believe this is the piece where I introduced the “four ball guarantee”.  It’s very simple: Watch the instructional video, go out to the driving […]

  • Hey there! I’m Andrey from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I help children and adults to improve their level of English. I’ve been doing that for 10 years including work in school, private lessons and groups. But I’ve noticed that some less educated and less creative tutors (often with a horrible pronunciation) are doing so well selling their online…Read more

    • Welcome, Audrey: You’re right. There are people in all niches that care more about making some cash than about helping their prospects. I see you purchased the Kickass Copywriting Secrets course. That is a great way to get started.

      I also suggest you go through the (free) Pint of Beer Ad Challenge. Just click on the Simple Writing System…Read more

  • Hi, I’m a UX writer and content strategist splitting my time between Austin and Las Vegas. I work full-time in big tech but I’d like to transition over to freelancing full-time. I’ve been writing blog posts as a ghostwriter at $250/post but the work has been sporadic (maybe 1-2 posts a month). I’m new to direct response copywriting so looking…Read more

    • Hi Joni: Welcome to the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club! I would suggest that you go through the (free) Pint of Beer Ad Challenge. Just click on the link in the Simple Writing System banner in the right column.

      I see you also joined David Deutsch’s Inner Circle. That is a great way to get feedback on your copy and to get your questions answered.

  • What’s working you lovely lot? I am new here and a rookie Copywriter at the beginning of her journey. My back ground is in property although i specialised in Media in college ( was nominated for an award for my practical exams which included print). Wondering what is the best way for a rookie to either gain clients freelancing or how to get around…Read more

    • Hi Carla: The best way to get started is to find a friend or someone who knows you and volunteer to do their marketing/copywriting. I see you purchased the Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets course. I would also recommend you go through the (free) Pint of Beer Ad Challenge. Just click on the banner for Simple Writing System and opt in there.

      John…Read more

  • John Carlton's Best Ads: Hey Guys, Watch This!This letter was purposely written to cover a glaring oversight I’d missed in all my other golf ads. Namely… identifying where the reader is now […]

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